Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Except for Squall, whose voice came out so clear, I though Sephiroth was given the wrong voice data for a sec.

Elisa Maza

All of these come from The Japanese Duodecim Wiki if people want to double-check me. I'm a little loose with my translations, so please feel free to offer feedback.

Also, Tifa's list was incomplete so I have omitted her for the time being.


Vs WOL - As expected, your determination is unwavering.
Vs Firion - You look quite prepared for battle.
Vs Onion Knight - I accept your challenge. Say nothing more.
Vs Cecil - I will not lose to you, Cecil.
Vs Kain - I will overcome even myself...
Vs Bartz - I'm surprised you're afraid of heights.
Vs Terra - You need only atone for your failings.
Vs Cloud - You are burdened by shadow, and you are not alone.
Vs Tifa - I will not be easy to beat down.
Vs Squall - Give up your isolation.
Vs Laguna - Are you serious? I can't understand...
Vs Zidane - I have nothing worth stealing.
Vs Tidus - One born of the son, let's test your luck.
Vs Yuna - Let heaven hear your prayers now.
Vs Vaan - Do you know how ruthless the sky can be?
Vs Lightning - Show me your strength and I shall show you mine.
Vs Garland - If it is necessary, then we shall fight.
Vs Emperor - I shall select my own lord to serve.
Vs CoD - This spear shall cut through the depths of darkness!
Vs Golbez - I will not hesitate...
Vs Exdeath - Even sin cannot return to the Void...
Vs Kefka - A buffoon... and an eyesore at that.
Vs Sephiroth - A fallen hero... wrought by poison.
Vs Ultimecia - The present can never erase the past.
Vs Kuja - I shall never give up my fright.
Vs Jecht - How confident are you to fight in the sky?
Vs Shantotto - ...this is a mage?
Vs Prishe - You do not care if there is no escape?
Vs Gabranth - Come, judge my sins.
Vs Gilgamesh - Oh, you think I'll hand over this spear?


Vs WoL - You really want to fight with a sword?
Vs Firion - Don't think too hard about things!
Vs Onion Knight - Alright, Uncle Laguna will play with you.
Vs Cecil - Come at me in whatever form you like.
Vs Kain - Jump too high and you'll hit your head.
Vs Bartz - What's the source of this miming stuff?
Vs Terra - Hey, don't brood like that.
Vs Cloud - I've decided to play it cool too!
Vs Tifa - You're brave to fight with your fists!
Vs Squall - Come on, take me on!
Vs Laguna - You came here in that outfit?
Vs Zidane - I'll make that tail of yours twirl!
Vs Tidus - Show me that passionate heart.
Vs Yuna - I understand wanting to protect someone.
Vs Vaan - Will you stop moving?
Vs Lightning - Don't you ever relax?
Vs Garland - I'm only fighting you so I can write about it.
Vs Emperor - You've fallen right into my trap, Your Majesty.
Vs CoD - Dammit, dammit... focus, focus!
Vs Golbez - Brother, it's not good to keep secrets!
Vs Exdeath - My emotions would never fall to the Void.
Vs Kefka - Ah, looks like I have a serious opponent.
Vs Sephiroth - There are lots of guys who want to be heroes.
Vs Ultimecia - I've outsmarted Sorceresses before.
Vs Kuja - You'll be listening to my song.
Vs Jecht - How do I become an awesome guy like you? (Jecht's Response in his Encounter line for Laguna - "It takes personality to be a big shot.")
Vs Shantotto - Hey, hey, I've never done well on tests!
Vs Prishe - You won't win against an adult!
Vs Gabranth - That armor looks so heavy...
Vs Gilgamesh - I would prefer it if you toned it down a bit


Vs WoL - I will not back down.
Vs Firion - My dream is not over yet...!
Vs Onion Knight - Have you also studied to be a summoner?
Vs Cecil - Please, show me the person who overcame such odds.
Vs Kain - Do not fight only out of sorrow.
Vs Bartz - I feel so energentic around you.
Vs Terra - You need only believe in yourself.
Vs Cloud - I'm fighting to help you.
Vs Tifa - I also made someone a promise...
Vs Squall - Why don't you fight with the rest of us?
Vs Laguna - Please, see how resolute I am.
Vs Zidane - I will show you the victor of this drama.
Vs Tidus - Why must I to fight you...
Vs Yuna - Me? Are you a fake?
Vs Vaan - I also wish for freedom.
Vs Lightning - Do you also carry a heavy burden?
Vs Garland - Your fight shall end soon.
Vs Emperor - The world does not belong to you!
Vs CoD - Return to where you came from!
Vs Golbez - I have decided not to run.
Vs Exdeath - The Void is but a corpse made people's suffering.
Vs Kefka - I will stop your meaningless destruction!
Vs Sephiroth - I will not be defeated by the power of destruction.
Vs Ultimecia - I will fight with all my strength.
Vs Kuja - You will not lead me astray...
Vs Jecht - Let's go, Sir Jecht!
Vs Shantotto - I will show you the results of my studies.
Vs Prishe - I will follow your energentic example.
Vs Gabranth - Those who hate cannot truly live.
Vs Gilgamesh - Perhaps you are really a sweet person?


Vs WoL - Aren't you tired after exerting yourself like that?
Vs Firion - Let's bet our dreams on this match!
Vs Onion Knight - Bluff all you want, you're on my turf now!
Vs Cecil - When you hesitate, you can't soar.
Vs Kain - How can you jump that high?
Vs Bartz - Freedom is the sky above!
Vs Terra - I'll be your opponent if that will cheer you up!
Vs Cloud - Don't think, just fight!
Vs Tifa - Show me what's really importnat!
Vs Squall - This will be an absolutely good fight!
Vs Laguna - Have you lost your way?
Vs Zidane - A thief can't win against me!
Vs Tidus - A fight for freedom between sky and sea!
Vs Yuna - We're friends here, so why don't you loosen up?
Vs Vaan - I'm the leading man here!
Vs Lightning - You're not mad at me are you?
Vs Garland - I'll be your opponent, old man!
Vs Emperor - Just who are you?
Vs CoD - Shouldn't someone lend you some clothes?
Vs Golbez - I just need to believe in myself!
Vs Exdeath - Doesn't the Void just bring sadness?
Vs Kefka - Oh! Looks like the circus is starting!?
Vs Sephiroth - Hey, what do you dream of?
Vs Ultimecia - By the way... just how old are you?
Vs Kuja - Don't let your pride get in the way!
Vs Jecht - I'll take you down swinging!
Vs Shantotto - ...just how old are you?
Vs Prishe - Hey Prishe... just how old are you?
Vs Gabranth - I will defeat you without fail!

Prishe (I know she's supposed to be foul-mouthed, so I peppered her lines with some swearing where appropiate)

Vs WoL - Hehe, don't give up, just fight!
Vs Firion - This looks like it's gonna be fun!
Vs Onion Knight - Don't judge a book by its cover!
Vs Cecil - Don't go easy on me!
Vs Kain - You look like a serious opponent!
Vs Bartz - You're just a small fry!
Vs Terra - You're not gonna go on a rampage, will you?
Vs Cloud - I'll beat some sense into you!
Vs Tifa - Think I'll lose to your kicks?
Vs Squall - Come on, raise your voice!
Vs Laguna - Here comes a real moron!
Vs Zidane - Are you just gonna run?
Vs Tidus - I'm quite the ace myself!
Vs Yuna - Show me your summons!
Vs Vaan - Aren't you a tenacious bastard?
Vs Lightning - What a brazen bitch!
Vs Garland - Aren't you a perfectly unhappy bastard.
Vs Emperor - I'll send you right back to hell!
Vs CoD - How the hell do you hit a cloud?
Vs Golbez - I hate pompous bastards like you!
Vs Exdeath - Is this "Void" something interesting?
Vs Kefka - I can't stomach bastards like you.
Vs Sephiroth - Showing off your chest is my bit! (um... is she refering to her jewel?)
Vs Ultimecia - I suggest you just ignore time.
Vs Kuja - You're just an insecure ass!
Vs Jecht - I'll beat you down, old man!
Vs Shantotto - Aren't you overdoing it, Granny?
Vs Gabranth - Are you just gonna start bitching?
Vs Gilgamesh - Don't hesitate to use your sword.


Vs WoL - So, my opponent is a fairy-tale character.
Vs Firion - With will and determination, you can see it through.
Vs Onion Knight - Do you want me to train you?
Vs Cecil - I'll win this match in a flash.
Vs Kain - How skilled are you with that spear?
Vs Bartz - Your smile is far too relaxed.
Vs Terra - I won't forgive you if you hesitate.
Vs Cloud - Another one leashed by an organization.
Vs Tifa - Hesitation is just like indifference.
Vs Squall - I'll teach this student about real combat.
Vs Laguna - Let's have a serious fight.
Vs Zidane - I won't go easy on you.
Vs Tidus - Amatuers should stay on the sidelines.
Vs Yuna - Don't let your burden hold you back.
Vs Vaan - You're the type who leaps before he looks.
Vs Lightning - Anyone who hinders me is my enemy.
Vs Garland - All your fighting will only lead to death.
Vs Emperor - Only the naive think they're ready to rule.
Vs CoD - I don't approve of wanton destruction.
Vs Golbez - You can't stop me.
Vs Exdeath - You can't use the Void to erase whatever you want.
Vs Kefka - The only joke here is your face.
Vs Sephiroth - You don't look like a hero to me.
Vs Ultimecia - I decide my own future.
Vs Kuja - Save your drama for someone else.
Vs Jecht - Seems like all that bulk is useless.
Vs Shantotto - Irresponsibility is just irratable.
Vs Prishe - A mere brat who thinks she's a warrior.
Vs Gabranth - Looks like you also belong on the battlefield.
(Sorry Vs Gilgamesh is missing)

Lightning to Kefka: "The only joke here is your face".


Credits to animekittysama on LJ.
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Double Growth
Laguna vs CoD said:
Dammit, dammit, focus, focus!

I like of a lot of Lightning's too.

What's with Vaan asking girls how old they are? EDIT - I know he asks Fran, but still that's a lot of intros to reference that one scene.
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Elisa Maza

He learns from Fran that he shouldn't judge someone's age from the looks only. Fran is over fifty, for example. From what I can gather, he used to ask that a lot. Why, no idea...

Elisa Maza

^ Can we say "about damn time!"? Because when I saw Zidane's quotes for vs Tifa, I didn't get any lecherous, skirt-chasing phrase. I honestly expected more. Meh, Dissidia writers. -_-

The other of Tifa's quotes:

Vs WoL - When you're serious, nothing is impossible.
Vs Terra - No need to rush your answer. (I assume this is a reference to in-game events)
Vs Vaan - I think you're a bit too naive...
Vs Ultimecia - Pardon me, old lady

VS Ulti: LOL!

Celes Chere

Vs Ultimecia - Pardon me, old lady



Double Growth
It'd be cool if they translate that as "old wench," in reference to what she calls Scarlet before the slapping match. But the localization team hasn't seemed to figure out this whole 'reference' thing Dissidia is going for.


Pro Adventurer
Notes from Dengeki PS
First thing, Gilgamesh's new seiyuu will be Kazuya Nakai. Anime fans will know him as Zoro from One Piece and Mugen from Samurai Champloo, and he previously played Wakka in FFX and Raijin in Kingdom Hearts II.

Secondly, Nomura said that there no plans to release an update like Universal Tuning for Duodecim. He also said that if there is a new Dissidia game, it will be something different and new compared the first two. (He compares it to how the Kingdom Hearts games that came out after KHII were different.) There were mentions of the NGP, but mainly saying that they are still getting ideas and do not have any titles planned just yet.


About Gilgamesh - he's voiced by Nakai Kazuya, as was mentioned already, his alt form is, apparently, based on his FFVIII look with a turban covering his face except for eyes and clothes revealing his bare chest. His third form gives him a full-plate armour (based on his sprite, it says).
His weapons change randomly for each strike. Excalipoor always does 1 damage. He also has a long-range attack "Rocket Punch" (in EX Mode when he gets 8 arms, he can do 8 punches at a time).

Prishe's third form is a blue sleeveless revealing top, baring her midriff. The bottoms remain the same - a skirt and spats.
Yuna's, Bartz's and Exdeath's third forms are also shown (wedding dress, freelancer and Neo-Exdeath).

In the interview Takahashi says that Gilgamesh is indeed the Gilgamesh from FFV, his alt is his FFVIII look, third form is based on his FFV sprite. He's a rather comical character, Takahashi says, and a bit af a gamble, as you never know what weapon he uses next.
Gilgamesh and Prishe are unlocked as playable after beating Duodecim's scenario, it seems.
The game takes up 800 Mb to install.
New categories of items were added, such as guns.
Takahashi's favourite third form is WoL's. Nomura prefers Laguna's presidential look. Takahashi also mentions that Laguna remains 27 in this form.
Yuna's victory pose includes a random Aeon appearing behind her.
8 new summons were added, including Syldra from FFV.
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Elisa Maza

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AI Researcher
A friend translated Gilgamesh's quotes
Where are people getting the quotes from? Was this stuff in Prologus or something?

I ended up doing Chaos' before reading the rest of the thread, but I kind of disagree with some of them so I'll put it here anyway.

- You've no need to atone. Simply perish. (vs WOL)
- This world is an endless nightmare. (Frioniel)
- Your tiny heart is trembling (Onion Knight)
- The light will be extinguished, and the darkness vanish. (Cecil)
- A blade of betrayal will destroy one's self. (Kain)
- As you seek it, so will hope be lost. (Bartz)
- Power is meaningless. I am power. (Tina)
- Your will cannot surpass chaos (Cloud)
- See what end your promise holds. (Tifa)
- Isolation is but despair. (Squall)
- Your heart will not spare you from annihilation. (Laguna)
- At the final curtain, there is no need for an audience. (Zidane)
- The dream will disappear into nothingness. (Tidus)
- Celebrate the destruction with the dance of the dead. (Yuna)
- The final freedom lies beyond death. (Vaan)
- I shall put the glimmer of despair in those eyes. (Lightning)

- You would turn against me? (Garland)
- A king is of no use in a world of nothingness (Emperor)
- Sink into a chaos deeper than the darkness (CoD)
- Your longing for the light is futile now. (Golbeza)
- The ultimate Void is right before you. (Exdeath)
- As you desire, I shall destroy all. (Kefka)
- If you want solace, then kneel before me. (Sephiroth)
- Do you know eternal solitude? (Ultimecia)
- Dance on at the banquet of the end. (Kuja)
- Every possibility has been sealed away. (Jecht) ['Possibilities' is a reference to FFX that I don't think made it into the English version]

- I shall destroy my world myself (Shantotto)
- Do not wish for life. Hope for death. (Prishe)
- Perish along with the fate you fight against (Gabranth)
- Be gone to the Dimensional Rift! (Gilgamesh)
- All will but fall into chaos-- (Chaos)

Will returning characters get any new combat/victory/defeat lines you think? Apart from Vs. new characters?
The returning characters in Prologus had new lines. (The only one I remember now is Kefka's "lick the sand off my boots".)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Several of Yuna's lines amuse me.


Vs Onion Knight - Have you also studied to be a summoner? - FF3 was the first game with a summoner class, natch.

Vs Cecil - Please, show me the person who overcame such odds.- This one intrigues me, since I'm guessing she's analogizing Cecil and Baron to herself and Yevon.

Vs Cloud - I'm fighting to help you.- Interesting from a plot perspective
Vs Tifa - I also made someone a promise...- This strikes me as utterly hilarious because of the long history of attempting to Analogize T/Y to C/A to give the latter legitimacy. It gets funnier the longer I think about it.

Oh, and Gilgy's line about not becoming a summon... which he's been four times now, including in this game's sequel. Hah!

Prishe is basically sneering at everyone else's skills, except Cecil and Gilgamesh, who she asks not to hold back, and Yuna, demanding to see her summons. Odd.


Fiat Lux
^ Can we say "about damn time!"? Because when I saw Zidane's quotes for vs Tifa, I didn't get any lecherous, skirt-chasing phrase. I honestly expected more. Meh, Dissidia writers. -_-

Probably 'cos he hasn't reached puberty yet.

Good to see the script is as sharp as ever... :awesome:


Now I don't mean to pry, I maybe wrong but I'm pretty damn sure Cloud was the one that made the promise to Tifa, not the other way around.

Though on the subject, I'm pleasently surprised at Chaos' quote on Cloud. His will hasn't been getting a very good rep, since. ever. Most of the guys in Dissdia make some reference to his worrying or fearing or some other negative trait that Cloud got slapped onto him.

Elisa Maza

Probably 'cos he hasn't reached puberty yet.

HE'S SIXTEEN. How is that NOT puberty?:rage:

Now I don't mean to pry, I maybe wrong but I'm pretty damn sure Cloud was the one that made the promise to Tifa, not the other way around.

1. Tifa remembers someone promising something to her, ergo Yuna's line.

2. Refers to the in-Dissidia story. Maybe Tifa promises Cloud something? Or anyone else from the characters?

BTW, it's been a while since I played FFX, but did really Yuna promise anything to Tidus in-game? Otherwise, she refers to the in-Dissidia scene we saw in the final trailer, where she promises to keep Tidus safe until he remembers who he is.

Speculations, speculations... :loopy:

@Otacon: I find these quotes in the LJ community for Dissidia. They were from Dengeki. I think...


Most other websites are getting them from the jap ff wiki. And Yuna promises Tidus they'll visit the moonflow once more in the future doesn't she.
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