Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Elisa Maza

Pretty. Lighting.

No. No amount of pink hair can make her "pretty".

At least, not with the same way Aerith and Terra are. She's beautiful in her own way, but not pretty. She has a hard face and a manly standing of the body.

I bet she'd look awesome in a suit. 8)

But not pretty.
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Fire and Blood
Lightning is handsome. Cloud should be in pretty women :awesome: Tifa should also be there, she's not just pretty for boobs :hm


Double Growth
For all we hear about women characters being pigeonholed into the same archetypes, its amazing to me Lightning deviates into a different archetype and is suddenly a man. The woman's wearing a short skirt, has boobs, and pink hair. If Lightning looks like a man, Cloud is NOT effeminate. You can't have both.

Even Dacon, who I know does not like Lightning's design, has never accused her of being manly to my knowledge. Her too-thin legs are what bugs him. (I don't mean to misrepresent you, so I hope I didn't, but I think that's right)
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Fire and Blood
She's pretty. That's not it. It's the air, the vibe that surround her. She's "handsome", but not pretty. Pretty would be "cute", so I think her sis whose name escapes me cause I hate her would fit that more.

She has that tough vibe around her. I don't think it's bad per se, it's just a different kind of prettiness. Beautiful, handsome. Something more mature and darker than just "pretty".


Fire and Blood
Yeah she's "moe" *thinks moe girls from anime/manga/games should all DIAF* :monster:

I don't know. Pretty doesn't just cut it for me. It's not that kind of beauty that Lightning displays to me. And I *like* her.

TBH, pretty also doesn't fit Tifa, since she's pretty much described as the one of the most beautiful girls in FFVII. Pretty seems just generic and weak.

(I see that in French, pretty can also be translated as "cute", so yeah, pretty is just... weak, generally speaking).


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Lightning is pretty though. I wouldn't say she's as pretty as say Tifa or Terra, but she's definitely pretty. She's certainly not cute, because cute to me would also include a sweet, adorable personality. Lightning's tough and strong, but that doesn't make her any less feminine. She's not gorgeous, or cute; I think "pretty" is accurate enough for Lightning.


unsavory tart
, its amazing to me Lightning deviates into a different archetype and is suddenly a man.
If someone made Cloud into a man, he would be Lightning. /unhelpfulness

Pretty much every girl in Dissidia is just the same with different hair styles, and maybe different heights and boob sizes. We can usually try to shoe horn them by the way they are presented. Lightning is good looking in the way that all FF girls are good looking, but she's definitely presented as rough around the edges. That's why in general, people don't think of her as pretty, people would think of her as handsome. Which is still a popular way of describing a woman.


Pro Adventurer

(Sephiroth model, overlayed by Kefka's, creates a model that uses the bones/animations)


Pro Adventurer
Removed the background.... more lulz-usage this way?


And super-large... (reduced from the original 926x1002 to 726x786)



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
The bigger it gets...the funnier it gets.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
New tier list has been completed.


Tifa doesn't show any Cleavage in her base outfit or her AC outfit, and barely any in her CC outfit.

Zidane should be in the Midget tier as well.

Oh, and Kefka is very upset he's not in the pretty tier.

And Lightning doesn't look like a man. The problem people have with her is that she acts like a Soldier, and is as a result, not particularly 'feminine.'

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
So, all those people who claimed Kefka is better than Sephiroth based on Sephiroth's effeminate looks, take it back.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
I still think Sephy's pretty (and Cloud) but... holy hell.. Kefka's rather pretty too O.O

Just.. wow...

~ Raz

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Sorry I haven't gotten the frontpage updated yet, guys. I've had a lot to take care of in Responsibility Land.

I'm working on it now. =) Should be up in the next couple of hours, I hope.
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