Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


The Wanderer of Time

The Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy official site was given a new section today. As it does for many of its releases, Square Enix is having the development staff deliver messages about the game, and up first is "Creative Producer & Concept Designer" Tetsuya Nomura.

Wrote Nomura, "I often hear that that people are still continuing to play the original. I have tremendous thanks for this steadfast support. Because of this, we were able to produce a sequel."

Development appears to be nearing completion. "Presently, we're entering the final stages in approach of completion," said Nomura. "The staff is working day and night to exceed the expectations of everyone."

Nomura suggested that players be on the lookout not just for all the new character announcements, but also for the changes being implemented for all the past characters. He also said to expect announcements for new gameplay systems and other elements.

Joining Nomura's message, the Final Fantasy Historical Compendium site was also updated today with a look back at Final Fantasy III. Check the site for the usual look at memorable scenes, gameplay systems, and characters, all set to some nostalgic music.


The Wanderer of Time
I'm holding out for Celes above all else. If they put Celes in I really don't care who else is or isn't.

My wishlist (which is my personal desires and not who I think it likely to get in) is:


Give me any of the top three and I'll be happy.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I implore Nomura not to bring Yuna to the game. I don't care. Find an excuse or an asspull, sir! it's what you do best other than belts or zippers :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
XII and XIII are the only games with just a character representing them, so maybe the next ones would be from those titles.

Balthier would be cool, and from XIII I want Raines.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I want Locke. I want him in it so bad. And I would like Yuna. Certainly over any other character from that game. Except perhaps Rikku. Rikku would have some bad ass moves.

And Drake, I do think Gilgamesh and Seifer will make it in. The other choice for 8 would be Rinoa? Meh. I know a lot of people don't like Rinoa (I kinda like her), but Seifer would be more entertaining I think. And provide a better storyline than Rinoa could.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
How would Seifer play differently from Squall?

How will Lightning play differently than Squall? I don't know. They'll figure that out. I'm sure they can make Seifer unique enough to make his battle style different. But I didn't mean battle-wise, I meant he would add more to the story aspect than Rinoa would, imo.


unsavory tart
Isn't Vaan pretty much all but confirmed? If that's the case, I don't see them pulling Vayne since Gabranth makes more sense (he was the one that killed his brother). Not that Vaan makes much sense. I'm personally hoped it was Balthier (because they really.really need a Balthier character there). I would have settled for Ashe too, never liked her much but her story makes sense, and it's a good one.
I'm holding out for Celes above all else. If they put Celes in I really don't care who else is or isn't.
tbh, I always thought they sort of had to put Celes in. But then again... Vaan.
The other choice for 8 would be Rinoa
A choice for Rinoa is a like a choice for a punch in the face. Why would you do this to us? Hrrrn Seifer is a better choice. Even if he's a little bitch sometimes, he's an empathetic little bitch that I like.

They could also put in Laguna, but if they are going to put in a gunner, they might as just as well put Balthier in (doitfaggot).


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I feel Seifer will be a mere palette swap. Rinoa or nothing.

Hrm. Rinoa would be more intriguing battle-wise. It'd be neat to see how her Blaster Edge could be used. Or to see Angel Wing as her ex-mode. But Seifer is more tempting...

hitoshura said:
Lightning wouldn't say it with words like that.

She'd say it with a fist to the face.

And a cat o nine tails! In my world, Lightning also has a cat o nine tails.


The artist formerly know as Sigbru
Seifer does use his gunblade one-handed. Squall was kinda of swinging his gunblade around, while Seifer seemed to have some fencing moves. Squall slashed, Seifer stabbed

But that was on the original FF8...


The Wanderer of Time
New character revealed.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Do I see pyroclasm? That was my favorite of Vaan's quickenings (visually). Also, is it me or does Vaan look like he's been working on his sit ups?


The Wanderer of Time
For those curious to the character's weapon,
it's the Mythril sword. Wonder if the Anastasia will be his EX Mode.



AI Researcher
Way to be disappointingly true, rumoured expectations :sadpanda:

It says his fighting style involves using various types of weapons. Which... sounds just like Frioniel. Or Lightning, for the 'changing fighting styles' thing. I'm kind of wondering what they're going to do to differentiate him, since I thought being unique was one of the criteria for selecting characters. And I wouldn't have counted Vaan as one who'd get by on his popularity.

I do kind of like the illustration, though.


unsavory tart
I thought his sword was kind of awesome looking. I would think though that we have enough sword characters. I heard that Firion was getting a remake in the gameplay department so I kinda thought that Vaan would be able to change weapons like they could do in FFXII. I guess not.

Looks like his alt costume is just a recoloring. Hopefully his other one is his Tactics one. Because it has a shirt.


I approve of shirt. Looks much better

Also, is it me or does Vaan look like he's been working on his sit ups?
It's kind of creepy how they always tried to make that the focus.


Defeated by Hitoshura.


AI Researcher
His first alt is just another based on Amano's illustration.

New characters better get a third costume. Because.


unsavory tart
Yeah, but Amano didn't give him a shirt, so it is automatically inferior. I hope they all get a third costume.

Oh, and it looks like he's talking to Terra in a not so antagonistic way. So maybe she's not totally chaos-ed?
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