Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
If I think about all the characters denied by Vaan's slot, I'm not too happy.

On the flip side though, just as a character, I want to see how he'll work out. I'm excited.


Higher Further Faster
New character revealed.


Mind telling me where you found that? :)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Whoa I though that was Paine at first. Not really familiar with Vaan so w/e


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I don't have anything against Vaan, and I'm glad that XII gets more attention... but I wanted Raines, damnit! DX


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Dare I say. We could look at this in a positive light, and see this as an opportunity for SE to improve Vaan as a character. Perhaps we'll see him in a better light. Maybe.


Higher Further Faster
Vaan may have been kind of immature and a ditz in the beginning of XII but he did have the ability to be a badass.
Especially at the end of the game when Vayne runs off after you fight him the first time. Everyone just stood around all derp but Vaan went charging after him with a sword. :P


The End
Yonathin3155, Ultros, Ultros3155, CECIL3155
I still need to get around to playing XII, but Vaan was pretty cool in Revenant Wings and FFTA2. Especially in TA2, because he got a shirt.


THAT should be his ex-mode, getting a shirt and becoming all awesome like Gabranth does when he dons his helmet.


Pro Adventurer
How did you guys feel about the character interactions in the first Dissidia? Battle quotes, cutscenes, and board dialogue all count. How would you guys like to see this change for Duodecim? Or would you want it to stay the same?


unsavory tart
I liked it except sometimes previously good characters seemed to get on my nerves. Like Zidane. Actually I don't think he was that annoying, just disappointed by his and Kuja's story.

TBH, it's been awhile since I played Dissidia so I don't remember it all too well. I liked how there was a good chunk of character interaction compared to most fighting games, and that it was meaningful.

I only hope that it will be supported by better writing. I'm not asking for anything huge, just dial down the campiness.


wangxian married
I heard all the bad guys were treating Kuja like the buttmonkey because he was young and a failure.

I approve of this, if it is the case. :monster:


The End
Yonathin3155, Ultros, Ultros3155, CECIL3155
I wouldn't mind a more substantial story. I mean, that's what the series is known for, right?


Pro Adventurer
I really just want a NEW story with NEW interactions. Not a repeat of the original stories, just with different characters filling in for those who didn't make it into Dissidia. Not the same arcs we've seen a hundred times before, something different with the characters we know. The only good example of this I can think of from the first one was Bartz's and Zidane's game. Not world changing, but it was different.


Higher Further Faster
How did you guys feel about the character interactions in the first Dissidia? Battle quotes, cutscenes, and board dialogue all count. How would you guys like to see this change for Duodecim? Or would you want it to stay the same?

I liked it at first. Then when I got to the Shade Impulse stuff I got bored. *didn't finish*


Pro Adventurer
How did you guys feel about the character interactions in the first Dissidia? Battle quotes, cutscenes, and board dialogue all count. How would you guys like to see this change for Duodecim? Or would you want it to stay the same?
It always irked me that every one always hinted at Cloud being emo. I know VII is clearly not the best game in the series (That would be VI by technical reasons), but VII and IV are my favorites; and all things considered Cloud is not emo he's serious. Squall on the other hand is incredibly mopey, all the time. What I'm curious to see is how people will respond to Tifa and Lightning. Like Squall Lightning also wields a gunblade(one that is far more advanced and functional), and Tifa... well she's Tifa, Lets just say I can see Zidane's basic reaction a mile away.
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