Elisa Maza
To see the above pictures, copy and paste the url. Don't click it.
ソード&シールド - Sword & Shield
カタナ - Katana
スピアー - Spear
アックス&シールド - Axe & Shield
グレートソード - Great Sword
クロスボウ - Crossbow
ガンス - Guns
スタッフ- Staff
風のラプチャー - Wind Rupture
土のカタクラズム - Earth Cataclysm
炎のインフェルノ - Fire Inferno
水のイラプション - Water Eruption
マシンガン - Machine Gun
リコシェスナイプ - Ricochet Snipe
グレネードボム- Grenade Bomb
六連装ミサイル - Six-Chambered Missile
ホーミングバズーカ - Homing Bazooka
ピタットボム - Pitat(??) Bomb
シールドボム - Shield Bomb
ショットガン - Shot Gun
ラグナロクバスター - Ragnarok Baster
サテライトビーム - Satellite Beam
ラグナロクブレード - Ragnarok Blade
スプリットレーザー - Spirit Laser
水面蹴り - Waterkick (leads into Somersault (サマーソルト)
掌打ラッシュ - Beat Rush
ブリザラ - Blizzara
ムーンサルトキック- Moonsault Kick
ドルフィンブロウ - Dolphin Blow
ファルコンダイヴ - Falcon Dive
エルボースマッシュ - Elbow Smash
ブリザド - Blizzard
メテオドライヴ - Meteor Drive
メテオストライク - Meteor Strike
バーニングアロー - Burning Arrow
メテオオクラッシャー - Meteor Crusher
ローリングブレイズ - Rolling Blaze
Splintered said:Am I completely late and missed the Vaan vs Tifa vid?
Tifa's character model and fighting style look plain/mediocre as hell. Couple that with the fact that she has no hips and Rachel Leigh I fuck people for drugs Cook will voice her again and all my interest is lost.
I have resigned to the fact that I will be perpetually late, always doomed to repost a repost. I'll just have to accept this sad state of affairs >___>Twice, in fact.
And did she ever have hips?
I dunno, man, her Dissidia art actually looks like she has more hips. (and the widely spaced leg thing too, I know, but I mean just looking at the hips)
You're right that her lego-form certainly walked like she had hips (her walk always made me laugh), but from the beginning Aerith alway had the hips and Tifa had the boobs.
I noticed Squall talking with Laguna in one of those screenshots. I really wonder what they're going to do with this particular father-son pair.
...I'm Batman said:Lol, Aerith has no hips at all in the compilation. So no.
Lol, Aerith has no hips at all in the compilation. So no.