Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I was thinking as far as secret characters may go, perhaps Noctis (doubtful) or maybe a XIV character (I hope not).

But if it's 4 heroes/4 villains, then they've already listed 4 heroes. Unless Kain is considered a villain. In which case my slim hopes of LOCKE are still alive. If I say it enough, it will be true.


Pro Adventurer
The website gave me an idea.

In the current tiling system, there's space for four new cards. Tifa, Vaan, Lightning and Kain Fucking Highwind (that's his middle name). They said 4-10 new characters right? What if it's four new heroes, four villains, and two hidden characters they keep secret until release?
I would hate that for a few simple reason.
4-10 new charecters
Hero's: Kain Lightning Tifa Vaan.
Possible Villan's: Xande, Leon, Seymour, and Barthandelus/Cid
Less likely Villan: Hojo, Yunalesca, Siefer, Jenova
Secret: Gilgamesh and ????
If this is the setup you have unlimited possibilities for the bad guys; but no more hero slots unless Yuna, Ceodore, or Sora were given a secret slot, representing X-2, IV After, and KH respectively.
But who can't be added because a slot was thrown away on Vaan. No Leon if he's good or Minwu. No Celes, Locke, Edgar, or Sabin. No Garnet, or Vivi. No Rinoa, Laguna, or Zell. No Galuf, Faris, or Lenna. Certainly no Rydia, Edge, or Rosa. No Snow, Fang, or Sazh.
So yeah if they go so rigid, their losing out on dozens of good opportunities. The only villans we need are Xande and Barthandelus/Cid.


The Wanderer of Time
No Leon if he's good or Minwu. No Celes, Locke, Edgar, or Sabin. No Garnet, or Vivi. No Rinoa, Laguna, or Zell. No Galuf, Faris, or Lenna. Certainly no Rydia, Edge, or Rosa. No Snow, Fang, or Sazh.

Well to be frank, none of those guys I think has a chance of getting in anyway, except for Laguna, Celes, Locke and Sazh. Now Celes, I say put her into Dissidia on Team Chaos to allude back to the moral uncertainties she faced in FF6 - she works for Chaos but is a good woman at heart, and like Golbez helps the heroes.


Well to be frank, none of those guys I think has a chance of getting in anyway, except for Laguna, Celes, Locke and Sazh. Now Celes, I say put her into Dissidia on Team Chaos to allude back to the moral uncertainties she faced in FF6 - she works for Chaos but is a good woman at heart, and like Golbez helps the heroes.

Yeah but Terra is already a mindpossessed baddy, we need some altogether good VI representation.


The Wanderer of Time
Well, it depends on how the story was structured. We know we have Chaos storymodes now. How about the story follows Celes and Terra fighting for Chaos as comrades, but Celes begins to realize Terra isn't herself and discovers she's mind-controlled. This doesn't sit well with her so she rebels and tries to free Terra, ending with Celes fading from the cycle of war (however they're gonna explain that) but destroying Kefka's hold on her.


Pro Adventurer
I liked the new clothes of Terra.. I also like the Gabranth
, should be interesting to play with him.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Just a random cutscene, but yeah, it's like a reverb on their voices. And no, not the judge, I know he's in a helmet. I mean the main characters - especially Balthier sound like...well, like its been recorded. Like he delivered his lines over the phone?

Notice:I'm not insulting anything here. He's a great voice actor and I don't actually think he phoned in his dialogue. Its just a certain quality to the voice, like a filter or something, that I remember noticing when I first put the game in.

Sounds like they FORGOT to filter, actually. There's a background noise when folks speak, like they were recorded in a room with insufficient sound dampening.


Pro Adventurer
A couple new pictures, including CG Vaan. I also think he's trying to impress Tifa, but that might just be me... :monster:




Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
A couple new pictures, including CG Vaan. I also think he's trying to impress Tifa, but that might just be me... :monster:


Vaan: So, you like effeminate blond men, but not me? Why?
Tifa: Men. Not children.

Here's an odd thought- Vaan's with Chaos, or unaligned. Even if not, I'm guessing he's responsible for undoing Terra's mind control.


Selene, Sheila
It wasn't a filter or lack of dampening, it was the audio bitrate. They compressed the audio so that the game fit into one disc.

Free Spirit at FFO posted scans of the original amano art of blue Terra. It's in the sky bookset.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It wasn't a filter or lack of dampening, it was the audio bitrate. They compressed the audio so that the game fit into one disc.

That makes sense. Though, not all compressed audio has that distortion. I wonder what they used and what they started from to get that effect.

Free Spirit at FFO posted scans of the original amano art of blue Terra. It's in the sky bookset.


Yeah, though I think that design is supposed to have two wings (the thing behind her neck is IMO another one) and the Nomura one only has one. I think we've conclusively discovered another Nomura Fetish.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Here's an odd thought- Vaan's with Chaos, or unaligned. Even if not, I'm guessing he's responsible for undoing Terra's mind control.

OMG I was thinking the same exact thing when I saw that picture! If Vaan is with Chaos, I'm willing to bet it's because he's too stupid to realize it. He probably doesn't realize Terra's being controlled and she being used to manipulate/confuse him. That last picture does make it look like Vaan may play a large part in rescuing her.


Selene, Sheila
Yeah, though I think that design is supposed to have two wings (the thing behind her neck is IMO another one) and the Nomura one only has one. I think we've conclusively discovered another Nomura Fetish.

The dissidia design based on this set. She doesn't have wings but she does have a bird (peacock?) on her shoulder. Def not a Nomura thing.

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