Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Barthandelus wouldn't be good to play as. He fights as a fal'cie which is mostly stationary. Not good for a game that requires as much movement as Dissidia does.
Use your imagination, he has a human form, and throws around ruins in the cutscenes, and high magic. Make him a Uber Powered ravager,
Firaga, Thundaga, Blizaga, Waterga, Ruinaga, Ruin, Ruin Staff--> Thanatosian Laughter Baptisim in Ruin--> Ultima
Hp attacks
Ultima, Destrudo Apoptosis, moving on to Orphan atks Dies Irae(charge like meteor) Merciless Judgment(summons Orphans sword form which he was part of).
Any attack requiring Barthandelus face can summon it in front of him, he does not need to transform until Ex Burst, which if it kills will leave him in that form for a victory pose.
Torture: like orphan did to fang in the cutscene, you shock 400-600 brv and heal 100-200 telling your opponent to become Ragnarock, and then do Hp damage with Ultima, or a little more brv and Hp damage with Dies Irae.

Celes Chere

I like Terra >____>

But tbh, I felt Dissidia made her kind of lame.

EDIT: But yeah, more FFVI characters. I'd love to have Locke, but I think Celes would be more appropriate. Vaan's kind of taking something similar to Locke's role/friendship with Terra, so Celes would be much more interesting.

She's not a huge favorite of mine, but I didn't mean that in a way that was supposed to be bashing her. xD I just thought they'd choose Celes or Locke over her.


The Wanderer of Time
Took me over a half hour to do this. Maybe I care too much...



The Wanderer of Time
Why? We can't create the artwork it covers, and it'd be rather bizarre for Laguna to look half-eaten with chunks of arms and legs missing.


The artist formerly know as Sigbru
The second pic looks like she's wearing a bush on her head

Obviously a gift from her lover, Exdeath


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Laguna? Cool! Anything that pisses Squall off is fine for me XD

EDIT: And I suppose we will get a remix of "The Man With The Machine Gun" *dances in joy*
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Double Growth
lol, Laguna, Vaan, and Tifa. There's three characters I never expected to even utter in the same sentence, much less see them together. I wonder how this world map will work...how will you be taken to each of the battle stages? And does this just mean they didn't use nearly all of the UMD in the first Dissidia? How do they have room for all this?

And my goodness Japanese magazines are busy. Crooked text and images flying every which way, I'd love to see the process of making magazine pages over there.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
lol, Laguna, Vaan, and Tifa. There's three characters I never expected to even utter in the same sentence, much less see them together. I wonder how this world map will work...how will you be taken to each of the battle stages? And does this just mean they didn't use nearly all of the UMD in the first Dissidia? How do that have room for all this?

I wonder if they're using every last inch of space on this one. I'm excited for the world map. It's probably a simplified version of one, but still looks cool. And yeah, mish mosh of characters is weird. We'll see how they interact.

And my goodness Japanese magazines are busy. Crooked text and images flying every which way, I'd love to see the process of making magazine pages over there.



unsavory tart
I love them for putting in a world map. Even if it doesn't really go into detail with anything, it's an improvement from the chessboard, and just looks ore interesting.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
"For next month's issue, V Jump is hinting at a "shocking" new character reveal. Given the timing of the release, this could be in reference to a new Jump Festa reveal, a new character reveal from the January 1st Production Department Premier event, or both."

Come on baby let it be Auron!!!

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