Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Alex Strife

So now I have to ask. Those characters dying permanently means they get back to their own worlds, or they just die for good, assuming that Dissidia is canon? It's been bothering me for a while, now.


unsavory tart
It was basically a gamble on Cosmos's part. She and Golbez schemed a way to end the cycle: he would pretend he'd tricked her into this crystal shenanigans for the purpose of causing her to die permanently (killing Cosmos after she'd weakened herself by dividing her power into the crystals would cause her to remain dead, unless the cycle could be broken and order restored), while, in actuality, the plan was to take herself out of the war -- which would then lead to Chaos wishing for his own demise (as well as that of the whole omniverse, unfortunately) -- while providing the crystals to the heroes so that they would have a little time to kill Chaos even without Cosmos.
So wait, the plan was to kill her until she dies from it?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Er... wasn't Cid of the Lufaine married with the woman whose image Cosmos was created after? Maybe Cid copied his memory into a moogle like Belthasar did with that Nu in Chrono Trigger?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So now I have to ask. Those characters dying permanently means they get back to their own worlds, or they just die for good, assuming that Dissidia is canon? It's been bothering me for a while, now.

They had no worlds to go back to until the cycle was broken at the end of the first Dissidia (013, if you will). Remember, Dissidia's world is composed of all the FF worlds being combined into one, with FFI's world being the main one.

So wait, the plan was to kill her until she dies from it?

Not exactly. They only tried that plan with the crystals the one time. If it had failed (the heroes lost that round of the war, or they didn't beat Chaos in time after Cosmos's death), then the cycle would have ended in a different way -- with the omniverse being over too.

I always wanted to see him Hari Kari/Sepukku himself with the Masamune, holding it by the last third of the blade and going hand over hand pulling it deeper into his belly. Is that wrong of me?

Nah, Seph's so stuck on himself he probably loves the idea of impaling himself too.


unsavory tart
All things considered, it would probably be hard trying to impale yourself on the masumune, it's too long. I mean, you would probably have to find a way to secure it so it's pointing at you, then run at it.


I want to see Sephiroth do this. In fmv.

Cloud is killed by Chaos, right? I heard he gets curbstomped in seconds.
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Elisa Maza

^ I guess this is why the ending of Duodecim is considered a tragedy. :(

Now that the facts are slowly coming together, the ending looks more personal. I'll wait for the playthrough to be completed, though.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm not going to lie but Duodecim looks like it has a better story than the original Dissidia. Is that right?

I also need to ask a vital question to understanding the lore behind these games. So Chaos was originally a good God? Was it Garland that manipulated and changed him? What is the whole deal with Chaos?


I'm not going to lie but Duodecim looks like it has a better story than the original Dissidia. Is that right?

I prefer Dissidia's storyline personally. it gave focus to ALL it's characters and was about 10 times longer then Duodecim.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
That's what I've read as well.
Apparently, he asks Cosmos to take care of Tifa as he's dying. What a job she did with that, huh? :awesome:

*Cloud comes running into scene* Oh god I just barely survived...where's Tifa? *sees Tifa dead* COSMOS!
Cosmos: She was like that when I got there, I swear! :awesome:

and now in action figure theater mode:

Added a video for even more affect :monster:
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Elisa Maza

You know... I just realized this:

If that moogle is the same we know it is... Then the characters meet Cid and they don't even know it!

Also, KainxTifa is canon. :monster: (Celeeeeeeeeeeees!!!)

Oh, LOLz,
She met Kain and tells him that
If she's with him, on the other hand, she'll be okay, and again she pushes the 'we're allies, aren't we?' angle (she's obviously learned how to handle angsty blondes very well from all the time she's spent with Cloud, whether she remembers it or not!)

Tifa: Whipping angsty blonds into shape since 1997

This needs to be a motivational poster!
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So even if she doesn't have her own story, what does Tifa do otherwise in relation to the plot? And please let at least one sentence in such a description be without the word "Cloud".

Well you got what you wanted Drake. Tifa doesn't encounter Cloud or Sephiroth at all during the main story of Duodecim. I hope you're happy.

Elisa Maza

Tifa's story.

When she fights in the air, it's like I'm watching a fight in Dragon Ball Z! XD

EDIT: Okay, HOLY-- her enemies are defeated in one hit! oO
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