Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I was looking at that Japanese blog I likned to earlier and just realized that the non-cutscene text of the first 7 Reports is just the text of the 10 Cosmos Reports from the first Dissidia. No idea why it was reused, but it was.

The Chaos Reports don't appear to have been, though, so the last 13 Reports feature new information.


unsavory tart
Apparently, the English quote lines have been released.

My luck and it's probably already been posted derp.


Vs. Squall
WoL: What is the source of your confidence?
Garland: The lonesome cub thinks he's lofty.
Firion: I'll fight to protect my friends!
Emperor: Your legs are trembling.
OK: Will you teach me some tricks if I win?
CoD: You face us with that bravado?
Cecil: You should rely on your allies more.
Kain: Not the lone wolf, are you?
Golbez: The lion claws its way back from the depths.
Bartz: C'mon, Squall, perk up!
Exdeath: Pitiful lion who knows but solitude.
Terra: Aren't you frightened of progressing alone?
Kefka: You sure are talkative... in your head. (I laughed)
Cloud: You sure have a lively lot with you.
Tifa: You won't get anywhere if you keep quiet!
Sephiroth: "Solitude" isn't "heroism." (...Interesting)
Squall: If you are me, then you understand.
Laguna: Come at me with a bang!
Ultimecia: Can you fight alone?
Zidane: If you have something to say, spit it out!
Kuja: Such arrogant eyes, how unpleasing.
Tidus: Stop stealing the spotlight!
Yuna: Don't you want to be with the others?
Jecht: Hey kid, relax.
Shantotto: Once a student, always a student.
Vaan: I'll make this a good fight, promise.
Gabranth: You will not have the luxury to turn your eye.
Lightning: Time for your lesson, schoolboy.
Chaos: Solitude is but despair in disguise.

Vs. WoL
WoL: I must surpass myself.
Garland: It is our fate to fight one another.
Firion: I'll fight to protect my dream!
Emperor: Fall to the darkest depths of hell.
OK: I must surpass him.
CoD: Light alone cannot defeat us.
Cecil: Your resolve is inspiring.
Kain: An impressive will that never wavers...
Golbez: May your light uphold harmony.
Bartz: You're not the only warrior of light here!
Exdeath: Wander in a lightless wasteland!
Terra: I wish I could look straight ahead, like you.
Kefka: Don't go getting your eyebrows in a furrow.
Cloud: No time to doubt, huh?
Tifa: I get the whole serious act, but don't overdo it.
Sephiroth: Light shall be laid to rest here.
Squall: I can fight without light.
Laguna: You really gonna fight with just a sword?
Ultimecia: The past and future eventually fade...
Zidane: This is gonna be a flashy show.
Kuja: Undoubtedly a warrior of harmony.
Tidus: Isn't it tough training all the time?
Yuna: For me, there is no turning back.
Jecht: Kinda like straight-laced types.
Shantotto: I'll teach you some humility.
Vaan: You oughta lighten up. (...)
Gabranth: There is nothing more futile than a waning light.
Lightning: Great, now I'm fighting fairy tales.
Chaos: Do not atone, just perish! (He SHOUTS this, it's pretty awesome)

Vs. Garland
WoL: I will not be a pawn to fate!
Garland: I'll bury this pitiful warrior.
Firion: You should know the emptiness of battle.
Emperor: Trapped in a pathetic cycle of blind battles.
OK: Would be a shame to lose to me, huh?
CoD: The cycle will end along with this world.
Cecil: Is the fight truly all there is?
Kain: If I must fight forever, so be it.
Golbez: Have you drowned in the battle and forgotten your will?
Bartz: Don't you get tired, fighting all the time?
Exdeath: Surrender to the Void!
Terra: I can't enjoy fighting. I just can't!
Kefka: Retire already if you're so tired.
Cloud: Are your memories real?
Tifa: I will blow your cycle out of the water!
Sephiroth: Enchained to the cycle...
Squall: I understand your solitude.
Laguna: I'd rather interview you than fight you...
Ultimecia: Afraid of an unsatiated desire?
Zidane: I'm tired of your song and dance! (said angrily)
Kuja: There is nothing to discuss with you.
Tidus: Taking big swings'll get you nowhere.
Yuna: I will put an end to your fight.
Jecht: So the vet's alive and kickin'.
Shantotto: Another so-called "mastermind."
Vaan: I'll take you on, old man!
Gabranth: Pitiful warrior drowned in battle.
Lightning: Fighting for no reason's just slow suicide.
Chaos: You... dare to oppose me?

Vs. Firion
WoL: Go on, show me your strength.
Garland: The truth lies in the fight!
Firion: A good chance to know myself.
Emperor: I'll shred all your precious flowers.
OK: You can't just keep daydreaming.
CoD: Scatter like the petals of your rose.
Cecil: So be it, if this will help realize your dream.
Kain: So you're set on fighting.
Golbez: Overcome your obstacles, grasp your dream.
Bartz: Let's take it easy now.
Exdeath: Do not chase dreams, seek the Void.
Terra: This is scary, but I won't lose.
Kefka: Fields of flowers on the brain?
Cloud: This is the only weapon I need.
Tifa: Stop grumbling! Let's go!
Sephiroth: Flowers wilt but in an instant.
Squall: How can you be so honest?
Laguna: No use in obsessing now!
Ultimecia: Dreams are meant to be broken.
Zidane: Can't steal their hearts if you don't take the initiative.
Kuja: I will nip your faith in the bud.
Tidus: Sparring with a friend is good practice!
Yuna: Dreams must be fulfilled...
Jecht: So, what weapon do you prefer?
Shantotto: Jack of all weapons, master of none?
Vaan: Time to put our dreams on the line!
Gabranth: Holding on to a fleeting dream is pointless.
Lightning: Okay now, let's see what you're made of.
Chaos: This world is an everlasting nightmare.

Vs. Emperor
WoL: There is no place for you here.
Garland: Drown in your petty scheme!
Firion: I will never bow down to you!
Emperor: There can only be one ruler.
OK: How about you try fighting fair for once?
CoD: Wish to rule a dying world?
Cecil: A soul cannot be tamed!
Kain: I will choose whom to serve.
Golbez: So you seek to reign without loyalty...
Bartz: Like they say, "You can't steal our freedom."
Exdeath: Only the Void can rule the world!
Terra: Do you plan to rule through fear?
Kefka: Look at who I get to mess with next!
Cloud: You look like you've got it all figured out.
Tifa: There's no world for you to rule!
Sephiroth: I am the ruler of the planet!
Squall: Don't get in my way.
Laguna: Your Highness, don't fall for your own traps!
Ultimecia: You are merely the pawn of a god.
Zidane: You're not fit to be a ruler.
Kuja: A tyrant's reign ends quickly.
Tidus: Sorry, I don't think I'd approve your rule.
Yuna: The world is not yours to rule.
Jecht: Got some tricks up your sleeve?
Shantotto: Though you may disagree, the world is here for me!
Vaan: Just who do you think you are anyway?
Gabranth: I will not pledge allegiance to the likes of you!
Lightning: Not all of us are easy to control, you know.
Chaos: A world of nothingness needs no king.

Vs. OK
WoL: I applaud your bravery.
Garland: I'll show you your place!
Firion: I hope you find your true self!
Emperor: You think you're a full-fledged warrior?
OK: Did I have a twin brother?
CoD: Let us shroud the world in the Void!
Cecil: I will face you as a fellow knight!
Kain: If you insist, I'll not stop you.
Golbez: Compensate for your innocence with courage!
Bartz: Have fun while you can!
Exdeath: What can an impotent child accomplish?
Terra: I'm gonna... give it my all!
Kefka: It's time for children to go to bed.
Cloud: Keep your goals high.
Tifa: Good luck, little knight.
Sephiroth: A hero of prophecy falls eventually...
Squall: What an annoying brat.
Laguna: Time to play with Uncle Laguna. (yesss)
Ultimecia: Why don't you go home.
Zidane: Wisdom and quibbling are two different things.
Kuja: I will not take part in your child's play.
Tidus: It's not good to go rushing into things.
Yuna: Do you know of a summoner too?
Jecht: Geez, babysitting?
Shantotto: I think I'll take my onions fried.
Vaan: Go on and act tough while you still can.
Gabranth: A child who knows not anger or sorrow!
Lightning: Need someone to toughen you up?
Chaos: Little fool, you're shivering.

Vs. CoD
WoL: I will slay you in the name of harmony.
Garland: You wish for destruction? Nonsense.
Firion: Gotta chase away the dark cloud!
Emperor: There is no need for balance.
OK: Clouds don't last!
CoD: Sleep in the eternal darkness.
Cecil: Light and darkness are my strength.
Kain: My lance shall pierce the dark clouds!
Golbez: Do you herald a storm?
Bartz: So, do you feed those snakes?
Exdeath: If only to return the world to what it was.
Terra: I won't let you erase our hope!
Kefka: Let's bury this ancient relic back into the ground.
Cloud: A visible darkness does not frighten me.
Tifa: I don't need two cloudy skies!
Sephiroth: A cloud with no will bores me.
Squall: Clouds oughta just float by.
Laguna: Oh no, not good... Focus, Laguna!
Ultimecia: Will you be able to entertain me?
Zidane: You sure are impressive, in more ways than one...
Kuja: Appearing from nowhere just to get in my way?
Tidus: Time for pest control.
Yuna: Return to your realm!
Jecht: Can't leave the match up in the air.
Shantotto: One curse -- and you'll disperse!
Vaan: You wanna borrow a shirt or something? (SAYS VAAN!?)
Gabranth: Clouds are to be cast away.
Lightning: This isn't gonna be the end.
Chaos: Drown in discord deeper than darkness.

Vs. Cecil
WoL: Do not let the power of light fade.
Garland: You cannot escape from the cycle of battle!
Firion: Don't hold back on me.
Emperor: I'll show you what control is.
OK: Keep up the balance between your powers.
CoD: Your power wanes...
Cecil: I will overcome myself!
Kain: I'll not lose to you, Cecil.
Golbez: There are greater callings than justice.
Bartz: You don't have to go hiding your face too.
Exdeath: A wavering spirit cannot defeat me.
Terra: So even with darkness, one can be kind.
Kefka: I hate half-baked cookies like you.
Cloud: So darkness may not be evil...
Tifa: I won't hold back, ya know!
Sephiroth: Light and darkness always clash.
Squall: You're too kindhearted.
Laguna: Attack me however you want.
Ultimecia: One cannot escape the chains of time!
Zidane: Holding back isn't really kindess, you know.
Kuja: The moon is fickle, calling to the darkness.
Tidus: Hope you set the record straight.
Yuna: I want to see you surmount your challenges.
Jecht: Ya better not make him worry.
Shantotto: I suggest you find another job.
Vaan: Can't fly if you have doubts.
Gabranth: Gazing upon you sickens me to my core.
Lightning: This'll be over before it starts.
Chaos: The light fades and the darkness perishes.

Vs. Kain
WoL: I will not hesitate on this path.
Garland: There are no debts in battle!
Firion: So you can't compromise, huh?
Emperor: Hmph, a lordless knight.
OK: Can you catch birds with that jump?
CoD: There is darkness within you.
Cecil: I won't hold back against you, Kain!
Kain: I will surpass myself!
Golbez: Show me your true resolve!
Bartz: No ambushing up in the clouds, okay?
Exdeath: What is it you seek by discarding trust?
Terra: Please don't be so hard on yourself.
Kefka: Well, look who it is, the traitor.
Cloud: Can sins be redeemed?
Tifa: I wish that you'd believe in me more!
Sephiroth: Your tricks cannot change fate.
Squall: You're either my enemy, or you're not.
Laguna: Don't fly too high and bonk your head!
Ultimecia: You plan to oppose me?
Zidane: How long can you keep up the cool-guy act?
Kuja: Your penance is revolting.
Tidus: Bet I can swim faster than you.
Yuna: I will fight to end everyone's sorrow.
Jecht: Heh, I'll make ya blast off. (If you wanna interpret something sexually...)
Shantotto: It's quite clear you're up to no good.
Vaan: How high can you jump anyway?
Gabranth: Another traitor stands before me...
Lightning: You brought a spear to a gunblade fight.
Chaos: A treacherous blade will bring an end to you.

Vs. Golbez
WoL: I will not be tainted by darkness.
Garland: Know the stupidity in your attempts to resist!
Firion: I will not give up hope!
Emperor: Doubt will be your end.
OK: I will show you my resolve!
CoD: See the torrent of our power!
Cecil: There is no way I can lose!
Kain: I will not hesitate.
Golbez: Can I overcome my misdeeds?
Bartz: You're gonna get a headache, thinking too much.
Exdeath: The Void is the ultimate magic!
Terra: There will be always be new dreams to follow!
Kefka: The older one's half-baked too!
Cloud: Do you have any doubts?
Tifa: I'll punch a hole in that armor of yours!
Sephiroth: Do you still yearn for the light?
Squall: Oh geez, another lecture?
Laguna: Hey dude, keeping secrets isn't cool!
Ultimecia: You suppose you can change fate?
Zidane: I think you're a good brother, old man.
Kuja: Shall I expose your true colors?
Tidus: No more lecturing if I win.
Yuna: I promised not to flee.
Jecht: We both got our problems, huh?
Shantotto: Last chance to change your mind.
Vaan: Let me see if I could trust you.
Gabranth: You shall be purged by my blade.
Lightning: Try your mind tricks on someone else.
Chaos: Your lust for the light is meaningless.

Vs. Bartz
WoL: I shall protect your light!
Garland: The wind brings forth more battle!
Firion: Would you fight seriously.
Emperor: Run to the depths of hell.
OK: Why don't you get serious?
CoD: You'll pay dearly for your ignorance.
Cecil: I wish you'd show me your moves...
Kain: Surprising, that you would fear the skies.
Golbez: Continue your journey against any wind.
Bartz: How's about we have a staring contest?
Exdeath: Sink into the Void!
Terra: Will I be free if I continue on my path?
Kefka: Are you a travelling comedian?
Cloud: I'm glad you're having fun.
Tifa: Hey, could you try giving him some of your pep?
Sephiroth: Are you a child?
Squall: Would you stop fidgeting?
Laguna: You starting your impersonation show?
Ultimecia: This is not a game.
Zidane: I'll steal this win from under your nose!
Kuja: I will deprive you of your freedom.
Tidus: Mimicking an ace is impossible.
Yuna: Your bright spirits are rubbing off on me.
Jecht: Hmph, annoying brat.
Shantotto: Stupidity? Impossible to gauge.
Vaan: The sky's the limit!
Gabranth: Freedom only comes to those with power!
Lightning: Not a care in the world, huh?
Chaos: Hope is lost with your pursuit of it.

Vs. Exdeath
WoL: Return to the Void as you wish.
Garland: My blade crushes even the Void!
Firion: Do you know the pain of losing something dear?
Emperor: Melt into the Void as you wish!
OK: Catch me if you can!
CoD: To desire the Void is but pointless.
Cecil: I will overcome the Void!
Kain: If my sins were to disappear...
Golbez: One can want, but never obtain the Void.
Bartz: Exdeath, let's do this!
Exdeath: I shall overcome death and myself.
Terra: My powers are not for harming others...
Kefka: I'm... at a loss for words...
Cloud: If it's the Void you want, it's the Void you get.
Tifa: Can you keep up with me, ya big oaf?
Sephiroth: I shall rob you even of your Void.
Squall: You're not being rational here.
Laguna: Passion can't be erased for good, you know?
Ultimecia: Return to the Void yourself.
Zidane: Little flamboyant to be talking about the Void.
Kuja: Your existence is Voidable.
Tidus: You'll get hurt if you stand around like that.
Yuna: I want to put an end to everyone's sorrows!
Jecht: Your chances are "void" unless you come and get me.
Shantotto: Your defeat is unaVOIDable.
Vaan: Won't you be sad if everything's turned to nothing?
Gabranth: What would you protect with such power?
Lightning: Go find your stupid Void and stay there.
Chaos: The ultimate Void stands before you.

Vs. Terra
WoL: You must not shun the light.
Garland: Cast away your doubts in battle!
Firion: Sorry, I won't hold back.
Emperor: Better you sleep than live in despair.
OK: Can't lose this one!
CoD: Even magic is useless against us.
Cecil: Have courage, for your sake.
Kain: Mistakes must be atoned for.
Golbez: Turn from destroyer to angel of hope!
Bartz: It's no fun just standing around, right?
Exdeath: Let us destroy the world together!
Terra: Is that how my eyes look, too?
Kefka: I have no use for a rag doll.
Cloud: You're over your fears now, right?
Tifa: Don't rush to find answers, okay?
Sephiroth: Just destroy everything.
Squall: Even with all that power, you're still afraid?
Laguna: Come on, cheer up. Don't look so gloomy.
Ultimecia: It's okay to cry.
Zidane: I'm not feeling this, but I won't hold back.
Kuja: Where does the caged bird wish to soar?
Tidus: Let's put off worrying for now.
Yuna: Please, trust in yourself.
Jecht: You'd better not cry. You'd make me uncomfortable.
Shantotto: Without control, can you call it power?
Vaan: Cheer up! You're facing me!
Gabranth: You but grasp at others' dreams.
Lightning: Never let yourself hesitate.
Chaos: You do not need power, for I AM power

Vs. Kefka
WoL: Do not disrupt harmony further.
Garland: As you wish, crumble before me.
Firion: What comes about from destruction?
Emperor: Back to your cage, foolish jester.
OK: You have such sad eyes...
CoD: Your insanity lies beyond the Void.
Cecil: People fight because they are lost...
Kain: Jesters are such eyesores...
Golbez: Destruction will be your downfall.
Bartz: What is it with you and destroying things?
Exdeath: Destruction only leads to the Void.
Terra: I am not a puppet!
Kefka: Now that's what I call a true work of art!
Cloud: What's so funny?
Tifa: What are you laughing at?
Sephiroth: Die laughing.
Squall: This guy's insane.
Laguna: So, guess I'd better not get serious.
Ultimecia: Seems you're in a rush to die.
Zidane: Jesters can't play the lead role!
Kuja: I'll rip that jester's mask right off you.
Tidus: Sin's toxin get to you?
Yuna: I will stop this senseless cycle of destruction!
Jecht: Looks like you've got a few screws loose.
Shantotto: You want ruin and rage? You've come to the right mage.
Vaan: Wow! The circus is in town?
Gabranth: Your tricks are meaningless before me.
Lightning: You're like the punch line to a bad joke.
Chaos: I will destroy you as you desire!

Vs. Cloud
WoL: Proceed to fulfill your wishes.
Garland: That weak blade cannot cut me!
Firion: That sword's important to you, huh?
Emperor: Follow me to know your path.
OK: Gotta get stronger.
CoD: Can you crawl your way out of despair?
Cecil: First, trust in yourself.
Kain: Only one should bear a long shadow.
Golbez: You should have found your answer by now.
Bartz: "Not interested," or whatever.
Exdeath: Doubts and memories are frivolous.
Terra: If we can find the answers through battle...
Kefka: Mistake tight-lipped for being cool?
Cloud: Not you again. (I laughed)
Tifa: Guess we have to fight, don't we?
Sephiroth: All you know could be an illusion.
Squall: Talk is pointless for the both of us.
Laguna: Hey, I can be cool too, ya know!
Ultimecia: Memories are but tricks of time.
Zidane: Fighting without thinking's fun, ya know.
Kuja: Do you plan to challenge fate?
Tidus: I'll think about the future later.
Yuna: You fight to protect her, don't you?
Jecht: What's up with the gloomy face?
Shantotto: You should keep your feet on the ground.
Vaan: Enough thinking, let's go!
Gabranth: One without loyalty and honor.
Lightning: I know what it feels like to be a tool.
Chaos: Your volition cannot overcome discord.

Vs. Tifa
WoL: Never worry about injuring an opponent.
Garland: Do those fists contain your spirit?
Firion: Can't have doubts in a fight!
Emperor: An impudent lass, hm?
OK: Are you gonna fight in that?
CoD: You dare face us with bare hands?
Cecil: Don't overexert yourself!
Kain: I see that you will not fall so easily.
Golbez: See your volition through!
Bartz: Maybe I'll try fighting with my fists too.
Exdeath: Your vow and hopes will be swallowed by the Void!
Terra: I should stand up for something, too.
Kefka: My, what a rude missy!
Cloud: To see the day when we must fight...
Tifa: What would I gain from this?
Sephiroth: Your hero is nowhere in sight.
Squall: I have no interest in being lectured.
Laguna: Looking good fighting with your fists!
Ultimecia: What an awful tomboy.
Zidane: Headstrong and skimpy! I like it!
Kuja: A lady lacking in sensitivity...
Tidus: No holding back, we go all out!
Yuna: I have a promise to keep as well.
Jecht: To be young and naive again!
Shantotto: A whelp like you best the likes of me?
Vaan: You'll find what you're looking for!
Gabranth: Those who trust in others are always betrayed.
Lightning: No time for second-guessing.
Chaos: Let us see if your promise comes to pass.

Vs. Sephiroth
WoL: You cannot subdue the light.
Garland: A hero enslaved to battle...
Firion: Didn't you once have a dream?
Emperor: How the mighty have fallen.
OK: You having fun hurting others?
CoD: You are but a false hero.
Cecil: Right your misdeeds!
Kain: A fallen hero, how regrettable...
Golbez: What did you gain from discarding your honor?
Bartz: Aren't you afraid of that sword breaking?
Exdeath: Your past glory belongs to the Void.
Terra: Please find something to protect.
Kefka: You are dangerous on so many levels.
Cloud: Let's end this.
Tifa: I'll beat you and get all my memories back!
Sephiroth: A clone? Or are you...
Squall: Seems like you're clueless too.
Laguna: Heroes sure come in plenty of different flavors.
Ultimecia: Glory fades away into history.
Zidane: Think you're going overboard with the whole mysterious bit...
Kuja: An angel cannot soar without both wings.
Tidus: This'll be over before you know it.
Yuna: The powers of ruin won't sway me...
Jecht: A duel between legendary heroes, huh?
Shantotto: I detest persistent pests!
Vaan: Say, what's your dream?
Gabranth: Justice to the fallen hero!
Lightning: Something tells me you're not the heroic type.
Chaos: Kneel before me if you seek comfort.

Vs. Laguna
WoL: This sword is all I need.
Garland: The battleground is not your place.
Firion: Can I regain my memory through fighting?
Emperor: How long will you keep up the bravado?
OK: Stop treating me like a kid!
CoD: Hehe, such a naive fool...
Cecil: Now's the time to fight seriously.
Kain: Hard to tell if you are serious.
Golbez: Hmph, a lovable fool.
Bartz: Wow! That's some arsenal you got there!
Exdeath: I shall take both love and friendship from you.
Terra: You seem to have fun even when you're lost.
Kefka: Would you look at this clown?
Cloud: I don't sense any anger from you.
Tifa: So, can you handle my punches too?
Sephiroth: Some don't have a care in the world.
Squall: This guy's like a bad dream. (Like dreaming you're a moron?)
Laguna: Maybe I oughta try that look next.
Ultimecia: Could it be that you're short-handed?
Zidane: No stopping for your leg cramps! (I doubt he'd have that problem in this fight...)
Kuja: Letting your guard down on purpose?
Tidus: I won't lose based on passion.
Yuna: I'll show you, I'll prove my will.
Jecht: You got the personality of a star down.
Shantotto: Challenging me was your last mistake.
Vaan: Don't you get lost on me.
Gabranth: Hatred would seem but foreign to you.
Lightning: Fight like you mean it.
Chaos: You cannot escape death but with your soul.

Vs. Ultimecia
WoL: The future remains with the shining light.
Garland: Time cannot be altered.
Firion: This is the power of a witch?
Emperor: Controlling time is but a folly.
OK: What's the point of stopping time?
CoD: Disappear along with time itself!
Cecil: The past does not bind you!
Kain: I've no wish to erase my past.
Golbez: You are the one enslaved to time.
Bartz: You gonna turn back time to... rejuvenate?
Exdeath: Past and future... all return to the Void!
Terra: Our prayers will remain even if you stop time!
Kefka: Using time to get rid of those wrinkles?
Cloud: I'm not interested in your plans.
Tifa: Just back off, you old witch!
Sephiroth: You should let go of your past...
Squall: Time's up, you're history!
Laguna: Guess I can't let a witch off the hook!
Ultimecia: A witch has many faces, my dear.
Zidane: You should take things nice and slow.
Kuja: Time can be so cruel, hm?
Tidus: It's no fun if you take a time out.
Yuna: I will give it all I've got.
Jecht: Too old to believe in the future, are ya?
Shantotto: Is that all the magic you command?
Vaan: So, how old ARE you?
Gabranth: No magick can overturn the past.
Lightning: I decide my own future.
Chaos: Do you truly understand eternal solitude?

Vs. Zidane
WoL: You will give me your best effort, won't you?
Garland: Lay your life on the line!
Firion: You can't go stealing hearts.
Emperor: All the world needs is terror.
OK: You take compliments too well.
CoD: Groveling will not help you now.
Cecil: This duel should be enjoyable.
Kain: I carry nothing I wouldn't miss.
Golbez: You should reflect at times.
Bartz: I can't lose to you, Zidane!
Exdeath: Your tail trembles with fear.
Terra: Why are you hesitating?
Kefka: Gimme back my heart, please?
Cloud: I don't plan on playing any games.
Tifa: What're you looking at!? Focus!
Sephiroth: There is nowhere to return home to.
Squall: Quit monkeying around.
Laguna: I'll tie that tail of yours into a knot!
Ultimecia: Behave and die.
Zidane: It's what's on the inside that counts.
Kuja: I am the only actor needed.
Tidus: I am so grabbing your tail.
Yuna: Will you put on a show if I win?
Jecht: Time to teach ya some manners!
Shantotto: You'll have no time for idle banter.
Vaan: Can't go losing to a thief!
Gabranth: Seems a rat has entered the fray.
Lightning: Sorry, but a fight's a fight.
Chaos: The final curtain requires no audience.

Vs. Kuja
WoL: No one can extinguish the light.
Garland: I'll not show mercy on you.
Firion: Can't you believe in anything?
Emperor: No hope without self-control.
OK: You call yourself a bard?
CoD: Puppet, dance to anxiety!
Cecil: Your eloquence is misplaced.
Kain: There's no end to my trials...
Golbez: Are not your songs mere pleasantry?
Bartz: Maybe I should take up dancing too.
Exdeath: Sink into the Void and surrender to peace.
Terra: Are you hiding your true feelings?
Kefka: Am I gonna see another hissy fit?
Cloud: You can still proceed, even with doubts.
Tifa: I'm "not interested" in your music.
Sephiroth: Despair will lead to your end.
Squall: Can you survive without a cause?
Laguna: Let me sing you a song.
Ultimecia: A poor loser is unseemly.
Zidane: I won't let you run a one-man show!
Kuja: You cannot become me.
Tidus: Aren't you cold in that get-up?
Yuna: I can't let him deceive me...
Jecht: Cocky, but ya got no substance.
Shantotto: You hide your tail, but I still see you quail.
Vaan: Hey pal, I'll take ya down a notch!
Gabranth: What is it that you fear?
Lightning: Save your drama for the stage.
Chaos: Dance to the requiem for all eternity.

Vs. Tidus
WoL: Only fighting awaits you on this path.
Garland: Try proving your existence to me!
Firion: Come on, give me your best shot!
Emperor: Don't you long for a real world?
OK: You can't fool around all the time.
CoD: Existence is but a fleeting dream.
Cecil: You're an easy fellow to read.
Kain: Why don't you test your luck against the sun?
Golbez: Is his shadow all you see?
Bartz: A ball game sounds like fun!
Exdeath: Your callowness is pitiful.
Terra: Can I fight with the same vigor?
Kefka: Why don't you go hang ten?
Cloud: Is there anything you regret?
Tifa: You know, you can't win just by being upbeat!
Sephiroth: I'll wake you from your dream.
Squall: Would you calm down a little bit?
Laguna: You're on fire inside, aren't ya kid?
Ultimecia: I'll drown you in the flow of time.
Zidane: Don't get nervous and drop the ball.
Kuja: You are but a fleeting sunset.
Tidus: Time to eject the wannabe ace!
Yuna: To have to fight against you...
Jecht: Not in a million years!
Shantotto: This is not sport of the entertaining sort.
Vaan: Let's see what's better, the seas or the skies!
Gabranth: Running about will not aid you.
Lightning: Don't think I'll go easy on an amateur.
Chaos: Dreams fade into nothingness.

Vs. Yuna
WoL: You can choose your own path.
Garland: A lass that wields no weapon dares to oppose me!
Firion: Keep going, no matter what you face.
Emperor: All you can do is cower in fear.
OK: I thought summoners had horns...
CoD: Try and summon us.
Cecil: I pray you use your power for good.
Kain: Deliver your prayers to heaven.
Golbez: If your mind is set, then see it through.
Bartz: Fighting with a partner...
Exdeath: Say your final prayers.
Terra: It feels as though we've met before...
Kefka: Would ya summon the Destroyer? Pretty please?
Cloud: You sure have a solid resolve.
Tifa: I'm going to keep my promise, just like you!
Sephiroth: I shall crush your prayers.
Squall: Can't you fight alone?
Laguna: I know how it feels wanting to protect others too.
Ultimecia: You seem to have resolve.
Zidane: Turn that frown upside down!
Kuja: I'll rip you away from your dear friends.
Tidus: This is a scrimmage, right?
Yuna: Is that me? Or are you an imposter?
Jecht: I can't hold back, ya know?
Shantotto: A summoner, you say? Let's see a display!
Vaan: No fair having Eidolons help out!
Gabranth: So you cannot fight without aid.
Lightning: Don't let your thoughts weigh you down.
Chaos: Celebrate destruction with your dance for the departed.

Vs. Jecht
WoL: This is not a game.
Garland: Swing to your heart's content!
Firion: I'll match your fists with my arsenal!
Emperor: Does your recklessness know no bounds?
OK: You don't seem mature...
CoD: You will never be able to catch a cloud.
Cecil: You're also pretty straightforward, aren't you?
Kain: Confident in aerial combat?
Golbez: My, such an intrepid fellow.
Bartz: Hm? You don't use a ball?
Exdeath: A cretin cannot control the Void!
Terra: You're like a big teddy bear.
Kefka: Look what the cat dragged in.
Cloud: So you're fighting for him.
Tifa: It's fist to fist! Let's go!
Sephiroth: Seems I do not have to hold back.
Squall: I'll never be as carefree as you.
Laguna: Wonder if I can be a good ol' man too. (Laguna seems to be confused.)
Ultimecia: Seems you've left some memories in the past.
Zidane: You are some childish geezer!
Kuja: I can't stand hot and sweaty people.
Tidus: Here comes a legend in the making.
Yuna: Here I come, Sir Jecht!
Jecht: Who's the real superstar?
Shantotto: Hmph, a man that acts like a child.
Vaan: Enough talking...
Gabranth: It seems you've something you can't discard.
Lightning: Guess you're a lot tougher than you look.
Chaos: All of your options are now gone.

Vs. Shantotto
WoL: I will repel your magic with this blade.
Garland: Would you disrupt peace and lurch to chaos?
Firion: Magic is but a weapon too.
Emperor: That mouth of yours is closing for good.
OK: Don't underestimate me.
CoD: A power that disrupts harmony?
Cecil: You're pretty amazing for your size.
Kain: You call yourself a mage?
Golbez: Arrogance breeds negligence.
Bartz: Gotta be careful not to trip over you.
Exdeath: A wielder of the dark arts have we?
Terra: Please don't destroy the world!
Kefka: You're older than me?
Cloud: You're a small target...
Tifa: Can you handle my punches?
Sephiroth: At least you'll help me kill the time.
Squall: Can I graduate if I beat you?
Laguna: Hey now, I don't wanna take a test!
Ultimecia: You shall fortify my powers.
Zidane: Think I'll pass on the "test subject" offer.
Kuja: So, let's see what you've got.
Tidus: There's no youth squad, ya know?
Yuna: Time to show off what I've learned.
Jecht: Oops, thought you was a ball.
Shantotto: A failed copy of perfection?
Vaan: How... old are you?
Gabranth: What do you desire with such power?
Lightning: Take your self-indulgence somewhere else.
Chaos: I shall destroy this world myself.

Vs. Vaan
WoL: Lower your guard and you will get hurt.
Garland: Jesters cannot grasp glory!
Firion: Hope you get to fly the skies someday.
Emperor: Too blind to notice the threat before you?
OK: Quit acting all grown up!
CoD: So your calling is meaningless to you.
Cecil: Travelling the skies is no easy task.
Kain: Are you aware the skies are merciless?
Golbez: The heavens may not be so free.
Bartz: The skies are pretty scary if you ask me.
Exdeath: There is no answer to seek.
Terra: Don't worry about me, I can fight.
Kefka: You can't... read between the lines?
Cloud: You need more than ambition.
Tifa: I think being too naive is a problem too...
Sephiroth: Only despair awaits in the clouds.
Squall: You're hard to deal with...
Laguna: Would you just stand still?
Ultimecia: Now's your chance to flee.
Zidane: Just how easy-going can you get?
Kuja: Simpletons should learn to keep quiet.
Tidus: Don't run off at halftime!
Yuna: It'd be great if I could fly freely like you...
Jecht: So, ya believe the sky's the limit, do ya?
Shantotto: You'll learn to mind your tongue.
Vaan: Hey, I'm the leading man!
Gabranth: Have the Fates willed this?
Lightning: You don't think before you act, do ya?
Chaos: True freedom lies only in death.

Vs. Gabranth
WoL: Show me the pride of a warrior.
Garland: Disappointed in the fight, are we?
Firion: Reclaim what you've lost!
Emperor: Do you seek a new lord?
OK: Did you gain anything from that hate?
CoD: Your hatred is darker than the abyss.
Cecil: Your mission isn't everything!
Kain: Just try to pass judgment on me.
Golbez: What have you gained from such malice?
Bartz: You wanna go looking for some fun?
Exdeath: You cannot judge the Void!
Terra: You have to have hope!
Kefka: Want to go home with me, Fido?
Cloud: Don't ignore your own doubts.
Tifa: You're not the only one who has their doubts...
Sephiroth: One who lives an endless nightmare.
Squall: I don't need anyone to judge me.
Laguna: Seems your armor's not the only weight on your shoulders.
Ultimecia: A shameful would-be martyr.
Zidane: Try going easy on yourself.
Kuja: Straight-laced opponents are such bothers.
Tidus: Lighten up a little, would ya?
Yuna: Hatred brings about nothing.
Jecht: Judge? You mean refereeing?
Shantotto: I am the law here.
Vaan: You... I will defeat you!
Gabranth: Hmph, what a repulsive resemblance.
Lightning: You might actually be a worthy opponent.
Chaos: Perish along with your destiny of defiance.

Vs. Lightning
WoL: You aim to defeat me with that light?
Garland: You dare to oppose your fate?
Firion: See if I'm worth your trust.
Emperor: I suppose you think yourself as thunderous?
OK: Maybe I'll pick up some pointers!
CoD: Abandon hope along the way?
Cecil: That name suits you well.
Kain: I will show you my strength if you wish.
Golbez: Lay the foundation for your future.
Bartz: Don't think, just fight! (Wasn't this his line to Cloud?)
Exdeath: Do you fight of your own volition? Mwa-hahahaha!
Terra: I have to be grounded too.
Kefka: A female swordsman? Unbearable.
Cloud: So you're a true warrior.
Tifa: I just have to get stronger than you!
Sephiroth: You are also a cursed warrior.
Squall: Seems you're no ordinary soldier.
Laguna: Hey, you don't have to be so uptight!
Ultimecia: Pointless struggle is so unsightly.
Zidane: Hey Light, would you go easy on me?
Kuja: Acting as if we're the star, are we?
Tidus: Look out! Here comes a hero!
Yuna: Do you shoulder great responsibilities as well?
Jecht: Some hard head ya got there, lady.
Shantotto: "You're dust"? I think you'll find I'm rather robust.
Vaan: You're not mad, are you?
Gabranth: I take it you are resolute if you are a soldier.
Lightning: Anyone who gets in my way's a target.
Chaos: I shall set despair in your eyes.

Interesting the characterization of Tifa. She's definitely very spunky in Dissidia.


Tidus: Look out! Here comes a hero!
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Those quotes make everyone sound like retards.



Double Growth
Vs Tifa
Zidane: Headstrong and skimpy! I like it!

Make sure Tea-chan sees this! Since she was so up in arms thinking it wouldn't be something like this!

Vs Kefka
Sephiroth: Die laughing.

Hell yeah Sephiroth, that's pretty badass.

Also, this:

Vs Cloud
Lightning: I know what it feels like to be a tool.

is the most unintentionally hilarious line ever.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You know what? I want an actual rpg that's an FF crossover. Keep the fighting system, improve it as much as you can, take a year researching ideas and tossing around plotlines, and get to work on which ever console of their choice(I'd say multiplatform but SE needs to focus on polishing a title as much as they can without any distractions).

As far as story goes, with their resources I really think SE is limiting themselves. We all KNOW they can do better, but instead they'd rather pop out games as fast as they can for a quick buck.

I don't think SE has bad writers, I think they're just not taking the proper time to let their ideas bear proper fruit.


The Wanderer of Time
Agreed. I yearn for the glory days when Final Fantasy games - and I mean main series - came out once every three or four years, not every five or six, and were of top quality. I realize of course that technology is more advanced now, but correspondingly their developers should be better as well. Somewhere along the way - FF12 aside - we started focusing on spin-offs and sequels/prequels rather than the core franchise, and many of them are half-assed.

I love Dissidia's gameplay, but yes the plot wasn't that good. It sounds good in theory, but they executed it poorly.


Save your valediction (she/her)
A teenage boy's pair of socks wasn't the only thing that FFX-2 ruined. It was the first step into something horrible. And FF12 is *not* aside, the end totally sets it up for sequels and spinoffs.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
A teenage boy's pair of socks wasn't the only thing that FFX-2 ruined. It was the first step into something horrible. And FF12 is *not* aside, the end totally sets it up for sequels and spinoffs.

FFX-2 may have been the first step, but I hardly think even that game is on the same level of the shit we have now.

And yes, FFXII left itself open to a sequel, but really, we only got one. Revenant Wings. And it wasn't really bad. Just...not really important. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Tifa: I'll punch a hole in that armor of yours!
... Is Tifa PMSing or something? Down girl :awesome:

Tidus: This'll be over before you know it.
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Pro Adventurer
I meant side from FF12 in that it was good.
The problem with XII is it has a rough beginning. I played the first hour of the game twice and hated it, but on a 3rd try got a little further and now I think it's easily among the series top 5. I love the game, but Vaan killing rats, is a horrible introduction, to who Square is saying is the lead character.


The Wanderer of Time
The problem with XII is it has a rough beginning. I played the first hour of the game twice and hated it, but on a 3rd try got a little further and now I think it's easily among the series top 5. I love the game, but Vaan killing rats, is a horrible introduction, to who Square is saying is the lead character.

FF12 becomes 2.6 times better than you realize that Vaan is just a marketing tool to draw in players while Ashe is the real main protagonist with Balthier and Basch backing her up. Remember, Basch *was* supposed to be the main protagonist originally, but after Vagrant Story sold poorly they figured it was because Ashely Riot was too "manly" for those bishie-addicted Japanese gamers, and focus shifted to Vaan.

Play FF12 again and look at it through the idea that Ashe is the main hero with Balthier and Basch supporting her. Suddenly the plot becomes much better.


Pro Adventurer
FF12 becomes 2.6 times better than you realize that Vaan is just a marketing tool to draw in players while Ashe is the real main protagonist with Balthier and Basch backing her up. Remember, Basch *was* supposed to be the main protagonist originally, but after Vagrant Story sold poorly they figured it was because Ashely Riot was too "manly" for those bishie-addicted Japanese gamers, and focus shifted to Vaan.

Play FF12 again and look at it through the idea that Ashe is the main hero with Balthier and Basch supporting her. Suddenly the plot becomes much better.

I love XII, it's my 5th favorite. Hell I beat Yiazamat. The way I see it Basch Ashe and Balthier all hold equal rights as the main character, while Vaan is just some worthless street urchin tagging along. What I was basically saying is that initially your stuck with Vaan, and after a few hours the real leads come in and the story picks up.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't see what's so rough about the start of XII. It seems like your typical introduction session to me.


unsavory tart
FF12 becomes 2.6 times better than you realize that Vaan is just a marketing tool to draw in players while Ashe is the real main protagonist with Balthier and Basch backing her up. Remember, Basch *was* supposed to be the main protagonist originally, but after Vagrant Story sold poorly they figured it was because Ashely Riot was too "manly" for those bishie-addicted Japanese gamers, and focus shifted to Vaan.

Play FF12 again and look at it through the idea that Ashe is the main hero with Balthier and Basch supporting her. Suddenly the plot becomes much better.
Bash was boring too. Jus' saying.

This is one of the games that the game actually trips up the story itself. The entire story is a very well crafted nuclear disaster/human self determination analogy disguised as a political intrigue plot. But the combination of confusing main characters (as in who are we suppose to pay attention too), choice in dialogue, emphasis on the details of the story, and the how you often forget these details after the numerous points of exploration- it just confuses a lot of viewers.

Halfway through the game, I just decided to youtube the cut scenes, and it actually helped me a lot to separate the game and story. It's probably one of my favorite overall plots in Final Fantasy, although it did sort of lose the epicness of some Final Fantasies.

I liked XIII's story too though, so what do I know. But while FFXII was too open to exploration, XIII's entire story was the basis of everything, and there wasn't enough to make you understand the world via exploration. It didn't help that Toriyama's directing is atrocious (case in point XIII and X-2 derp), and a lot of what's interesting is either muddled down in melodrama or you got to read the datalog.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cloud: A visible darkness does not frighten me.
Tifa: I don't need two cloudy skies!
Sephiroth: A cloud with no will bores me.

The first of these is psychologically interesting. The latter two are HILARIOUS.

To Cloud
Yuna: You fight to protect her, don't you?

To Tifa
Yuna: I have a promise to keep as well.

Someone's good at seeing subtext.

To Jecht
Cloud: So you're fighting for him.
Tifa: It's fist to fist! Let's go!

Again, the first one betrays Cloud's mindset, IMO. Like Jecht, his dog in this fight and his reason for the side he's on, is also in the fight.
I also like Tifa's cry to Jecht, since his style is as much headbutt and backhand as it is sword.

To Chocolate Eclair
Cecil: That name suits you well.

Interesting comment. Wonder what Cecil's reasoning here is.
Also, my mind flashes to the Odin fight and hilarious mental images based therein.


Double Growth
I seem to remember him talking to fans somewhere online, it wasn't twitter. ...Could it really have been youtube? But he was being real accepting of all the fans critiques saying the director didn't give him anything to go on and seemed legitimately interested in learning more about the character to improve.


I hope that voice acting director got his act together this time. I remember Burton complaining about not being told anything by him either (not that Burton has any reason to think talking... like this is a good default setting for Cloud).
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