So yeah, Devil May Cry's getting a reimagining by Ninja Theory of Heavenly Sword fame. Sounds good right? It gets better.

It's a prequel back when he was a teen, and made him a skinny chain smoking punk, and seem to be making it alot more serious.


And apparently his sword can turn into whatever he wants. Spear, axe, whip-blade?
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I think that's enough of ripping appart characters :(

Give me back my white haired Dante! DX

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So. This three year old rumour turned out to be true.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
wow character design and art design looks terrible.

There's no way that's the same Dante


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Actually, they can do whatever they want with the characters and the storyline. Just have a look at what they did to Silent Hill with Shattered Memories :(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This "Dante" looks like your typical shitty dark haired teenage vampire faggot who needs to eat a fucking sandwich.

We're taking a younger Dante" that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art, etc

Fuck you Capcom. Way to tell your fans to suck it.

Celes Chere

This is more what I imagined Nero to look like before he got his arm all fucked up. =P (Which apparently just happened one day. 8D)

I don't see Dante when I look at this guy. D: The face structure looks nothing like his. I know his supposed to be younger but srsly, NOTHING like him. Even Klavier looks more like Dante. :awesome:

Also it makes cute fanarts like this a lie:


D: I always thought Dante was a white-haired bby. D;

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This is more what I imagined Nero to look like before he got his arm all fucked up. =P (Which apparently just happened one day. 8D)

I don't see Dante when I look at this guy. D: The face structure looks nothing like his. I know his supposed to be younger but srsly, NOTHING like him. Even Klavier looks more like Dante. :awesome:

Also it makes cute fanarts like this a lie:


D: I always thought Dante was a white-haired bby. D;

Doesn't make sense for him not to. His father has white hair and his mom was a blonde ffs.

Anorexic emoboy vampire Dante can fuck off


Facial structure is completely off too.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Wasn't he like 18 in DMC3?

How much younger can he get without it making this more retarded.

DMC didn't need a fucking reboot damnit.

Celes Chere

Yeah, he was, which is why I ask... Because he doesn't look like he's much younger than 18 in this trailer. What is he supposed to be now, 15? 16? O_o Anyway, it's impossible for him to be below 15 here so... it makes NO sense when you compare how he looks in DMC3 to this crap. Your looks can't change that drastically... plastic surgery?! It's the only answer.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Well, I think it looks good... but, I've never played any of the other games, either.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
This "Dante" looks like your typical shitty dark haired teenage vampire faggot who needs to eat a fucking sandwich.

We're taking a younger Dante" that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art, etc
Fuck you Capcom. Way to tell your fans to suck it.

Bearing in mind that DMC's fandom is completely different from the Dante they present us, this game is doomed.

And yes, that's not Dante's face. He looks more like a beaten up Edward Cullen :/ And, since when Dante sports bruises and bleeding cuts? Didn't they heal by themselves?

This game sucks even before being released.

This is more what I imagined Nero to look like before he got his arm all fucked up. =P (Which apparently just happened one day. 8D)

I don't see Dante when I look at this guy. D: The face structure looks nothing like his. I know his supposed to be younger but srsly, NOTHING like him. Even Klavier looks more like Dante. :awesome:

Also it makes cute fanarts like this a lie:

D: I always thought Dante was a white-haired bby. D;

He WAS a white-haired kid! Heck, even in the series you can see a photo of him sporting his white hair.

I fear they re-invent his backstory too :(

Celes Chere

I fear they re-invent his backstory too

Seems that way, since he's all tied up and being questioned by God knows who... And giving him a number and shit like he's some kind of android.


Ogod. OGOD.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well, I think it looks good... but, I've never played any of the other games, either.

Even disregarding DMC stuff that's a terrible generic white teenager design that's way too popular in american television.

Especially all of the shitty vampire movies/tv shows.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Well, I think it looks good... but, I've never played any of the other games, either.

It DOES look good for a game of that genre, but that's NOT Dante. It would have been fine if they created a new character or respected the ones that already existed, but they didn't. It's like they made a new GoW with Kratos as a effeminate bishonen :awesome:

Seems that way, since he's all tied up and being questioned by God knows who... And giving him a number and shit like he's some kind of android.


Ogod. OGOD.

Oh dear...



No seriously. What?

He looks fucking stupid. =/

EDIT: OH, and what's with the fucking cigarettes? I remember Hideki Kamiya once stated he made Dante a non-smoker because he thought that was cool. Way to fuck with that, Capcom. :monster:
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Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Amy... compare this to the picture Dacon posted and weep. :c


I meant it just looked like a good game, but yeah, I see.

From what I've read in the posts, they're redoing the character or something? Doesn't sound cool. I don't know the games or anything, but, to relate, if they made a prequel of Final Fantasy VII and redid Cloud's character, I know I'd be pissed/upset.

The white hair looks sexier, anyway.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
My last hope is that kid is not the real Dante and only thinks he is.

But I fear the worst.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I meant it just looked like a good game, but yeah, I see.

From what I've read in the posts, they're redoing the character or something? Doesn't sound cool. I don't know the games or anything, but, to relate, if they made a prequel of Final Fantasy VII and redid Cloud's character, I know I'd be pissed/upset.

The white hair looks sexier, anyway.

While I am secure in my masculinity, Dante was always a fine male specimen without being a generic bishonen. He had a strong jawline and a pretty athletic physique. NOT ANYMORE.

Meanwhile Ichigo Kurosaki is confirmed as the new Dante


while Shinji Mikami laughs at Capcom


image phail'd.

Also, DMC phail'd. This is what you get when you try to re-invent a game series.

Of course, they tried to re-invent Dante with DMC 4's what's-his-face, and iirc this wasn't received well either. Although I could be wrong on that, I wasn't really up to date on that one.

But I would like to see what the story started in that one turned out to.
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