Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
DMC4 didn't reinvent anything.

It was just a continuation starring a different character.


Double Growth
Yeah, I liked DMC4, people were upset about playing the same game twice, not the different character. I remember I got real used to Nero's arm and almost dreaded not having it anymore. And then when the characters switched, after one battle I remembered "Oh yeah, its freaking Dante." I thought that was a very cool affect it had on the player - though yes they could have had you go through a different set of maps. (But I liked that Nero wasn't able to kill the big demons, that took Dante)

This...this is horrible. And I really liked Heavenly Sword once it was cheap enough to warrant purchase, I'd much prefer another one of those.

And Tiff, I never liked his DMC3 look, that stupid boob-belt.
Give me

Anyway, terrible terrible idea. Really unfortunate, I've always really liked Devil May Cry.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
My last hope is that kid is not the real Dante and only thinks he is.

But I fear the worst.
Maybe? I kindof got the impression from the trailer that he's imagining all this demon hunting in his mind, tho that could just be a manipulative trailer. And I still doubt it


We have come to terms


But no, seriously, the DMC1 Dante had by FAR the best character design.

I don't think that's the real Dante. First of all, the hair. Plus the face. While the eyes are very similar (look around his eyes in that picture, then compare to DMC2 art), the rest isn't. And the cuts and everything...nah.

ALSO, it's seriously impossible for Dante to be 18 in DMC3, since Sparda defeated Mundus and came to the human realm a thousand years ago and boned Eve, who, if memory serves, was a priestess in a religion that worshipped Sparda or something like that. And then there's Sparda teaching both Dante and Vergil to use a sword, AND them fighting over chocolate as kids...he has to be much older than 18 in DMC3. He HAS to be.

NOT TO MENTION the official backstory as Tony Redgrave, which is where he got Ebony and Ivory from in the first place; the thing is, he had them in DMC3, which is literally IMPOSSIBLE (since it was set in a time period just before DMC1, which takes place many years after DMC3), making that a massive continuity error. And this is based on Capcom's word, plus the DMC novel, which was written with the approval of Kamiya and has been declared canon. And at that time, it's implied, but not really specified, that he's somewhere in his late twenties or early thirties. Then again, Dante sets up Devil May Cry at the end of DMC3, but in the novel, doesn't have a shop set up until the very end, which leads directly into Trish showing up, i.e. DMC1.

However, it could be that he ages slowly, and that he's 18 in demon years or some crap, idk. This would explain the look, and possibly the hair, since teenagers often dye their hair. Problem is the high-techyness of it all, meaning it has to be within just a few years of DMC3 =/

I had more debunking I was going to do, but forgot what I was going to say. :(

The game looks pretty cool, and I'll definitely play it, but I call bullshit on that being Dante. My money is on a Solid Snake Scenario, a la Sons of Liberty.


Double Growth
I can only hope that's where they're going with this. Because I saw it as heading in the direction of some disturbed kid who no one could understand why he was so misunderstood and then suddenly "Whoops, he's half-demon, that explains it."

I never saw any of the anime, how did that handle his story?


We have come to terms
I've not seen but one episode of the anime, myself.

And I don't remember if the manga was declared canon or not. It has the Capcom logo on it, I think (ed: just checked, it doesn't), so...maybe?

But in that, he's just discovered his powers, and it takes place immediately BEFORE DMC3, with the plan to raise Temen-ni-gru and all that. But he's just begun transforming, so idk.

But I think the explanation for the time between DMC3 and the novel was that it was repressed memories or something, like he tried to forget who he was or something.

I think the fact that dude has scars is the most obvious proof that dude ain't a demon. Look at all the shit that's happened to Dante AND Nero AND Vergil, and try and tell me that you can see a scar on them.



Double Growth
A good point. Though I was always thrown off by how much less punishment Dante could take in the game than he could in the cutscenes. :P


We have come to terms
Especially after you see the cutscene of him getting Alastor. :grover:


Double Growth
I remember being pissed off at that scene actually, lol. I was young at the time and was not very good at the game, I was really struggling. And then I saw that scene and just took it as the game laughing at me. :monster:


We have come to terms
I fucking love that scene. First saw it when I was like 20 and had never really played anything that freaked me out. I was like OWOW THAT WAS MESSED U-OSHITOSHITOSHIT WTFWTFWTFWTFWTFWTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :monster:

In case it's not obvious, I am a huuuuuuge DMC fan. XD


Double Growth
I've always liked it. I like it better than God of War, for one thing. Probably solely because Dante is a touch likable as compare to Kratos. (MUST YOU ROAR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING?!)

But guys, guys, we're all worrying over nothing. Hideaki Itsuno (director of 4) said
"there's no way we can fail. We'll most definitely make a great game."

There's NO WAY they can fail. We're all clearly deluded.

Celes Chere

I remember I got real used to Nero's arm and almost dreaded not having it anymore

Same here. I don't care what butthurt fans say, the Devil Bringer is really cool. T__T Tbh, I really hated Nero before I played the game... in fact I didn't want to play the game because it starred a different character which I called a "rip-off" of Dante. It was a pretty stupid move of me, especially since I picked up the game and fell in love with it. It's really fun, yeah it's more cinematic than the other games, but I wouldn't call it a bad game nor a failure. I'm really not sure why so many people are upset with it, you even got to play as Dante for a chunk of the game. The only bad thing about it is probably the lack of variety with the bosses. Fighting the same ones over and over was irritating.

I really liked the different styles you could use, and the different weapons given to you. Lucifer is sooooo much fun. =w= Seriously, how could anyone complain about that?

And Tiff, I never liked his DMC3 look, that stupid boob-belt.

Lol, well my point wasn't that his outfit was better, I was more trying to compare teen Dante to the new teen Dante. If I wanted to compare Dante himself to this Dante, I probably would have chosen a DMC4 image. =P Just because I really like that outfit. xD

ALSO, it's seriously impossible for Dante to be 18 in DMC3

... I thought that was his officially stated age. Anyway, 18 is close enough to 20 >_> . Either way, they're still making him ridiculously young if that IS what they're doing, and it's not possible for him to look that different without plastic surgery for that ugly ass face. 8D

Ghost X

I'm going with the theory its just a guy who thinks he is Dante, or is coincidentally named Dante :P. Unless something has been said that would disprove this, but I admittedly skimmed through this thread rather quickly.

I agree with the criticism of Capcom for basing the character upon current teeny-bopper trends, but what of the trench-coat-clad big-sword-carrying white-haired Dante? Wasn't that too based on popular trends at the time? Perhaps its just a case that we've grown up, and they can't sell the same product to the retarded teenagers that exist these days. Remember, we were once retarded teenagers too, frowned upon by jaded 20-somethings back in the day for ruining their nostalgia.

Having said that, I agree with whoever said Dante has a fanbase, who won't like this product if they have actually re-imagined the character and his story. Bad move indeed.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm going with the theory its just a guy who thinks he is Dante, or is coincidentally named Dante :P. Unless something has been said that would disprove this, but I admittedly skimmed through this thread rather quickly.

I agree with the criticism of Capcom for basing the character upon current teeny-bopper trends, but what of the trench-coat-clad big-sword-carrying white-haired Dante? Wasn't that too based on popular trends at the time? Perhaps its just a case that we've grown up, and they can't sell the same product to the retarded teenagers that exist these days. Remember, we were once retarded teenagers too, frowned upon by jaded 20-somethings back in the day for ruining their nostalgia.

Having said that, I agree with whoever said Dante has a fanbase, who won't like this product if they have actually re-imagined the character and his story. Bad move indeed.

Devil may Cry was a survival horror game that was supposed to be re4.

Dante definitely wasn't designed for teenage americans. It seemed as though capcom went with what they thought was cool and matched the game's tone.


To be honest I don't mind the design on it's own right. I'd probably be more interested in this if it weren't a Devil May Cry game. I refuse to believe it, there is NO WAY IN HELL that kid is Dante :\

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
To be honest I don't mind the design on it's own right. I'd probably be more interested in this if it weren't a Devil May Cry game. I refuse to believe it, there is NO WAY IN HELL that kid is Dante :\

I absolutely hate it from a design standpoint.

Looks terribly reminiscent of everything wrong with characters in vampire films/tv shows. But I've said that already.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I can only hope that's where they're going with this. Because I saw it as heading in the direction of some disturbed kid who no one could understand why he was so misunderstood and then suddenly "Whoops, he's half-demon, that explains it."

I never saw any of the anime, how did that handle his story?

The anime erased Vergil from the timeline; that was my only issue with it. Appart from that problem, Dante was known as Tony (the family name is never said) back when he lived with his mother in a village far from the city where he established his business. One night, when he was still a child, demons came out through a door opened in a nearby shrine and attacked the village, since they were searching for Sparda's son. It's said that Eve died that night while protecting Dante, but I can't remember how the door could be closed at last, sorry.

From that point, nothing is said about what Dante did with his life until DMC3.

That's pretty much what I can say about it. I hated they excluded Vergil from the anime, I would have loved a flashback of the twins fighting.

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