Do you think this cows had enough milking?

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
FFVII has a diverse area of subjects that could be made into their own stories. The War with Wutai, the arrival of Jenova, etc. Additionally, the Compilation as a whole is working towards a plotline that has yet to be concluded. And, to top it all off, Sephiroth's defeat at the end of AC/C didn't really feel "final."

As to whether or not they "should" continue, I personally don't have a problem with the Compilation, as long as it's good. It is made somewhat less enjoyable by all of the bitching, though. And yes, some of it's just plain ridiculous. Like Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode. Really? That's so pointless.

Anyway, if another FF did get "time in the sun," I would aim for VI or II.

Why VI? Firstly, because it would finally cause a mess in the fandom that has done the most active bitching about VII. Secondly, depending on some factors, VI has loads of grounds for a sequal, or even a prequel. Personally, I would like a definitive answer to why Kefka was defeated if he was supposedly the "God of Magic," if nothing else.

Why II? I haven't played it yet, but I've read about it, & I like what I see. The only thing that irks me is the open ending regarding Leon. Besides, Firion in Dissidia was fucking badass.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Personally, I would like a definitive answer to why Kefka was defeated if he was supposedly the "God of Magic," if nothing else.

Kefka wasn't the first God in fiction to get his ass kicked by mortals.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Kefka wasn't the first God in fiction to get his ass kicked by mortals.

I never said he was. The problem I have is with the specific circumstances.

He is the God of Magic. He is beaten with magic.

It does not compute. Now, he clearly isn't all-powerful, but he logically should at least control all of that world's magic. This is backed up by the fact that magic couldn't touch him when he was standing in the circle of statues, a power he later absorbed.

My personal theory is that the end of FFVI is sort of a suicide-by-cop. The party is fighting a God of Magic that is half-assing it because he just doesn't give a shit anymore.

But, like I said, I'd prefer something more definitive.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
If that was true, you wouldn't have an username and an avatar related to FFXIII.
No, I said I don't like crap. Not 'I don't like quality video games'. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm even more sorry if you've convinced yourself the compilation is worth more than a bucket of pig sick.


AI Researcher
Dude, seriously? LOL

Hate (for FFXIII) consumes you.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

Hate (for FFXIII) consumes you.

It's not really hate for FFXIII that makes me say that. It's the fact that the Compilation and FFXIII have so many similarities in design and scope that that makes me pause at such a claim. They carry so many similarities in terms of design, content, direction, and thematics.

The only difference is that FFXIII is new and shiny.

...Not to mention that in terms of overall quality and content, FFXIII may look amazing but it certainly ain't "quality gaming." Unless of course typical JRPG is your definition of quality, which I would then point you to other such RPGs that offer more than just a high definition experience with sexy lesbians.

...Oh there goes that hate again...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Mako said:
...Not to mention that in terms of overall quality and content, FFXIII may look amazing but it certainly ain't "quality gaming." Unless of course typical JRPG is your definition of quality, which I would then point you to other such RPGs that offer more than just a high definition experience with sexy lesbians.

"More" you say, sir? "Something other than" perhaps -- but more, sir?

To that I can say only:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Did I say 'good, quality games'? I meant lesbians.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
There is one answer to this, yes. Yes it has had enough milking. The fact we are discussing a company that has X-2, XII-RW, XIII Versus, past FF's remade, and all these FF7 spin offs in recent years, tells you one thing:

Once upon a time the games had to be great and original to make the money and gain respect, now all it needs to do is rely on on its name- Final Fantasy. The replies on this forum and every other confirm that. (99% will still buy XIII for example no matter what). No matter how shite they make their games now, or how much they cut out, people will still fawn all over them and blindly accept it.

The developers know that. That is why we're getting all these fucking piss poor cash-ins and cutscene fests.

What next? Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation 3,6 and 10? 'Final Fantasy 7: Zack's Big Day Out'. How much more can they squeeze out of the brilliance of VII? Well judging by the sales, they can take the piss relentlessly and a majority will still fall for it. I despair. It is this same pattern with every main game, TV, film series, and meanwhile Squareenix (and all the others) are rolling round laughing, swimming in a heap of cash like Scrooge from Duck Tales (wooo whooooo)

Whenever you see cash-ins, think about this:
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Pro Adventurer
No, I said I don't like crap. Not 'I don't like quality video games'. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm even more sorry if you've convinced yourself the compilation is worth more than a bucket of pig sick.

The fact you think FFXIII is an actual video game, is pretty hilarious.
"Video Game" and "Interactive Movie". Go learn the difference between them.
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Oh bless.

Last I checked interactive movies didn't have actual gameplay boss. Cry about how little gameplay there is all you like, but there's still more than enough there.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Oh bless.

but there's still more than enough there.

For you maybe, not for me, a person who played FF6-10 and loved them. Final Fantasy is more than "any old game" and "more than enough" claims.

edit: Final Fantasy used to be*
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Stop putting the series on a pedestal then. They're just video games, and not even very well written ones.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Stop putting the series on a pedestal then. They're just video games, and not even very well written ones.

Disagree. Final fantasy VII, VIII and X were very well written in my opinion, and we aren't discussing story here, we are discussing content. Since this is FF7 thread I will try and stick to that, these spin offs dilute the series, and they are purely money spinners.

FFVII was revolutionary. It has a story that is far in excess of most computer games, then and now, and it balanced story with gameplay such as minigames, sidequests.

You are actually telling me not to expect the level of excellence of VII, VIII, IX and X in newer games with far more resources available...because of what?


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Disagree. Final fantasy VII, VIII and X were very well written in my opinion, and we aren't discussing story here, we are discussing content.
>Final Fantasy VIII


I love Final Fantasy as much as the next person, but I will admit that the plot is usually fantastic concept underneath a confusing plothole mess.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
You are actually telling me not to expect the level of excellence of VII, VIII, IX and X in newer games with far more resources available...because of what?
Nooo. I'm telling you that you need to stop putting the games on a pedestal because sooner or later the series will get to a point where you don't like the changes, or you'll get to a point where no game will ever be able to compare to your prior experience.

It's all well and good to hold games to a high standard and expect excellence from them. Just try not to be so bitter because the series isn't 'excellent' in your eyes anymore, because other people are going to find it enjoyable.
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