- Alex T
Advent Children is far to too important to SE and the FFVII mythos for SE to scrap
Advent Children still is a gateway for people to get into Final Fantasy VII (or Final Fantasy in general).
I love the movie, but Advent Children came out in 2005. It's turning 17 years old this year. It ain't bringing in any new fans. Like, new FF fans aren't talking about how they just played FFX-2, which is from the same era. The world has moved on. In fact, Advent Children is beginning to look dated, especially in the facial capture department. Now, let's say that each remake part will take about 4 years of development time. If we do, we'd see the end of this project in either 2028 or 2032, depending on how many parts one thinks there'll be. 2028 will either be the end of the PS5's lifespan, or at the start of the PS6's.
Advent Children will be sooo old by then. Real-time graphics will have far surpassed it. In many ways they already have, such as with lighting and texture quality. They aren't going to end Remake with a promo saying "You've played the remake, now check out the ground-breaking and antiquated sequel, Advent Children! Now celebrating its 25th year anniversary in 8k!" Considering Remake was announced in 2015, that'd be quite an unsatisfying way to end a 13-17 year long saga. Buyers won't be interested (especially because like, public opinion of Advent Children isn't even that great).
This insistence that the remake project must be beholden to such an artifact is perplexing to me. Now, I already know where this discussion is going. "Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima would never disregard their own work like that!" They aren't. They don't need a narrative hook to honor Advent Children. The movie is still and will always be the original game's sequel. Its impact is seen all over Remake's presentation and Remake even directly references it. However, Remake is clearly going in a different direction.
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