Yes, Dacon. I am of the firm belief it was the only old-school western rpg. I wasn't just using it as an example or anything.
And it was a pretty big one. If you asked people to list old school western rpgs it would likely be on every one.
I'm sorry is this the thread for Dragon Age 2 or Fable 3? I can't tell because the game descriptions sound almost exactly the same.Somebody help pls
DA2's story will span 10 years [press release], [David Gaider]
This timeline partially overlaps that of Dragon Age: Origins, and Hawke's story begins in Lothering shortly before it is destroyed by the Darkspawn. [GameInformer article]
Events from Dragon Age: Origins may be seen from a different viewpoint [GameInformer print article]
Hawke escapes the destruction of Lothering with "his family" and he eventually makes his way to Kirkwall [Podcast Ep. 1] in the Free Marches [Five Facts]. Kirkwall is located on the southern edge of the Vimmark Mountains, north of Ferelden [this map].
"Hawke will also spend time in other areas of the Free Marches" [Five Facts]
Kirkwall is "quite a bit" larger than Denerim. [David Gaider - 18:23] NEW - 09/09
There is still slavery in the Tevinter Imperium, mostly Elves, and it's a big part of their culture. [David Gaider - 25:27] NEW - 09/15
Kirkwall was once the center of slave trade in the Tevinter Imperium. There is an old quarry where slaves used to work. The area in and around that basin is called Low Town, and is populated by the poor. The area above the basin is called High Town and is home to the more wealthy. [David Gaider - 33:54] NEW - 09/15
Kirkwall is ruled by a Viscount [David Gaider - 36:05] named Dumar [GameTrailers pop-up trailer] NEW - 09/15
There is a race native to Par Vollen called the Fex. [David Gaider - 06:16] NEW - 09/15
Kirkwall has one of the largest Mage circles in Eastern Thedas, larger than the one in Ferelden. It is also "the center of Templar power in Eastern Thedas," and is host to a Templar army. [David Gaider - 52:03] NEW - 09/15
The Free Marches are a loosely-aligned collection of city-states. They have no common ruler except very rarely, and even then only temporarily, during times of crisis, such as during the New Exalted Marches against the Qunari. They have, on some occasions, banded together and cooperated to fight against a common enemy. Other than that, they often squabble amongst themselves [Dan Lazin - 11:57], [David Gaider - 04:35] NEW - 09/15
The Free Marches and Ferelden are generally reasonably friendly, but due to the Blight and droves of Fereldan refugees, there is some tension between Free Marchers and Fereldans, and refugees (including Hawke) are often treated with dismissiveness or disdain. [Dan Lazin - 17:30] NEW - 09/15
Other NPCs/Companions:
There will be companions/followers [David Gaider]
There will be romanceable characters [Greg Zeschuk interview - Page 3], [FAQ]
"...the DLC from Origins will be tied to this game as well. You will see characters from that DLC in this game." [Mike Laidlaw - G4 article]
Hawke's party will still be limited to 4 (Hawke + 3 companions). [Dev Chat - 12:58] 08/22
There will be at least 2 of each class as potential companions [GameStar Sept 2010 article]
Party composition may affect dialogue with NPCs [GameStar Sept 2010 article]
The left side of the dialogue wheel may feature opportunities for companions to interact with the NPC Hawke is speaking to. [GameStar Sept 2010 article]
It is likely that Nathaniel Howe will appear, as he spent time in Kirkwall before the events of Awakening. [Mike Laidlaw] NEW
"You can even be openly hostile to your party members and still unlock combat bonuses." [GameInformer article] 08/08
can get quests from and even romance companions regardless of where you
are on the friendship/rivalry scale you are. But it may play out
differently. [Mary Kirby] NEW 09/15
Hawke's companions will have particular ways of interacting with each other, possibly including romance. [Dan Lazin - 25:02] NEW 09/15
Cassandra is an "Inquisitor" with an interest in Hawke's activities. [Gamestar (English translation)]
Cassandra is an Inquisitor in the employ of the Chantry. [Podcast - Episode 1]
Cassandra is Nevarran. [David Gaider - 10:50] NEW 09/09
Varric is a Dwarf who was with Hawke on his travels and is a narrator [Gamestar (English translation)]
"Varric is most definitely not a king." [Mary Kirby] 08/11
"Varric was born in Kirkwall. His family was noble before they became skyers. He is, therefore, a merchant prince among the surface dwarves. And that's probably all I can tell you about him for now." [Mary Kirby] 08/11
Varric is a Rogue. [David Gaider - 02:10] NEW 09/14
Varric is a follower. [David Gaider - 31:02] NEW 09/15
Varric is the younger son in the Tethras family, who discreetly "maintains a spy network" for the family. Varric's older brother is the head of the family and runs the family business. Their family is part of the Dwarven Merchants Guild. [Mary Kirby] NEW 09/17
Flemeth will appear [Print magazine]
Flemeth is once again voiced by Kate Mulgrew. [DA Wiki interview with Fernando Melo] 08/22
Hawke meets Wesley, an injured Templar, and Aveline, his wife, while fleeing Lothering. [IGN] 08/22
Aveline's arms were modeled after a muscular man's. [Dan Lazin - 15:00] NEW 09/15
Hawke has a brother named Carver (a Warrior) [IGN] and a sister named Bethany (an apostate Mage) [Gamestar (English translation)]
Hawke's mother also accompanies him during the escape from Lothering. [IGN]
You won't be able to romance Bethany. [David Gaider] Just in case you know...wondering.
The dialogue wheel will have up to 5 choice options and up to 5
"investigate options" (to leave room for "investigate" and "return"
options, respectively) [Craig Graff], [David Gaider]
There will be an icon that illustrates the tone of each dialogue response (snarky, aggressive, peaceful, romantic, etc.) [Mary Kirby], [Destructoid]
There are "personality choices" and "action choices." The tone icons for the former affect your personality, and depending on your choices, you will develop a "dominant personality" that can affect how Hawke delivers lines. The icons for the latter indicate intent. [David Gaider]
Party member approval is based on your actions, not your personality/tone. [David Gaider]
Hawke will participate in party banter to a limited extent. [David Gaider - 6:37] NEW 09/09
Art Direction/Music:
Female bodies have their own separate shape, and no longer resemble men in the shoulders and hips. [David Gaider], [Dan Lazin - 11:30]NEW 09/15
Different characters do not always share animations. [David Gaider]
Elves, Dwarves, and Qunari will have updated looks. [GI: A Look at the Qunari]
The armor Hawke is wearing in the Destiny trailer is already in-game. [Mike Laidlaw] 08/22
No bowstrings, cloaks, or horses. [David Gaider - 11:31] NEW - 09/09
We will not see any female Qunari in DA2. [David Gaider - 29:50] NEW - 09/15
Hawke will encounter some "leashed" Qunari mages. [David Gaider - 40:30] NEW - 09/15
There is flowing hair "in certain circumstances," as well as some "flowing" armor too. [Dan Lazin - 07:25] NEW - 09/15
Characters' poses will be a lot more natural, and walking animations will vary based on gender and personality. [Dan Lazin - 08:25] NEW - 09/15
Mages will appear less muscular than warriors and rogues. [Dan Lazin - 11:00] NEW - 09/15
Underwear is getting redesigned. [Dan Lazin - 15:40] NEW - 09/15
Dark complexions have been redesigned to look better. [Dan Lazin - 19:07] NEW - 09/15
If you give your Hawke dark skin, your family's skin will be changed to match. [Dan Lazin - 21:52] NEW - 09/15
When in melee range, mages will use their staffs as a melee weapon, rather than just standing there firing ("pew pew pew"). [Dan Lazin - 27:58] NEW - 09/15
Ferelden accents are still English mostly, and City Elf and Dwarf ones are still American. The Orlesians still speak with a French accent, and Antivans with Spanish. Dalish Elves now have Welsh accents. [David Gaider], [David Gaider], [David Gaider] NEW 09/17
Well it wasn't in this thread, so.
I am excited about the body shapes and the skin design. Finally, I no longer have to be the one black child in the middle of alily white family.
And the dialogue system sounds awesome too.
Oblivion too.Ah right, Fallout 3 had that same problem. You can find the body of a "grandma Taylor" during the vault escape and loot her body. After you've taken her clothes you see she has the body of a 21 year old but a really old head. O_o
So when is DA2 out?
And will there be a GOTY edition of the first game?![]()
October 12 2010 release date in the US, and according to October 29, 2010 in the UK, (most likely the rest of Europe as well.)According to GameStop, the Ultimate Edition will be released on October 12 at $59.99 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
The game tricked me!I personally didn't care cause I don't make a habit of stripping old ladies naked in video games.
Also, surprisingly, the mage is apparently the easiest character to play as this go 'round.![]()