Stupid question, but is it at all unusual for two big companies in the gaming industry to sit out on E3? I've really only been paying attention to E3 since the remake trailer aired, so I don't have much knowledge to go off of.
It is, because this hasn’t happened as far as I’m aware. I know Nintendo pulled out for good when they basically got laughed off the stage, but now they do their directs for E3. Sony has been there since it’s inception, as far as I am aware. I’m sure others have decided not to partake certain years when they didn’t have anything to showcase, but most of the big companies make an appearance.
A lot of companies are talking about moving away from E3, though. I’ve read that a lot of them aren’t happy about fans now allowed to be there. I don’t see why, though, and I don’t get why they wouldn’t want E3. E3 is great, but I guess so much stuff gets leaked throughout the year that they don’t have much to show off once E3 gets here.
As for the topic at hand, E3 not being there is no big loss. I like sports games, but for the most part EA just sucks as a company now and seems to be taking other companies down with them. It sucks that Sony won’t be there too, but I’m really looking forward to Square and Nintendo.