E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!

trash panda

My girl is gorgeouuuusssssss <3






But I do have to say her arm looks a little smashed in with that last picture...should use heal magix or something. :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
On the plate. Originally the rim of the plate outside the reactor perimeter ring was bare concrete, and now it's full of housing.

"Hey Bob! Heard you're moving."
"Yeah, me and the husband got priced-out of Sector 3, had to move onto the Precipice."
"Dang. North Edge?"
"Naw man, North's crazy right now, even studios go for 2500 gil a month."
"Really? Shit, where then?"
"Sector 7. At least it's a new building, but it's half the square footage of the old place. Hopefully we can put down roots, start a life there."

trash panda

My guess is, like many metropolitan areas, there are “good” and “bad” areas dispersed throughout. Same can be said for “wealthy” areas and “slums”. Sometimes the burbs and the slums IRL are right next to each other. Even wealthy or expensive neighborhoods aren’t always considered good, safe, or upper class. I bet rent next to the theatre that shows Loveless is outrageous, but the area isn’t super safe or clean...?

Maybe the outer edge has cheaper real estate, but it’s more private and you aren’t elbow-to-elbow with your neighbors? Maybe your neighbor is Jesse Pinkman, maybe not? By that could be the case anywhere. Lmao.


Sharp Shinra Shill
In real life sure, but thematically Midgar seems so ridiculously classist that I feel like the outer edge would be universally suburban. Or something. Of course, that's neither here nor there on whether its good or bad. Slums were both even in the original game.


Sharp Shinra Shill
God, makes you wonder how it would have looked if it had been finished. An outer ring for the outer perimeter perhaps, with yet more reactors.....
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Higher Further Faster
Please, no glorified beach episodes. No anime shenanigans, no swimsuits, and definitely no slow pans of characters in said swimsuits. Snowsuits would be cool though.

That said, I'd be down for some ridiculous outfits--even if they're DLC. Like Gold Saucer mascot costumes where everyone dresses up as classic FF creatures.

Why stop there? Let's bring back dress-spheres!
This was in Sector Six of Midgar. At the end of a busy street lined with shops and restaurants. Our house was just down an alley, nestled between a bookshop and a weaponsmith’s, that was damp and reeked of rust. Houses with the kind of basic shapes you’d see in a kid’s drawing, made of some material that looked like brick, were bunched together. It was apparently used as a housing area for lower-level Shin-Ra Company employees for a while after Midgar was completed. Later on, company housing was moved to Sectors Seven and Five. The area was supposed to be demolished, until some rich guy who ran a couple of bars leased them from Shin-Ra for his workers to live in. The rent was dirt cheap. A lot of the people who had come to Midgar from the world below – rural areas or the slums – with dreams of making something of themselves lived there. Everyone was poor. This was the sort of place for people who didn’t make it among the relatively wealthy populace of Midgar, but everyone agreed that it beat living in the slums.

This is from The Kids Are Alright. Now the funny thing is, either memory has failed me or it has failed Nojima, because what I remember is that Sector 6 at the time of the OG was either unfinished or badly damaged (I heard some suggestion it was damaged during the fight against Zirconiade, but that might be fanon). From the look of the image directly above me, Sector 6 is empty/unfinished.

also from TKAA:
I walked through Sector Seven to the warehouse block in Sector Eight – the usual destination for teenage runaways.

Sector 8 is also the entertainment district, containing Loveless Avenue, the Goblin's Bar, and two places called Robson's and Les Marroniers that could be anything. Sector 8 is also "Turks' jurisdiction", where a Turk traditionally begins their probationary period on patrol. (Crisis Cre, Before Crisis)

from Case of Shinra:
Sector Five was the Shinra Residential Area filled with a number of houses built next to one another but, only those with a pass could enter the warehouse built next to the Mako reactor. It was surrounded by a high wall and there was only one entrance. There was a large solid gate that won’t open without the right passkey.
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