Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
You need moar proofz? I gots it. :wacky:

Thought Clack wasn't present in DoC? You couldn't be more wrong. :awesomonster:

First of all, let's go back to Advent Children. Everyone knows and loves Cloud's super awesome bike, Fenrir. But have you ever thought about why he named it that way? :awesome:

In Norse mythology, Fenrir is a gigantic and terrible monster in the shape of a wolf. Let's ignore the "gigantic and terrible monster" part and focus on "wolf", k? :wacky:

The wolf is a member of the Canidae family, which includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals and - you guessed it - dogs. Now, what's a dog before it grows up? It's a puppy. Does this ring any bells? Well, it really should because in Crisis Core everyone and their mother calls Zack "ZACK THE PUPPY, WOOF WOOF <3". :awesome:

There is obviously a deep connection between the fact that Fenrir is a wolf and Zack is a puppy. What the creators intended to show with this is that Cloud named his bike in honour of Zack, who is cute like a puppy but strong and cool like a wolf.

The Strife Delivery Service is also symbolic of Cloud's luff for Zack. Deep down, what he truly wants is to spend the whole day with Zack, which he expresses by spending the whole day riding Fenrir. He goes as far as having Denzel and Marlene help him planning the routes he's going to take for deliveries because kids are stupid and they're likely to pick the longest routes. This gives him a valid excuse to spend even more time on Fenrir, and therefore with Zack.

"So how does any of this have anything to do with Clack in DoC?", you ask. It has everything to do with it.

You see, as much as Cloud loves Fenrir, the guilt he feels for Zack's death stops him for having a closer relationship with it, which is why he never talks to Fenrir in Advent Children. However, after he finally forgives himself and because of
the happiness he receives from the Clack scene in ACC :awesome:
, he's finally able to reach a new understanding with Fenrir.

A year later, in DoC, we see Cloud say "Let's go, Fenrir". We can then conclude that, because they're finally on a first name basis, they are much closer than they were before. This is symbolic of how Cloud feels much closer to Zack now.

To sum up:

Fenrir = Zack

Cloud & Fenrir before = "..."
Cloud & Zack before = Lovers.

Cloud & Fenrir after = "Let's go, Fenrir."
Cloud & Zack after = Super lovers! :awesome:

"Tifa: Cloud... Words aren't the only thing that tell people what you're thinking..."

Darkers go all crazy over this scene because it is heavily implied by the creators that Cloud and Tifa perform the act of Love Making that night, and somehow people have misinterpreted this as confirmation that Cloud thinks that Tifa is super hot and sexeh and he's in love with her.

But is that really what Cloud is thinking?

The answer is no. Think about it:

It's the end of the world. It's possible that Cloud will die the next day, and he's still a virgin. This obviously troubles him - he knows that if he dies, he's going to meet Zack. But he's still very inexperienced, and he's scared that he won't be able to satisfy Zack when they are finally reunited in the Lifestream.

Just because Cloud and Tifa do It, it doesn't mean that Cloud loves Tifa more than Zack. It is actually very clear that because of his insecurity, he merely decides to have some practice with her.

Below I have included what Cloud actually means the next morning:

"Cloud: ............It's almost dawn... (............It's almost time to meet him...)

Tifa: H, huh...?

Cloud: Sorry. Did I wake you...? It's almost dawn, Tifa.
(Sorry. Did I wake you...? I gotta go now, Tifa.)

Tifa: Umm... G, good morning... Cloud. Give me a little longer... Just a little
bit longer... This day will never come again... So let me have this moment...

Cloud: Yeah... okay. This is probably the last time we'll have together......
(Fine... I'll give you two minutes. But I'm leaving after that, I can't wait to show Zack all the things I learned :awesome:......)"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the true meaning of the Highwind scene. :awesome:

This one is very simple. I'll go straight to the point:

Zack and Cloud's relationship is in a much more advanced stage than Zack and Aerith's. This is because Zack and Cloud have fully completed the "Meet the Parents" phase of the relationship - we see that Cloud invited Zack to come over to his house and try his mother's cooking in CC, and we also see Cloud meeting Zack's parents in FFVII.

Zack and Aerith only went halfway through that phase, as Zack never met Elmyra. And no, the "you can't prove it didn't happen" argument doesn't count in Zerith's case. If they wanted to show it, they would have. :wacky: Furthermore, Aerith was with Cloud when she met Zack's parents, so that shouldn't even count. Cloud ended up in Gongaga because of fate, whereas Aerith was just following Cloud around. :awesome:

Besides, Zack had more physical contact with Cloud than Aerith (again, "you can't prove it didn't happen" is not valid for Zerith):

- Playfully shoved him once
- Hugged him once


- Zack changed his clothes and said he looked good (people think he's saying Cloud looks good in a SOILDER uniform, but he's actually saying he looked good naked)
- Zack did other things to him during the year they spent running from Shinra :awesome:
- Glomped by Zack
- This :3
- This D':
- And most important of all, Zack touched his hair. There's an unspoken rule in the FFVII Universe - no one touches Cloud's hair except Zack. Nomura told me.

Aerith loves Cloud. Cloud reminds her of Zack. Cloud and Zack are gay.

Lawl, good luck with that, Aerith. :awesome:

:bigmonster: THAT. EPIC. THANK YOU.

Also, I don't think I've posted this here before but...



If you've seen the English version, then disregard that. Everything Zack and Cloud says there is a lie. HERE'S WHAT HE AND CLOUD SAYS IN THE JAPANESE VERSION.



Great Old One
LOL HAHAHAHA, I couldn't stop lol'ing at those essays spacesheep. PROOF THAT CLACK IS CANON, FINALLY.

Also, Mei, that is EPIC.

By god, this club is amusing. What's with these threads being full of epic lol? :aah:
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Pro Adventurer
From the Cloud Club:

I always got the impression that Cloud's mom's hair was exactly like his, except with a ponytail or something. :awesomonster:


Isn't little Cloud precious? <3 :monster:



And lawl, I just quoted myself. I feel so cool now. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
spacesheep is made of awesome. WHY?

Because she made a Clack badge.


And looks who's supporting Clack with us! :reptar:



Pro Adventurer
Clack having the support of Cookie Monster = Clack totally beating every fictional pair that has ever existed. YAAAH BEAT THAT CLOTI AND ZERITH AND CLERITH AND WHATEVER :awesomonster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'll have to make a cookie monster wearing AerTi badge as well :wackymonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami

Apparently, Cookie Monster now denies the canon of Cloti. CLACK IS THE REAL CANON! :rage:

The fact that you are all posting here is proofz enough! :awesomonster:


Higher Further Faster
Well damn I'm boned. Looks like Clack has got to be the canon if Cookie Monster supports it. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Is anyone here also a member of Y!gallery? If so there is this awesome ZXC english doujinshi there ( Zack is a dog and Cloud a cat^///^ )
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