Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Higher Further Faster
Their 'innocence' and soft personalities do remind me of one another. But yeah, I guess we don't know. Only Monty Oum would know. And I didn't think it was Cloud speaking in the first place to be honest, it's just that it's not very clear who exactly it is and this Youtubian had a good theory so... but oh well.

I wouldn't exactly describe Aerith as soft or innocent. By the time Cloud meets her she's matured into a little spitfire. :monster:


It's why I love her. :monster:
I don't like when people call her an "Innocent Angel". Well, her appearance can be innocent, and she is at times. Hell, she's even described as innocent. But she's not a Mary Sue. Come on. >_> I like the spunky and stubborn Aerith. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
I think she's meant to take us by surprise when we first play. She seems all innocent and Angelic and then we find out that she's really not. I mean heck she convinced Cloud to cross dress and was pretty conniving and sneaky about how she got him and the tailor to do it. :awesome:


reality is a prison
Oh I love all forms of Aerith she is amazing. <333

Anyways seeing this is the Cloti club....I love Cloti. XD &#9829;


i tried kissing rain once and i failed..
it just hit the back of my throat since it was raining hard and im like omfg im never doing this again!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay, maybe we need a refresher on the rules because I just had to delete an image that was clearly pr0n and unacceptable. Especially in regards to what I did as well for the other one in the C/A club.

* Pornography

Any posting of pornographic images will result in a suspension or outright ban, depending on the severity and quantity of the posting. Posting it is against the host's terms of service, and such actions could result in punitive actions from the host, towards the site. It will not be tolerated. Furthermore, any forum user soliciting sexual acts, sending obscene images or requesting said images from underage users will be permanently banned.

Now porn is:

Any image that shows the exposed chest and/or genitals of a woman, the exposed genitals of a man, or any two nude people (or people and animals if you're a sick fuck) engaging in a oral/anal/vaginal sex, will be considered pornography.

Now the image showing Cloud, fucking Tifa, while sucking her nipple kinda stradles the grey area, since its cropped before we see the crotch, but no. Don't push the grey area. If it's questionable. Don't post it. I'm not gonna pass off warnings or say names since there was confusion about what the mod said was allowed. But let this be a clear answer on what is and isn't allowed in regards to the rules. Don't post that stuff here. Keep it clean. That's all.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Bullshit. Yop explicitly said tits are okay as long as they're behind a spoiler tag here. If you want to make up rules that contradict the word of the owner of the fucking board then by all means, be my guest, but don't expect nobody to call you on it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So ignoring the peanut gallery, how about them country bumpkins saving the world and falling in love and selling booze?

that's the life ain't it? :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
aww it's so sweet when you put it that way Dacon ^_^

I should upload Tifa and Cloud's sim wedding to youtube and post it.


Your Mom
Well, there's bare tits and then there's tits adorned with a man's lips. I'd argue that's not the same thing. :awesome:

But anyway, anyone have a link to this Dead Fantasy y'all were talking about? I know I watched it already but not very closely.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
if anything, I'd say tits adorned with a man's lips are more suggestive. Though the bare tits were being cupped so it's probably about a toss-up really.

I've also been informed that apparently Bluehost are absolute fascists about shutting sites down randomly for apparently no reason at all, so I guess I can understand taking spoiler tagged stuff down, but it still doesn't justify a goddamn infraction over an offence identical to an act someone else had performed without punishment. And that's the last I'll say about that - well, here, at least.

I've never watched Dead Fantasy. I should remedy that whenever someone posts a link.


Your Mom
I missed the whole porn/infraction party, but to me it sounds like a lack of communication among staff. Some let pics pass and others don't.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Pretty much that, then one staff member refused to admit a double standard had been created by the miscommunication and refused to undo an infraction he gave for a post that was made as a direct result of said miscommunication, even after said miscommunication was brought to staff's attention. Reversing that infraction was the last thing I did in the control panel before removing myself from staff, though I have no idea if it'll be allowed to stand.
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AI Researcher


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Pretty much that, then one staff member refused to admit a double standard had been created by the miscommunication and refused to undo an infraction he gave for a post that was made as a direct result of said miscommunication, even after said miscommunication was brought to staff's attention. Reversing that infraction was the last thing I did in the control panel before removing myself from staff, though I have no idea if it'll be allowed to stand.

You know, if you would've told me about Terra's post regarding her confusion regarding the picture in Faith being allowed I wasn't even aware of in the first place because I haven't been in the club, I'd have reversed it right from the beginning. I can't act without even knowing all the facts in the first place.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I assumed you'd find it prudent to read the entirety of the thread in which you warned someone (the Clerith thread) after said warning became controversial, and that you'd find it prudent to catch up on Faith after posts cited within that thread were quoted as rendering your warning questionable at best. I guess I should never assume someone will do what occurs to me as obvious.

But really, next time someone calls you on a warning, make sure you know all the facts before lashing out at them. They might know something you don't.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I can't be everywhere, dude. I rarely look in the clubs section to begin with. I just let Ryu and Hito take care of it.

I only knew of the offending Aerith/Cloud pic because it was reported and I was online at the time. I didn't bother looking back cause I thought it was covered and I only learned of any problem until you said something tonight.

I had no clue that the pic in Faith was even around, let alone people were confused, thought it was okay, and etc.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Then either all staff members need to start reading the entire board, or something needs to be done about the division of labour, because having different staff members handle situations in the same section with different styles isn't cutting it. It's establishing all kinds of double standards, like this one, that simply shouldn't exist, and that's creating all kinds of arguments that simply shouldn't need to happen.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well, we make mistakes, we're only human. I'm sorry about the confusion and hito is too. Like I said, I'd have been happy to remove it knowing the circumstances of it all.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
fair enough, and thanks for the apology. I probably was a bit of a cunt about it in staff but I've gotten pretty fed up with these miscommunications between staff members as well as various real life bullshit and just exploded. Like I said in my IDB thread I'll hopefully be back to normal within a few weeks/months


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I figured that was the reason you seemed so upset and everything. I'm sorry it seems like so much stuff is coming down on you all at once. I hope you can figure it all out and I know from friends and family how shitty Florida can be. Good luck getting out of there and somewhere better.
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