Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
I have mentioned this before, I am not sure if it was this thread or over on the LTD thread (both are starting to blend together :D) but, I have always been deeply troubled with just how hard the OG game tried to pair Aerith with Cloud. To me it really doesn't make sense, logically and time wise.

At most Cloud only known Aerith for a few weeks. I know that the Devs wanted to push the LT because it was the most popular troupe of the 90's but it seems like this didn't age very well, (love triangle) just doesn't fit in today's society. A lot of people want closure. Not an open for player interpretation. Not to mention the fact that Aerith is going to die about mid game.

It is so unfair to Aerith as a character and honestly it offers nothing story-wise other than, Aerith was a girl that was in a love triangle with another women that was cut short because of her death. (I am talking specifically the love triangle ordeal not the overarching story) That Cloud might or might not of had feelings for. This is garbage! Aerith is so much more of character than to be reduced to a love interest of someone who doesn't even know who he is much less what he wants. I feel that a lot of people think that Aerith's happiness was stripped from her when she died.

I mean at this point in the Remake Cloud barley just meet her a few days ago. Yes they both had very special moments together even so, I honestly don't think that is enough time to have passed for them to develop a meaningful "lover" relationship. Life just doesn't work that way. I think this is the reason why the Devs have made Aerith more passive towards Cloud in the Remake. Maybe in part 2 the Devs will work on this, but even so she dies only weeks later. If we look at the time scale of the events in FF7.

Also, I think she knows that there is something going on between Tifa and Cloud. I feel it is literally written on their faces when they react to each other. I believe women, have a six sense when it comes to these type of things. Whether or not they choose to continue to pursue the person or not is up to that individual.

In direct contrast, the relationship between Cloud and Tifa stems from their childhood. Enough time has passed of them being together and apart from one another for deep feelings to develop. This is represented many times in the Remake with all the scenes that have Cloud and Tifa share together. This coupling seems to makes more logical sense than Aerith's and Clouds. I am not saying Tifa and Cloud have a perfect relationship. Far from it, but from a real life stand point it just makes more sense.

To be honest. I for one am looking forward to the conclusion of the LTD once and for all. What do you guys think? Do you feel the same? Or am I alone in this thought.


Fire and Blood
CloTi is the pinacle of childhood friends ending together: he fell in love when they were kids, she noticed him when he went away, and their feelings only grow during the time of separation. You could argue in the OG that Tifa maybe had a boyfriend or two during this time, but we see this time around that it's not true, her heart unwavered and she was uninterested as per Barret's dialogue in his ch14 scene (although that's something I never doubted, even in the OG).

I think what was surprising to me is that this time, she told him she looked for him in the newspapers. She didn't in the OG, so I guess it's something out from the Lifestream scene and I wonder how they will replace this?

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
^She did tell him she looked for him in the newspapers in the OG, although it was during the lifestream sequence and not in Midgar, if that's what you meant.


Fire and Blood
Yes, I meant it as, after young!Cloud in the Lifestream told her to tell him outside the Lifestream that she looked out for him in the newspapers because that'd make him happy, she didn't in the game which made me sad.

But now that I think about it, they can have her admit the numerous letters she sent to Zack asking about him lololol.


Pro Adventurer
If you guys haven't played the Remake in Japanese, I would recommend it. Although, there are some things said that doesn't really translate well into English, or the localization crew took some liberties here and there. But, for the most part it is what is being said. I am mostly talking about the banter between the two while she is in your party. There are a lot of minor comments between Cloud and Tifa that are not in the Engllish dubbed. Especially when you are in combat.

An example of this is, in the Japanese version Cloud calls her name in almost every interaction. In the English dub, there are sometimes where Cloud would just say, "Hey" Now, this could be a localization but I find it interesting. I guess it could be the difference in the American and the Japanese culture.

Although, if I recall there was a recent interview with the Japanese VA and said that he prefers the Cloud and Tifa pairing so he could have be really trying to convey that through is VA.


Higher Further Faster
What do you mean "almost"? That is most definitely an AerTi post and we all love it. :orgy:

But it's in the Cloti thread :(

To quote Schmendrick: "There are no happy endings, because nothing ends."

LAST UNICORN QUOTE aww yissssssss

Have some art

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Pro Adventurer

- Return to previous carriage, just stay close to Tifa
- How is Tifa? Don't leave her alone

- I'm asking you to befriend with Tifa (blah blah probably same as EN dub)

J: Cloud-san. Can I call you " big bro"?
C: No
J: If you're my big bro. It's okay for you to take care of Tifa

T: Can I ask you a question. Back then at the audition, why did you save me?
L: Because Andrea asked me to do it
T: Is that all?
L: ....I just didn't want to risk your life
T: eh?

A: did you get your important thing back?
C: Thanks to you, I did
A: If so never let it go again.

Chocobo Sam:
C: Tell me more about Tifa
S: Tifa-chan is a real bombshell. She has a dynamite body, doesn't she?
C: Oi
S: I just made observation, sorry. Anyway, you're serious about helping Tifa. I can tell it by the way you fought back there.

Madam M: (I don't really understand what they said).
Probably mistranslated some lines, I'm not good at this. Feel free to correct me.


Pro Adventurer
There’s just an explosion of Cloti art and content on Twitter. The compilation of their scenes together also garnered more than a million views on Youtube! It’s like a Cloti renaissance

I was JUST about to come here to comment on the same thing!!! :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: I was just watching the compilation from their scenes on youtube and the views are incredible.

The same thing on Tumblr, as it seems. Cloti was featured on the list of most popular ships of the platform for 2/3 consecutive weeks as far as I know.
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Oh wow that’s pretty crazy. They’ve come a long way since 97 and it’s nice that they’re being introduced to a new generation of players too. I watched the Youtube video and funnily enough, it didn’t even include all their scenes and it was more than 40 minutes long


Fire and Blood
I think the Remake really nails it where the OG failed: showing that their relationship is special. That Cloud doesn't react to her the same that he does other girls, and that he pays extra attention to her. Also all the touchy moments, LOL if you look well, starting I think ch5 they keep touching each other - it's as if that train scene was a prompt for "oh it's ok to touch now :awesome:"

There is an incredible intimacy between the two, and they don't even talk that much because LOL cloti is all actions XD

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Really takes me back. Back when the OG was still fresh, I remember Cloti to be the less popular ship, totally outnumbered by Clerith. But post-OG and the presence of Compilation had slowly but surely managed to change the tide. This ship has really come a long way.

Via Purifico

Pro Adventurer
Unnoticed Cloti moment during the crab warden boss fight. Cloud puts his arm around Tifa's waist as they're dodging in the cut scene. You can barely see it and the team added it.

Also, that is Aerith's face in the sewers as she's watching Cloud watch Tifa cross the platform that sinks. I'd love to see an argument that her expression is anything but the total realisation Cloud is totally into Tifa. He doesn't take his eyes off her until she's next to him and even then he waits until she looks at and he nods to confirm she's safe. He definitely didn't do that when it was Aerith's turn and Tifa was the one who saved her, too. Cloud grabbed Tifa and braced her as she grabbed Aerith.

I mean, the devs put it this way for a reason
It's not accidental.


You look like you need a monkey
Really takes me back. Back when the OG was still fresh, I remember Cloti to be the less popular ship, totally outnumbered by Clerith. But post-OG and the presence of Compilation had slowly but surely managed to change the tide. This ship has really come a long way.

Since a lot of Cloud and Tifa's interactions are non-verbal, it was easier to miss the subtle cues in the OG that showed their relationship. Those were very hard to convey with the OG's blocky character sprites. Better tech now definitely makes things much clearer. We can actually see the small actions and expressions that Cloud and Tifa display toward each other; the shy glances, assuring touches, and watchfulness.

Edit: Forgot to add -- Voice acting is totally a factor too. Like, there's no way anyone could mistake the way Cloud's VA says Tifa's name.
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