Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Thanks! 65 pages vs 270 pages... I'm guessing they take to other avenues to discuss or perhaps they are quite the minority?

I imagine they are probably posting elsewhere. Although, after the Remake, I think maybe Cloud X Aerith is a little bit harder to ship. Especially post Remake Era, but who knows what is going to happen in Part 2.

For Tifa’s scar, isn’t it stated that she has it in her back? I think I read that recently, in her profile or something (should be here on the website).

On her back? That would be an odd place for it, being that in the OG she fell backwards down the stairs. I am actually surprised that she didn't break her neck. She hit the ground pretty damn hard.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
@odekopeko I found the forums almost the same way. That and the fact that my social circle was not at all interesting in talking about Final Fantasy 7. Most are still burnt out because of all the hype in '97. One of my friend got the entire game spoiled because he worked at EB games. Yes, EB games, back in the day. People wouldn't stop talking about FF7 and he got tired of it really quick. He has not interest in playing the Remake.

My other friends want to play it but don't want to play like we are doing now, in parts. He is going to wait until all the parts come out and play it all in the Definitive Edition. (You know SE will have one, once they all release all the parts. SE is not to leave money on the table)

So, I turned to the internet because I was busting at the seams to talk about the game, and one google search, and then I landed here. I finally found people that have the same passion as I do about this game.

However, if I remember right I think it was being in the reactor that was similar to the Nibelheim reactor. When Tifa said, "Shinra... I hate them all" lines. I believe that is what triggered the memory in Cloud.

It's from Cloud POV, remember he followed Tifa into the Nibelheim Reactor as a regular soldier. Tifa got tired of waiting for her father and Zack to come out, and Tifa somehow got past foot soldier Cloud and ran into the Nibelheim Reactor. Tifa, didn't notice him because she was dealing with the death of her father. Also, this places Cloud in position to come to Tifa's rescue when Sephiroth slices her down. Tifa, of course wouldn't know this until the Lifestream scenes that Cloud was there during that entire event.

Edited to add:
The real question is this, "Why doesn't Tifa have a scar across her chest, or stomach after being sliced by Sephiroth. I mean she was critically injured, there should be a scar. (Honestly I don't think that would detract away from Tifa's looks if there was) Although, we never seen Tifa topless in official artwork, so maybe there is a scar across her chest. She just wears her white top to cover it up.

Maybe I will commission @Cat on Mars to draw a picture of Tifa showing that.
I think this scene from tifa POV, not zack or cloud, because cloud has some tifa memories
Cloud or zack never know tifa want try to kill sephiroth, they only know tifa after she was sliced down by sephiroth
SE show this scene in 2 games, 1 ova movie
After sephiroth burn nibelheim, the first person who found Tifa injured in nibel reactor is zack, not cloud
Zack fight with sepehiroth, he loses and cloud appear
ff7crisis core nibelheim incident, minutes 4:43, real cloud is shinra trooper minutes 4:17
OG ff7 lifestream nibelheim incident minutes 25:35
Ff7 the last order, minutes 8:00


Fire and Blood
Nah, Cleriths are super happy with what they got and think Cloti got the shaft. As I was saying, the pairs speak differently to people, so of course what pleases one makes the other indifferent and vice-versa. The only thing I can say for sure is that Aerith’s flirtiness got downgraded from A+ to C. I xan tell because it’s what made me hate her in the OG so :monster: (also the fact that the game pushed clerith way too much, I don’t like to be told what to like thank you).


Pro Adventurer
I think this scene from tifa POV, not zack or cloud, because cloud has some tifa memories
Cloud or zack never know tifa want try to kill sephiroth, they only know tifa after she was sliced down by sephiroth
SE show this scene in 2 games, 1 ova movie
After sephiroth burn nibelheim, the first person who found Tifa injured in nibel reactor is zack, not cloud
Zack fight with sepehiroth, he loses and cloud appear
ff7crisis core nibelheim incident, minutes 4:43, real cloud is shinra trooper minutes 4:17
OG ff7 lifestream nibelheim incident minutes 25:35
Ff7 the last order, minutes 8:00

Fair enough. The only issue that I have is the camera angle in the Remake. It obviously from a third person point of view. So someone was looking at Tifa. I don't think it was Zack, otherwise how is Cloud having the vision. So, that only really leaves Cloud in this case. Of course your point is still very interesting and should be discussed more.

Edited to add. It could be from Zack and Cloud's point of view. hmmmmm interesting.
Nah, Cleriths are super happy with what they got and think Cloti got the shaft. As I was saying, the pairs speak differently to people, so of course what pleases one makes the other indifferent and vice-versa. The only thing I can say for sure is that Aerith’s flirtiness got downgraded from A+ to C. I xan tell because it’s what made me hate her in the OG so :monster: (also the fact that the game pushed clerith way too much, I don’t like to be told what to like thank you).

@Eerie I understand where they are coming from but what I took away from the Remake Aerith, I still don't like this one either. I still felt she was way too bubbly and very assertive when it comes to Cloud. This is not my style of characters. I will concede that she is a lot better in this one than the OG that is for certain. Also, after and or around CH14, I began to like her a bit more, maybe because she was very focused on the mission and the main story arc. Not trying to be a cute, Disney magical princess. Of course this is my opinion.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
Fair enough. The only issue that I have is the camera angle in the Remake. It obviously from a third person point of view. So someone was looking at Tifa. I don't think it was Zack, otherwise how is Cloud having the vision. So, that only really leaves Cloud in this case. Of course your point is still very interesting and should be discussed more.

Edited to add. It could be from Zack and Cloud's point of view. hmmmmm interesting.

@Eerie I understand where they are coming from but what I took away from the Remake Aerith, I still don't like this one either. I still felt she was way too bubbly and very assertive when it comes to Cloud. This is not my style of characters. I will concede that she is a lot better in this one than the OG that is for certain. Also, after and or around CH14, I began to like her a bit more, maybe because she was very focused on the mission and the main story arc. Not trying to be a cute, Disney magical princess. Of course this is my opinion.
cloud has that vision because he had the memory of zack
how can you say that tifa nibel reactor scene is not from zack POV or tifa POV, but from cloud POV? explained in video, zack arrived earlier than cloud
and if cloud sees Tifa wants to kill sephiroth, don't you think that he will stop Tifa's intention? cloud is not stupid to see a normal girl wants to kill the strongest soldier and he let that happen
the most logical logic is at that time cloud was still on the way to catch up Tifa and Zack
He saw Zack and Tifa after they were injured, but Cloud never saw Tifa try to kill Sephiroth
that's why after helping tifa ,, cloud said sorry i didn't get there...sooner


Fire and Blood
We don’t know how this will play exactly in ghe Remake. The devs are doing a retelling so while the same events happen, there might be some twisting around. What you said is true for the OG, but we don’t know if it will stand true for the Remake. Every time they have touched upon this scene, they have changed things a little bit, so I expect things to have been changed yet again.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the welcome, all! @JT77fp It really does feel like the good old days again! (And your wife sounds lovely/has the patient of a saint, haha)

It's kinda funny how the AC/the anticipation for it was what brought me and so many other people into the fandom, but now looking back at without those rose-colored lenses, it really is such a disappointing piece of work.

@Yumelinh great article! Does a particularly good job of setting out what made the OG so special and why AC felt so shallow in comparison. (I actually remember quite liking CC and its characterizations, but it's been....over a decade since I've played that as well, hah!). This is a rant for another time, but I find AC more frustrating than anything because its squandered potential. 'After The End' sequels are always so great on paper, but AC's execution left so much to be desired. To be fair, there is only so much you can do in a feature-length film, but you could have easily cut out 10-15 minutes of mindless action scenes and spent that time to establish the Seventh Heaven family dynamic to actually understand what Cloud has lost and what he recovers by the end of the film. Shoving all the emotional development into a bunch of supplemental novellas and a DVD extra epilogue was certainly a choice.

Since the Compilation felt like it was the last word on these characters, I almost forgot about how good the characterizations were in the latter half of the OG. I feel like I drifted away from the fandom because I was in it more to be proven right than actually caring about the relationship. But again, the Remake has changed all that, and now I am deep in my Cloti feelings all the time.

@Shadowfox I very vaguely remember Pink Moses. I am just forever grateful we now live in a world where we no longer have to rely on the same 5 Japanese speakers on the entire Internet and Babelfish for translations

As to what happened to ACF, I think I had stopped being active in the fandom when it went kaput for good. I'm sure the reasons were actually financial in nature, but wasn't there also something about Summoner_Yuna "meeting" Sephiroth on the astral plane or am I totally making that up?

I liked AC when I was younger and thought the action was cool. Then I didn't like AC when I thought I'd grown up because I thought there wasn't a lot of story, the story there was didn't make much sense, and Cloud was too edgy, now these days when I feel like I understand the characters better I kind like it again. I watched AC a while back for the first time in a decade (ACC this time) after thinking about Clouds character again for a while, and now I was just surprised how perfectly it fit with my new views on Clouds character arc, and that really made me appreciate it a lot more.

I think when I was younger I was one of the people who thought he was still wavering between Tifa and Aerith, which I found to be ridiculous. But the whole weakness/failure/guilt moving on aspect just made Clouds character, and therefore, the movie, a lot more human and relatable to me.


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
Ohaiiii @insanehobbit I remember you :D

Edit: since there are so many original Faith members appearing, can I just ask what happened on the AC forums? I hear shit alluded to a lot on here but I've always been curious what happened? Unless answering is going to drag up some kind of major bad blood, in which case sorry for asking!
I have no idea tbh. I just assumed that interest dropped, there wasn't any traffic, and there were better sites dedicated to discussing CC / KH

Thanks! 65 pages vs 270 pages... I'm guessing they take to other avenues to discuss or perhaps they are quite the minority?
Mm I do also feel perhaps this site has content that skews towards C/T, so perhaps there is a perception of bias, mayhaps they took their shipping elsewhere. When AC was about to launch, both communities were really active, with C/T a bit larger

I feel that after CC, Aerith fans found their preferences split between C/A and Z/A as well, whilst C/T has only grown after AC,CC,KH, FF7R because, well, it just makes narrative sense. :whistle:

JT77fp said:
And just to lighten the mood here, I did an experiment on my wife yesterday while we were crossing the road. Told her to imagine I had to pull her away from a car that was about to hit her. So I did it in CloudxTifa style: grab her arm, then pull in tight while sliding arms down to hold the waist. She wasn't impressed with all the unnecessary fondling....which was EXACTLY the point I was trying to make! :)
Back in the day, you didn't yet have a wife to do random experiments on :D

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled discussions with a little parade precipitation, but forum staff has been considering for a couple of weeks how and whether to address the matter of discussing The Other Ship in the fan club threads for Clerith and Cloti.

Historically -- and I'll be honest -- we've kind of ignored what has been said in these threads because keeping an eye on one place dedicated to Love Triangle Debate elements was enough. Of late, however, we've become increasingly aware of LTD-style posts being made in both threads, so a reassessment was needed.

The decision we have reached is to reiterate (or iterate for the first time, as the case may be) that the club threads are for fawning over their respective characters/ships, not for discussing the merits of other characters, ships, or the fandoms of those ships.

Now, for clarity's sake, it's one thing if a new or returning poster asks a question like this:

Thanks! 65 pages vs 270 pages... I'm guessing they take to other avenues to discuss or perhaps they are quite the minority?

Asking that or answering it is rather qualitatively different from breaking down the ways in which one thinks the other ship can't float or its fans don't know an oar from a rudder.

Let me also attempt to clarify that I get how even just fawning over one ship often involves quoting material posted to tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, etc., and that fawny material posted in such places often comes mixed in with critique of The Other Guy's Navy (as well as the Zerith ship, for that matter). That, unfortunately, has become so ubiquitous in the culture of the fandom that it's probably much easier to come across postings like "Here are some tender, beautiful observations of Cloud and Tifa's consideration for one another that show how they are meant to be in the remake. Also, Clerith is just one of Ondore's lies. ::blows raspberry::" -- but I'm willing to wager that one can still reference such material while keying focus in on the gushing.

That's what is going to be asked of you anyway. We can't do anything about the toxicity that festers elsewhere, but we are going to do our part to clean it up here. Please help out and be part of that.

Thanks for your attention and consideration.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled discussions with a little parade precipitation, but forum staff has been considering for a couple of weeks how and whether to address the matter of discussing The Other Ship in the fan club threads for Clerith and Cloti.

Historically -- and I'll be honest -- we've kind of ignored what has been said in these threads because keeping an eye on one place dedicated to Love Triangle Debate elements was enough. Of late, however, we've become increasingly aware of LTD-style posts being made in both threads, so a reassessment was needed.

The decision we have reached is to reiterate (or iterate for the first time, as the case may be) that the club threads are for fawning over their respective characters/ships, not for discussing the merits of other characters, ships, or the fandoms of those ships.

Now, for clarity's sake, it's one thing if a new or returning poster asks a question like this:

Asking that or answering it is rather qualitatively different from breaking down the ways in which one thinks the other ship can't float or its fans don't know an oar from a rudder.

Let me also attempt to clarify that I get how even just fawning over one ship often involves quoting material posted to tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, etc., and that fawny material posted in such places often comes mixed in with critique of The Other Guy's Navy (as well as the Zerith ship, for that matter). That, unfortunately, has become so ubiquitous in the culture of the fandom that it's probably much easier to come across postings like "Here are some tender, beautiful observations of Cloud and Tifa's consideration for one another that show how they are meant to be in the remake. Also, Clerith is just one of Ondore's lies. ::blows raspberry::" -- but I'm willing to wager that one can still reference such material while keying focus in on the gushing.

That's what is going to be asked of you anyway. We can't do anything about the toxicity that festers elsewhere, but we are going to do our part to clean it up here. Please help out and be part of that.

Thanks for your attention and consideration.

Can I ask for a bit of clarification on that? Because I think I might be misunderstanding what the, lets say "nature", of the individual threads are, although from your comment I gather that might be because it's been a bit vague these past pages.

I assumed the Cloti thread was for Clotis to basically talk among themselves about the merits of Cloti (and post fan-art ofcourse), and that TLD would be for Cloti and Clerith and Zerith to basically all have a friendly discussion together.

But from what I gather the Cloti, Clerith, and Zerith pages are really not meant for a discussion on the subject of the LTD at all?
I guess what I am asking is, what if you want to discus Clerith arguments from a Cloti perspective, where should you do that? I assumed that that went on Cloti, but now I am getting the sense that that's exactly the sort of thing you don't want done there?


Pro Adventurer
I liked AC when I was younger and thought the action was cool. Then I didn't like AC when I thought I'd grown up because I thought there wasn't a lot of story, the story there was didn't make much sense, and Cloud was too edgy, now these days when I feel like I understand the characters better I kind like it again. I watched AC a while back for the first time in a decade (ACC this time) after thinking about Clouds character again for a while, and now I was just surprised how perfectly it fit with my new views on Clouds character arc, and that really made me appreciate it a lot more.

I appreciate what they were trying to do with Cloud's AC/ACC in theory. The lingering guilt, trauma and thinking he wasn't allowed to be happy are really interesting things to explore and in line with the OG's more comparatively grounded approach to things. Again, it was the execution that left so much to desired. It felt like he was KH!Cloud rather than OG!Cloud, two years removed.

On a side note, I am loving all the art of Remake!Cloud threatening to beat the shit out of AC!Cloud for treating Tifa the way he does. They're obviously not at the same stage in life, timeline shenanigans or not, but the characterizations really feel like night and day.

@The Twilight Mexican I haven't been here long, but I've really admired all your/the staff's efforts to keep TLS the nicest/most civil place to discuss FF7 on the Internet. I guess I would like a bit of clarity on this too so I don't start my time here flagrantly disregarding the rules. As much as I enjoy fawning over Cloti, given the nature of their relationship and the game, it'll be hard to do any deeper analysis without occasionally mentioning Aerith/the other ship. I would definitely try to do this without disparaging the other ship/shippers (I would like to think my petty vindictive days are behind me) and wouldn't make it the main subject of my post. At the same time, as much as this iteration of the LTD is the most civil ever seen, for the sake of my own sanity/blood pressure, I'd much rather share any LTD-adjacent thoughts here. Would that be allowed if we keep to the rules of engagement established for the LTD forum?


Pro Adventurer
@Yumelinh : Sorry for confusing you with someone else! Thanks for posting that article. It perfectly captures the frustrations I've had with post OG material. The statement, "Final Fantasy VII is all coming-of-age means transcending those expectations and learning that who you are is better than anything you could pretend to be; that caring is better than pretending not to." sent shivers down my spine. It is exactly the message I got from the OG even when I played it as a teenager.

Nah, Don' worry! It's fine! :)

And yeah, reading this article was probably the first time I come to fully realize what my problem with Post-OG materials was. Although I enjoyed most their post works, it always felt like the growth of these characters and even the message of the OG game was disregarded for the sake of having these characters as people remember them. I hopeful Remake will be fateful to OG message and growth, and with that fresh in people's minds, I think that we will not have any of these problems in future works. ( if there's any ofc)

I appreciate what they were trying to do with Cloud's AC/ACC in theory. The lingering guilt, trauma and thinking he wasn't allowed to be happy are really interesting things to explore and in line with the OG's more comparatively grounded approach to things. Again, it was the execution that left so much to desired. It felt like he was KH!Cloud rather than OG!Cloud, two years removed.

As much as I agree with @Stiggie with their vision of AC/C along the years ( it was the same to me as well), you hit the nail on the head w/ my problem with AC/C.

When you see the full picture with all the information we have regarding what was happening in AC/C, you understand why the characters were going through that. It makes sense! But it was poorly executed for sure.

A lot of important things that were extremely necessary to understand the character's fears, relationships, and motivations were left in supplementary works instead of being added to the movie. And this is the reason why we still need to deal with a lot of misconceptions up to this day. :(


Pro Adventurer
I'm reading that it's okay to discuss all things Cloti, including aspects of the LTD that relates to them, but he and staff are asking us to do it without bringing up/trashing on the other ship or fandom? That I can wholeheartedly agree with. (Taking this as a warning to myself as well because I've been guilty of bringing stuff up.)

Here's cloti fanart, Marle-approved!

@odekopeko I found the forums almost the same way. That and the fact that my social circle was not at all interesting in talking about Final Fantasy 7. Most are still burnt out because of all the hype in '97. One of my friend got the entire game spoiled because he worked at EB games. Yes, EB games, back in the day. People wouldn't stop talking about FF7 and he got tired of it really quick. He has not interest in playing the Remake.

My other friends want to play it but don't want to play like we are doing now, in parts. He is going to wait until all the parts come out and play it all in the Definitive Edition. (You know SE will have one, once they all release all the parts. SE is not to leave money on the table)

So, I turned to the internet because I was busting at the seams to talk about the game, and one google search, and then I landed here. I finally found people that have the same passion as I do about this game.

Aw, that's a great story, and I enjoy reading your thoughts. I wish my friends were gamers too, but most are into kpop, so there's nobody to discuss, with except here. I checked out other forums/sites, but people there were just plain rude to each other, and I hate the "downvoting" system. They use it on kpop sites too. So, yeah, I'll stick with here.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Speaking of "real" Cloud's character, remember in the OG when he freaks out with claustrophobia after getting into the submarine? Cid (I think he was a mandatory team member in that huge materia quest) had to calm him down and get the sub going. :)

And on the Highwind, he's exchanging tips with Yuffie on how not to throw up. He had a seriously long, empathetic convo with her! He definitely didn't act like he's too cool for school. I hope there's a nod to his motion sickness and claustrophobia too in the remake.

(And your wife sounds lovely/has the patient of a saint, haha
Ha! I think you've correctly read between the lines there. Yes, she has to put up with me goofing around on a regular basis. But ever since FF7R came out I've probably fully regressed into somewhat of a second childhood!


Pro Adventurer
@JT77fp Aw, she sounds like a good one. I've definitely regressed into childhood as well. A big part of my FF7 experience growing up was posting about it on ACF, so as fun as it was venting with my IRL friends about Hell House in hard mode and that stupid pull-up mini-game, I quickly realized my level of obsession was on another level entirely, so I'm glad to have this place as an outlet.

I LOVE this. Marle was such a great new addition to the game. She's almost feels like a self-interest for overprotective Tifa stans like myself.

Speaking of "real" Cloud's character, remember in the OG when he freaks out with claustrophobia after getting into the submarine? Cid (I think he was a mandatory team member in that huge materia quest) had to calm him down and get the sub going. :)

And on the Highwind, he's exchanging tips with Yuffie on how not to throw up. He had a seriously long, empathetic convo with her! He definitely didn't act like he's too cool for school. I hope there's a nod to his motion sickness and claustrophobia too in the remake.

Yes!! I replayed the OG after the Remake, and I forgot what a sweet dork Cloud is post-Lifestream. His convo with Yuffie might be longer than any other he has the entire game. On a ship-related note, Cloud trying to cheer up Tifa back on the Highwind when she thought everyone else had left was also so goofy and adorable. (Not to keep harping on this point, but it's another reason why AC!Cloud was such a bummer for me) I really wish we got more time with Real Cloud in the OG. Can't wait to see the Remake's version of him on the PS16 in 2055.

I hope this isn't bending the rules too much (and I will try to keep my editorializing to a minimum), but as a "veteran" (lol) of the LTD, I did want to address some of the questions posed about how the debate and Cloti's popularity evolved through the years.

This is all from memory, so I could be terribly wrong about some of this, but when I first became active in the Fandom pre-AC release (around '03/'04), team C/T was in the minority (not drastically so, but it would probably be about 60/40 if I had to take a guess.) I remember it being a pretty commonly held view that post-game, Cloud went off to search for Aerith in the Promised Land, given the ambiguity of the OG's ending. This was supported in part by the only post-game FF7 content we got at the point, which were the cameos in Tactics and Kingdom Hearts. IIRC, the first footage we got of AC was Cloud walking through Aerith's church asking to be forgiven, which also seemed to point in that direction. We didn't even know if Tifa was going to be in movie at the point.

Then with the actual release of the film, OtWtaS, and Tifa's presence in Kingdom Hearts 2, the tides started shifting in our favor (albeit, very slowly). IMO, many of the things that initially ambiguous or seemed to support the other side (KH and AC in particular) ended being more Cloti as more information was revealed.

That's about where I hopped off the train. I think there's been Dissidia and some mobile spin-offs in the interim, but nothing substantial since the Remake. And only time (oh so much time) will tell where that leads us. Yay!


Pro Adventurer
Marle was such a nice addition. I wish we had more scene btw her and Tifa tho :(

On the subject, the way she speaks with Cloud like "I am unwillingly accepting that you seem to be the person who will take my granddaughter away from me, so I might as well give you some advice" was so amusing and funny at the same time lol

I wonder where Marle got that impression tho... Are she and Tifa close enough for Tifa to have talked about her past? Marle looks very sharp, so maybe it was when Tifa went to talk to her to get Cloud a room and she just read the whole situation lol? Well, we will never know :(

Anyway, I want more Marle somehow in Part 2!!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Can I ask for a bit of clarification on that? Because I think I might be misunderstanding what the, lets say "nature", of the individual threads are, although from your comment I gather that might be because it's been a bit vague these past pages.

I assumed the Cloti thread was for Clotis to basically talk among themselves about the merits of Cloti (and post fan-art ofcourse), and that TLD would be for Cloti and Clerith and Zerith to basically all have a friendly discussion together.

But from what I gather the Cloti, Clerith, and Zerith pages are really not meant for a discussion on the subject of the LTD at all?
I guess what I am asking is, what if you want to discus Clerith arguments from a Cloti perspective, where should you do that? I assumed that that went on Cloti, but now I am getting the sense that that's exactly the sort of thing you don't want done there?

@The Twilight Mexican I haven't been here long, but I've really admired all your/the staff's efforts to keep TLS the nicest/most civil place to discuss FF7 on the Internet. I guess I would like a bit of clarity on this too so I don't start my time here flagrantly disregarding the rules. As much as I enjoy fawning over Cloti, given the nature of their relationship and the game, it'll be hard to do any deeper analysis without occasionally mentioning Aerith/the other ship. I would definitely try to do this without disparaging the other ship/shippers (I would like to think my petty vindictive days are behind me) and wouldn't make it the main subject of my post. At the same time, as much as this iteration of the LTD is the most civil ever seen, for the sake of my own sanity/blood pressure, I'd much rather share any LTD-adjacent thoughts here. Would that be allowed if we keep to the rules of engagement established for the LTD forum?

So, talking about the merits of Cloti (e.g. "Look at all these times they illustrate their personal love language of communicating their feelings without words") would be appropriate here. Even observing matter-of-factly (i.e. not as a judgment of comparative value or quality) that this contrasts with the more verbal communication style Cloud and Aerith share makes sense.

Evaluating Clerith arguments would belong in whichever LTD thread applies to the material in question -- so, for example, evaluating a Clerith argument about the remake would belong in the remake LTD thread.

I hope this clarifies things (and thanks for asking, by the way). If not, please let me know.


Pro Adventurer
Marle was such a nice addition. I wish we had more scene btw her and Tifa tho :(

On the subject, the way she speaks with Cloud like "I am unwillingly accepting that you seem to be the person who will take my granddaughter away from me, so I might as well give you some advice" was so amusing and funny at the same time lol

I wonder where Marle got that impression tho... Are she and Tifa close enough for Tifa to have talked about her past? Marle looks very sharp, so maybe it was when Tifa went to talk to her to get Cloud a room and she just read the whole situation lol? Well, we will never know :(

Anyway, I want more Marle somehow in Part 2!!

I wish they had left that scenario of Tifa and Marle shopping for clothes.

Imagine Marle teasing Tifa about her relationship with Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
A lot of important things that were extremely necessary to understand the character's fears, relationships, and motivations were left in supplementary works instead of being added to the movie. And this is the reason why we still need to deal with a lot of misconceptions up to this day. :(

I didn't quite understand SE's approach to expanding on stories in this manner - primarily through other mediums from the original game. They did this with the KH series too. Those were many years of trying to figure out what happened to my favorite characters but because I didn't own a PSP or a Japanese mobile phone, it was difficult to find out. Was also before people started streaming games / cutscenes online. But I'm glad SE's been creating "compilations" to get the original fans up to speed on the main consoles. That's why I was very pleasantly surprise to know that FF7 Remake is in fact a Remake of the entire compilation, at least that's what the devs seem to be hinting at.

I wish they had left that scenario of Tifa and Marle shopping for clothes.

Imagine Marle teasing Tifa about her relationship with Cloud.

I really wanted that too! Was quite disappointed when the removed it, but it almost sounded like they've actually created a playable scenario? Perhaps it might be released as a Remake complete edition or something.

On the other hand, I could imagine how distraught Tifa would have been thinking that Cloud may have been killed. Might have been difficult to pull of a more lighthearted shopping scene.


Pro Adventurer
I didn't quite understand SE's approach to expanding on stories in this manner - primarily through other mediums from the original game. They did this with the KH series too. Those were many years of trying to figure out what happened to my favorite characters but because I didn't own a PSP or a Japanese mobile phone, it was difficult to find out. Was also before people started streaming games / cutscenes online. But I'm glad SE's been creating "compilations" to get the original fans up to speed on the main consoles. That's why I was very pleasantly surprise to know that FF7 Remake is in fact a Remake of the entire compilation, at least that's what the devs seem to be hinting at.

I really wanted that too! Was quite disappointed when the removed it, but it almost sounded like they've actually created a playable scenario? Perhaps it might be released as a Remake complete edition or something.

On the other hand, I could imagine how distraught Tifa would have been thinking that Cloud may have been killed. Might have been difficult to pull of a more lighthearted shopping scene.

They could make it a scenario that happens in Chapter 3 while Cloud is off with Jessie and repurpose it.
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