Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Fire and Blood
So I ended up bugging a friend who I didn’t want to bug because she doesn’t know anything about FFVII or Remake; she lives in Tokyo right now, so her level of JP is good. Here is her translation:

when he talks to tifa a bit of his true personality shows up

I added the picture with the official translations for the word that’s creating a ruckus that she gave me to back up her translation.

The least we can say is that she has absolutely zero bias since she doesn’t know the game or characters at all.

So yeah, I do guess that Cloud’s real persona does show up with Tifa around. I need to think this a bit mmh. Because as I said, it does change the perspective a bit.


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Pro Adventurer
So I ended up bugging a friend who I didn’t want to bug because she doesn’t know anything about FFVII or Remake; she lives in Tokyo right now, so her level of JP is good. Here is her translation:

I added the picture with the official translations for the word that’s creating a ruckus that she gave me to back up her translation.

The least we can say is that she has absolutely zero bias since she doesn’t know the game or characters at all.

So yeah, I do guess that Cloud’s real persona does show up with Tifa around. I need to think this a bit mmh. Because as I said, it does change the perspective a bit.
In the end that line just means Cloud is more at ease with himself when he is around Tifa, which you can kinda tell when you look at their interaction with each other. It's cute.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
So I ended up bugging a friend who I didn’t want to bug because she doesn’t know anything about FFVII or Remake; she lives in Tokyo right now, so her level of JP is good. Here is her translation:

I added the picture with the official translations for the word that’s creating a ruckus that she gave me to back up her translation.

The least we can say is that she has absolutely zero bias since she doesn’t know the game or characters at all.

So yeah, I do guess that Cloud’s real persona does show up with Tifa around. I need to think this a bit mmh. Because as I said, it does change the perspective a bit.

So is true, thanks for the clear up.

This shouldn't be so inusual taking into consideration that in OG it is Tifa who helps Cloud to recover his true self back. So maybe, in Remake it is already starting like an slow recovering from Cloud part around Tifa.

Cloud did try to put this fake cool persona with Tifa initially, (flower exchange, calling her beautiful) but at the same time, his true self also briefly emerges around Tifa (when Cloud agrees to help to collect his money from filters without additional payment for example) is an interesting conflict between fake/real Cloud on initial chapters around Tifa.

But everybody have different perspective I think.


Pro Adventurer
That drawing is super lovely @odekopeko!! There's something about The Promise scene that gets me every time! Such pure babies :'(

And thanks for the additional translations Peko and @Eerie! It's always good to have more different translations/perspectives regarding this matter.

In the end that line just means Cloud is more at ease with himself when he is around Tifa, which you can kinda tell when you look at their interaction with each other. It's cute.

I was about to say the same thing. I think in the end this is there to say that Cloud is more comfortable around Tifa, so he lets his guard down without even notice. Plus, it's not like his fake and real persona are two different people. They're both a part of him now, so It does make sense that his true personality can slide here and there sometimes.
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Pro Adventurer
So yeah, I do guess that Cloud’s real persona does show up with Tifa around. I need to think this a bit mmh. Because as I said, it does change the perspective a bit.
As I've said in the previous post, I do think Current Cloud is being his natural self with Tifa, showing his true [meaning natural] personality unconsciously, but we also need to take into consideration the context of which Cloud Nomura is talking about. I'm not faulting the Stargazer translations, but I just have a different interpretation of it. Based on context, Nomura was speaking about Current Cloud with his warped perspective. He isn't giving away any spoilers in the conversation at all. Nojima is the only one I've seen that seems to do that when he talks about Cloud and Tifa, and Nomura always follows up with something more neutral and less spoilery.

My interpretation kind of aligns more with @Yumelinh here, that at this point in the game, both his real and fake personas are a part of him right now. The two aren't separated as of yet. But I do think his current self has his guard completely down with Tifa, and is at ease with her. He completely trusts her. And what I love about Tifa is that she never takes advantage of that trust by invading his personal space when she senses he's uncomfortable. They both seem really sensitive and in-tune with each others' feelings.

Edit: And when you see this kanji ----> being used, that's when you know they're talking about "true" anything.
Shin as in the same kanji used in "shinjitsu no saikai", 実の再会, as in Cloud and Tifa's "real/true reunion".
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Pro Adventurer
Just gonna chime in and say that I think your interpretations are actually the same/along similar lines, just expressing it with different words. I don't think anyone is implying that Cloud completely reverts to his "true" self (within the context of the story) when with Tifa, but that he completely lets his guard down and feels comfortable with her. His "real" personality might shine through a bit, but it's not like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing where Real!Cloud is coming out to say hi.


Pro Adventurer
Alright, @minami758. I admit I am getting a little worried seeing some fans use "true self" instead of speaking of him being naturally relaxed toward her to negate all of his interactions with anybody else except Tifa, and that's when I feel the translation becomes a point of contention for me. But I very much still hold onto that belief that that strong embrace he gave her in Ch.14, without using any words, awkward and fumbling, is truly him. It's what Cloud would have wanted to do so badly.

However, I'd like to point out that I'm just one person with my own interpretation of what was said. That, in no way, means I'm 100% correct.

In any case, moving away from LTD stuff...I do feel Cloud is being especially kind and caring toward Tifa in the Remake, and that this is exactly what Nibelheim Cloud would be like if they had interacted more closely as kids, and he'd be even more so later on once he has full agency over his own mind. There's enough in Part 1 to show me that the way he interacts with Tifa is special. I feel blessed with all the pouting glances from Cloud toward Tifa when he's trying to be cool and impress her but keeps failing to do it because she won't let him.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The way I see it, is more simple.

Currently, Cloud is one person but 2 identities.

1. Identity one: The fake cool soldier heroe type (made by Jenova influenced and Cloud desire not wanting to be a failure)

2. Identity two: The shy soft and kind boy (that is currently hidden, because is part of Cloud failure, but this is Cloud true personality)

Identity 1 is the one Cloud mostly shows up in the current game. Identity 2 sometimes shows up very briefly, around Tifa most of the time, but on other circunstances I have seeing it too (like when Cloud laughed of Wedge ass, that's definetely wasn't Cloud fake soldier persona or Cloud trying to be helpful and asking Aerith the name of the first guy she loved, That's also definetely wasn't Cloud fake persona).

Tifa does triggers identity 2 more often than anyone, just like Aerith triggers identity 1 more than anyone. Maybe this is the reason why devs pointed out this difference in the Ultimania interview, depending with which girl Cloud is interacting.

Maybe in part 2 we are going to be able to see Cloud identity 2 being showed more often and less briefly with more people.
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Pro Adventurer
My own understanding of his character @shersita007 is what I'm having difficulty contending with. I feel it's due to me playing the Remake first before the OG, and scenes where the Jenova cells influenced him to do certain things like laughing on the rooftops, were removed. I don't know exactly how they affect him in the Remake.

My understanding is that Cloud, himself, is not a puppet of Sephiroth like he was led to believe, and has "free will" unless Sephiroth directly influences him. His current self is something his shattered mind created. Any memory that gets too close to the person he was before the Nibelheim Incident is locked away, and he doesn't have access to it at the moment. My thinking is, he's living out a fantasy, without realizing it, but he's a real person with real feelings, and he's not pretending to care about Barret & co, he actually does.

When I speak of true/real Cloud, I'm talking about Cloud once he regains access to all of his memories, and the only time we get that in the OG is when Tifa helps him to piece together his memories, to prove that he is a real person, and when he comes to terms with and accepts himself, weaknesses and all. He was living under an illusion, and this may change how he feels about or looks at his interactions with other people.

The interview with Nomura was about how Cloud speaks with the girls, not his state of mind. He seems bit more at ease with Tifa, as someone already mentioned.
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Fire and Blood
I think the key word is "personality" here. Cloud tends to show his true personality (which is akward socially, but caring) to Tifa; it's how he acts, but he's not "the true Cloud" as we envision him, past Lifestream scene and all. And I mean, it's natural; even in the OG, Cloud was said to waver between the two girls, and he wasn't the real Cloud back then either. But what I really enjoy is that he's showing to Tifa how he truly is (think CC Cloud), and that's who she falls for. Unlike Aerith, Tifa gets some of Cloud's true self before their true meeting, and that's who attracts her.

I don't think it's right to say that the real Cloud surfaces as much as some cloti say he does. Because that'd be a little demeaning to their true reunion - where's the special feeling of this if Tifa has already seen him right and left? That Cloud surfaces is special in its own to be mentioned by Nojima, this is why I believe it's the only time he does. The rest of the time, the way he acts towards her is different enough than from the other characters, because he doesn't understand how he feels towards her, but she's special, and I think it's awesome that he feels that he can be more natural towards her. But he's still a weird mix of awkward!Cloud, SOLDIER!Cloud, Jenova-powered!Cloud, hiw own image of what a hero is (which I agree both Jessie and Aerith play right into, even though Aerith kinda stops at some point but she becomes also more meta so I guess we'll have to wait for next game). Even when he acts like this, it's not conscious, it's not because he knows he loves her, everything he does is hidden to him by Jenova. This is the structure of FFVII, the storytelling of a guy who is being manipulated into thinking he's something different than what he was. That's something really important to the story and that plays directly into Cloud, Tifa and their relationship, how they came to meet each other again and how Cloud accepted his failures, how Tifa came to realise how deeply she loved him and the feelings they finally embrace. I kind of sits wrong with me to try to pretend otherwise, because this is not the pairing that was in the OG, even if the Remake has some differences... cloti is all about the slow burn, the yearning, hell even reunion is written into Tifa's theme.

I do feel Cloud is being especially kind and caring toward Tifa in the Remake, and that this is exactly what Nibelheim Cloud would be like if they had interacted more closely as kids, and he'd be even more so later on once he has full agency over his own mind. There's enough in Part 1 to show me that the way he interacts with Tifa is special.

That's something I really enjoy, personally; because it was always noted by cloti fans that in the OG, you could NEVER be mean to Tifa. But you could be very mean to absolutely everyone else, Aerith included. And I think that while they did erase a lot of the mean comments Cloud can have (he still can be arse to Aerith though), you can see the kindness and specialness of Tifa, even if he doesn't get it lol. But I love that he's there for her both physically and emotionally. Because in the OG, I always wondered what Tifa saw in him pre-Lifestream but here with how much he takes care of her, you can totally see why she'd fall for him.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Exactly what @Eerie says hehe, when I say 'Cloud true self' or 'Real Cloud' I was talking about his personality, not his memories (which at the current stage of the game, we know his mind is all messed up). That's why we have one single Cloud, with 2 identities.

Cloud 'true personality' shows up with Tifa that's the word.

I don't know how much similar OG and Remake are going to be about Jenova cells influencing on Cloud, in OG Jenova initially influenced Cloud to feel attracted to Aerith because she was the last Cetra, and the intention was that Cloud was going to be used to kill her later. But, on Remake I don't know yet how much Jenova cells are or will play with Cloud persona.
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Pro Adventurer
in OG Jenova initially influenced Cloud to feel attracted to Aerith because she was the last Cetra, and the intention was that Cloud was going to be used to kill her later.
I never even considered that Jenova could’ve been an influence on Cloud’s attraction to Aerith to get him to kill her, was this explained in the OG or anywhere else? Ties into a theory I’ve been having about Jenova successfully making Cloud kill Aerith in the Remake ?


astray ay-ay-ay
This is totally random, but I need to know what you think.

So, under the long-suffering Highwind, the dialogue goes as follows:
T: "......."
C: "We'd better go."
T: "But, I still....!?"
C: "It's alright, Tifa. You said so yourself yesterday. At least we don't have to go on alone."
T: "Yes... That's right!"
C: "Okay! Let's go!"

Why does she say "But, I still..."? She still what? Doesn't see the others? Feels sleepy? Would kill for a shower? :mon:
What is your interpretation?

but I still.jpg


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I never even considered that Jenova could’ve been an influence on Cloud’s attraction to Aerith to get him to kill her, was this explained in the OG or anywhere else? Ties into a theory I’ve been having about Jenova successfully making Cloud kill Aerith in the Remake ?

I read it on another forum long time ago, from what source they took this? I can't remember... sorry.

But yes, it is confirmed Jenova cells influenced at least initially in Cloud feeling attracted to Aerith (the laugh on the rooftop for example, is not a shippy favoring scene, it was Jenova influence in Cloud)

Cloud beating Aerith in OG, was also Jenova triggered, and Cloud was Jenova manipulated to force him to kill Aerith in OG, but finally it was did by Sepiroth.

On Remake I don't know how much they will follow the Jenova influenced on Cloud, since in OG there were very strong scenes associated to Cloud attitude with Jenova, and those old scenes probably won't reach Remake or are getting remove.


Pro Adventurer
Oh no what did we do to the Cloti club? Lol

@Torrie I think either she wanted more time to prepare her heart for the last battle, or she was holding out hope that some of their friends would return. She hadn't seen anyone else coming back, so thought it would just be the two of them. Cloud assured her that he would be with her too. In the Jp version I'm playing, I don't think they used the pronoun "I", so when I got to this part, that was the conclusion I reached.

And yay I got the high affection version and it was beautiful! The polygons kinda suck though. I wish they did an fmv instead.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but to give my unsolicited two cents on the subject, I think the "true self" debate is a ultimately question of semantics that is complicated not only by attempting to translate the nuances of one language into another, but also the fact that we are discussing "the self" in regards to a character who has personality disorder.

If I said I was more my "true self" or acted more "naturally" in front of my close friends vs. at work, those two phrases essentially mean the same thing. No one's gonna assume an entirely distinct personality takes over my body when I'm at work (though sometimes I wish one would). However, with Cloud, the "true self" translation seems to have encouraged some fans to search for True!Cloud appearances in the Remake like they're playing a game of Whack-A-Mole, which is totally fine to do, but I think the Remake is pretty obvious when it comes to depictions of Cloud's personality confusion. There's his headaches/fuzzy green flashbacks, "conversing" with the other Cloud when he falls into Aerith's Church, and the two instances in Ch. 2 and 16 when the player has "control" of Cloud, but your movement is limited as he's under Sephiroth/Jenova's influence. These are all instances where the game is clearly drawing your attention to the fact that Cloud is not really himself, per se. There may be instances outside of these moments, but I think if the game wanted us to notice, they would do more to draw attention to it. They wouldn't expect us to freeze the frame at a specific timestamp and catch the glint in his eyes. That being said, I think unless it's something the game itself directly contradicts, everyone should feel free to headcanon to their heart's desire.

My view on this subject isn't based on any Ultimanias or even the game itself really but rather my understanding of what the "self" from a philosophical standpoint, so it's very much my personal opinion. I think what we consider the "self" is essentially defined by our memories, i.e., if you made a clone of me that happened to have all my memories, I would consider Clone!Me and Prime!Me to both be me equally (until Prime!Me and Clone!Me started making different memories that is). Since Remake!Cloud does not have fulll access to all his memories, I would say that he is not himself in the same way a patient with dementia or Alzheimer's aren't themselves. Since his memories are not restored until the Lifestream sequence, I don't think he's ever his "true self" in the Remake (which I guess contradicts what Nojima says, but I suppose our philosophies differ, lol). To be really pedantic about, I would say the "continuity" between Nibelheim!Cloud and Present!Cloud is severed for the bulk of the game until it's restored in the Lifestream, but all these versions of Cloud are still Cloud. The different ways he behaves around different people isn't him exhibiting separate identities as much as they are different facets of the same personality. Remake!Cloud does have some access to his childhood memories, which explains why he acts so differently around Tifa. I act differently around a close friend I've known for a decade versus a complete stranger. And in the Remake, everyone who is not Tifa is a stranger to Cloud.

What a longwinded way to say absolutely nothing, lol.

Anyways, to try to get back on topic, I don't think any of this diminishes Tifa's importance to Cloud in the slightest. It's very telling that the bulk of his flashbacks are of Tifa. And whether or not, it's his "true" self that does it, I think it's meaningful in itself that Cloud wants to comfort/hug Tifa after the plate falls. This a guy that doesn't really seem to want anything the entire game. Sure, he's always saying he wants to get paid, but money is usually a means to an end, not an end in itself, and the game never suggests that he has a goal to use the money towards. And while he does not explicitly articulate this desire, it's clear from his behavior towards her all throughout Ch. 13, and the amount of time he spends agonizing over the decision in the resolution scene, that Cloud really wants to comfort Tifa.

Here are a couple of moments in Ch. 13 illustrating said desire that I didn't notice until now:
Here's Tifa talking to Barret, blaming herself for what happened. Cloud is watching, but out of focus in the background.

Now, this shot doesn't immediately follow the previous. Instead it comes after Barret grips Tifa's hand and tells her to hold onto that anger. Notice how it's deliberately framed so that Barret is not in the shot, even though he's right there. Cloud is now in focus in the background, and the only object in the foreground is Tifa, so we are meant to think that Cloud is thinking specifically about Tifa in this scene, as opposed to both Tifa and Barret.

This is after Cloud saves Tifa from yet another falling container and is a bit more of a 'Computer, Enhance!' moment:


Cloud is looking in Barret's direction, until Tifa walks out of arm's length. He then immediately directs his gaze to her even though she's obviously walking towards where he had been looking previously. So attentive!

Anyways, to change the subject to one I feel somewhat more equipped to talk about --- this following scene is one that we haven't discussed much, but it might just be my favorite in the Remake, at least in terms of how it was "shot."

One thing I loved about this scene is how languidly paced it is, so in addition to labeling the shots, I added the timestamp of when the shot begin from the clip I trimmed from YouTube (you can follow on here if you'd like:

(1) We fade from black into a shot of a...ceiling fan? It's a fairly unusual shot for this game. Usually when we focus on an object, it's a weapon or bomb, or at least to establish a new location. By this point, we've been in Seventh Heaven multiple times, so we're already very aware of its interior design. Instead, I would say this brief shot is there to set the "vibe" of the scene.

(2) Cloud is sipping his drink. Tifa ascends from the basement. The camera doesn't so much as follow Tifa as it follows Cloud watching Tifa go behind the bar. Note that this shot is 14 seconds long! I would say the average shot length in this game is around 3-5 seconds, so this is fairly noticeable. If the game just wanted to establish the geography of these characters, it could have done so with 2 or 3 quick shots showing Tifa's movement, but instead, it chose to do it one take, letting it play out in real time, so that the tension is palpable (mirroring how the characters are feeling). By the time, Tifa is pouring herself a drink, I'm practically begging the camera to cut away, which is does into:

(3) Cloud watching Tifa drink. Just in case (2) wasn't clear enough, Cloud is definitely looking at her. About 5 second long, but it feels longer, since nothing is really happening so that we notice when Tifa sighs and Cloud takes a breath

(4) Another long (12 seconds) shot, where we watch Tifa walk from the behind the counter to one stool away from Cloud in real time. The camera holds on (4b) for about 2 seconds to make sure we take notice of the distance Tifa puts between them.

(5) Finally someone speaks! We are halfway through the scene, and the only sounds we've heard up until now are Tifa sighing, walking and pouring herself a drink. The OST (Star of Seventh, an appropriately slow/lo-fi remix of Tifa's Theme) doesn't start playing in the background until Cloud speaks.

(6) brief shot of Tifa then a cut to (7) of her playing with her drink as she answers. In this game, close-ups of a character's hands are usually a way to express the anxiety that they cannot say out loud. Tifa's still speaking as we cut to:

(8) a very similar shot to (4b) from a slightly wider angle. We know that neither character has moved so this isn't to re-establish their geography, instead it's to emphasize the distance between them.

(9) Tifa finishes -- (10) Cloud responds

(11) Tifa's reaction to Cloud's response. She doesn't say a word, though this shot is longer than any of the shots where a character is speaking

(12) Last shot more or less from the ceiling fan's POV. A third wide shot highlighting the distance between them. The scene begins with the fan and ends with the fan (the rest of Avalanche come up after this, their time alone is over). Since neither Cloud nor Tifa are moving or speaking, the fan's movement makes up for the characters lack of movement. With each rotation, we think about the what's left unsaid.

I can't think of any other scene in this game (non-action/mission related, at least) where so much time is spent is spent on two characters in silence (well, other than Tifa's resolution that is). The tension is established with the length of the shots, the deliberate framing of their distance (3 separate wideshots in a 1 minute scene!), as well as the movement of the ceiling fan that contrasts with their stillness.

The timeline is a bit different, but I think this is the Remake version of the OG scene where Tifa reminds Cloud of the Promise to get to him to join the next mission (Cloud remembering the Promise, of course, comes in the next Chapter). In line with her Remake characterization, rather than mentioning the Promise explicitly, she merely references it, so that if/when Cloud doesn't remember, it won't feel like as direct of a rejection.

The timing of this scene in the Remake also adds another layer of melancholy/longing to Tifa's statement. After a nice day of doing sidequests/reconnecting with her childhood friend, one of the last things Cloud does is nearly murder Johnny to shut him up. She notices the hardness in his eyes and begins to realize that her childhood friend has become someone she does not recognize. Of course, right before this, she makes him a drink and they flirt, but she is still very much putting on a cherry facade at that point. And she puts that facade back on immediately once everyone else joins them, but in this moment, she is quite vulnerable and real.

But she is also shy and wary, so she sits one seat away from him and waits for him to speak first. He asks her how she's feeling, but he's still trying to play it cool and detached. When she replies with a reference to the Promise, it completely goes over his head. He's still being supportive in his own way, but it's not what she's looking for at all. She wanted to see if the Cloud sitting next to her is the same boy she made who made a Promise with her as a child. She wants him to choose to stay of his own volition. And so his response is quite disappointing.

You can see it in (11) - she sighs, kind of shakes her head, looks like she's about to say something, but doesn't. Then everyone else arrives, and they've missed their chance. Despite all the time they've spent together that day, the emotional distance between them feels as wide as ever. Cloud may not be as aware of it, but Tifa definitely is.

I also wonder if the ceiling fan was shown here because Cloud later remembers the Promise because he sees a random fan on the roof of a building, which reminds him of the fan at the Water Tower in Nibelheim --- but that may be a bit galaxy brain of me.


Fire and Blood
We fade from black into a shot of a...ceiling fan?

It's definitely an opening for a scene that refers to the promise between the two (and as you showed it ends with the same fan). Tifa refers to it even. When I read your first line, that's the first thing I thought about, without even reading the rest "oh that's a tease for the promise scene".

I think, the fact that Cloud remembers the promise on his own later in ch4 is something that closes a little that gap we see; it reassures Tifa that he's the real Cloud, as well as reassures her that he won't leave her unprompted. I think that's why I enjoy so much this fact, despite the random placement, it's because it was brilliant for cloti; first we see Cloud doesn't remember and Tifa is left pondering - then he remembers and tells her he's staying and it makes her just so happy. It's also great because we see him starting to care about the Avalanche trio in ch4, so it reinforces what Tifa is saying, taht he's starting to lose that hard edge she dedspised so much earlier. Character growth-wise, it's really important and while it seemed random at first, it was definitely carefully crafted and thought out.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
What a longwinded way to say absolutely nothing, lol.
Lol, I think maybe we're overthinking Cloud's personality split just a tad much!

I'm a simple man with a simple answer. Cloud repressed memories that he found painful (sealed wishes and tender memories etc). His made up persona was less caring and less vulnerable, because caring makes you vulnerable to rejection. So I think Cloud's "true self" peeps out when he is shown to be a bit vulnerable. When doing something that could lead to embarrassment or rejection, as seen during his awkward hug and cross dressing escapade to help Tifa.

That's not to say he doesn't care about others too. Remake shows Cloud caring about a whole lot of stuff and about other people, especially his desire to rescue Aerith. But I felt that there wasn't so much a chance of rejection or embarrassment when it came to the other ladies, who were much more forward. It's easier to care about others when they think you're a hero. It's more embarrassing when you fall off a building and your girl has to come drag your butt to safety then chastise you for trying to be a hero!

Why does she say "But, I still..."? She still what? Doesn't see the others? Feels sleepy? Would kill for a shower? :mon:
I guess Cloud's reply gives a clue. He references something she said the night before about being alone. The only relevant bit is about being scared of their opponent (Sephiroth), where Tifa previously said that she wouldn't be afraid as long as Cloud was with her. So next morning, I believe Tifa was trying to say that she still wasn't ready to face Sephy. Cloud then reassures her by telling her she won't be alone.

But now you've made me wonder whether the Highwind has shower facilities!
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astray ay-ay-ay
@odekopeko @JT77fp Your explanations are perfectly logical. Thanks! I wonder if the game sometimes goes way too implicit to the point of misleading.

@insanehobbit What a great analysis! I love it when a scene is broken down shot by shot and analyzed in terms of filmmaking and composition.

Oh no @Jack Holiday I meant myself doing what I intended not to do, churning out long discussions that probably don't belong here. :shifty:
It's still relevant though. It's not like in an old Genesis-related thread where people eventually slipped into an argument about Zack and Cloud's friendship. :wacky:

But now you've made me wonder whether the Highwind has shower facilities!
Oh I bet it's pretty much like a hotel in the skies!

I've come to the conclusion that Tifa may be called a wonder woman only for the reason that her skirt always remains on her hips and never slides upwards to her waistline. Or maybe it's the suspenders that do the trick? I wish I could wear skirts so easily without having to adjust them all the time!


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
I've come to the conclusion that Tifa may be called a wonder woman only for the reason that her skirt always remains on her hips and never slides upwards to her waistline. Or maybe it's the suspenders that do the trick? I wish I could wear skirts so easily without having to adjust them all the time!

Maybe they're skorts, that's why they don't ride up :mon:


Pro Adventurer
Me, walking in on another great insanehobbit™ visual analysis: yes, this is good food.

Maybe they're skorts, that's why they don't ride up :mon:
Pretty sure she has spandex on underneath her skirt, or what Frosty said, they might just be connected to her skirt, lol.

I don't really have anything of substance to add to the discussion today, so here's some fanart:

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