Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Oeh I saw that, and saw that I was specifically banned by that person, I don't even know them 0.o'
So made a separate account just to get my vote in out of spite XD Rigging a poll by banning people who like Cloti is just stupid.

Yeah, that is so childish. I was able to get my vote in because I guess I didn't have an indication on my account to what I prefer. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
@JT77fp @frosty @insanehobbit It's so nice to see people from the earlier days come out of the woodwork and celebrate the joy that is Cloud and Tifa's relationship, haha.

I wasn't around during that time, but I lurked on the TLS forums for a while during ACC's release window, and some of these names look familiar! It's so great to see that the Remake has rekindled people's love for this pairing, as well as bring new fans (I'm looking at you @odekopeko!) to the table.

Like @insanehobbit said in their wonderful post, as a longtime fan of Cloud and Tifa's relationship in the OG and throughout the Compilation, I was absolutely floored by how much content there was for the two of them in this Remake. Midgar is absolutely not Cloud and Tifa's big set piece in the OG, so I wasn't expecting anything but crumbs. And then we got a feast! It was such a welcome surprise.


Pro Adventurer
@insanehobbit Welcome Back! Quarantine is really bringing people back to forums, huh? :P( that was my case, too! I've been out of discussion forums in general for like..7 years prob! but it's been good to come back tbh lol)

That was such a great reading! Thanks for that! ( and I agree with absolutely everything you said).

Like @insanehobbit said in their wonderful post, as a longtime fan of Cloud and Tifa's relationship in the OG and throughout the Compilation, I was absolutely floored by how much content there was for the two of them in this Remake. Midgar is absolutely not Cloud and Tifa's big set piece in the OG, so I wasn't expecting anything but crumbs. And then we got a feast! It was such a welcome surprise.

Yes! And not just that... but I had made peach with it (that we wouldn't be getting our share of moments just yet) and wasn't expecting anything out of ordinary for C/T, so I was absolutely shocked by the amount of content we got. Replaying it now and I'm feeling everything again. I'm also so happy to be seeing new fans around twitter and here (myself included since I'm long time lurker as well but Remake made me want to post too lol).

Cloti has gained so much popularity as well. As long as SE doesn't start to backpedaling from now on, I think we're in for a feast.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Wow, insanehobbit! Seeing you again and reading your excellent post takes me back. Good times huh?

@Yumelinh, are you from Digital Flare too? Or have I mixed you up with someone else?

I'm with MasterMoogle on the whole Aerith falling in love business. It was a somewhat of a retcon and if it was important to the game, then it should have been shown in the game. Dead people don't fall in love after death. That's another frustration of mine with OTWTAS/AC. It takes away the poignancy of her death by trying to resolve things that are unresolve-able in real life. Maybe CxA did start developing feelings towards each other. Maybe there could have been something more in the future, but the tragedy is that it can never be resolved. As it stands, Cloud and Aerith never even had much of a serious conversation in the game. Cloud can never tell her the truth about Zack and himself.

Not to mention how much Cloud-->Tifa we got here. I had slowly been falling out of love with the pairing over the years, because the older I got, the more I felt like Cloud was sort of a jerk and Tifa deserved better, but the Remake completely changed that for me. There's the physical protectiveness, attention to her emotional well-being, all the melodramatic hand clutches when he feels like he's failed her.
But back to insanehobbit's excellent post, I feel you've summarised my feelings leading up to the remake right there. Shadowfox mentioned something similar too. Funny how alike our sentiments are. Mopey Cloud...and mopey Tifa waiting patiently for her man to come home (which he does). It was so frustrating seeing these great role-model characters that I had growing up reduced to such stereotypes. I don't care if they got back to making cloti babies right after that, it still didn't do their characters justice.

But the remake was much better with the characters. Even my wife commented on how much of a gentleman Cloud seemed to be. He puts up with a lot with nary a complaint! Especially when Tifa cajoles him into doing things like collecting water filters, or going to check on Barret!

And just to lighten the mood here, I did an experiment on my wife yesterday while we were crossing the road. Told her to imagine I had to pull her away from a car that was about to hit her. So I did it in CloudxTifa style: grab her arm, then pull in tight while sliding arms down to hold the waist. She wasn't impressed with all the unnecessary fondling....which was EXACTLY the point I was trying to make! :)


Pro Adventurer
@Yumelinh, are you from Digital Flare too? Or have I mixed you up with someone else?
Idk what is Digital Flare is ( my searches showed a design/marketing agency.. it that it?) so it's prob not me :P

On that subject, I dug up this old article I read in the past, and while I'm not 100% agree with/ everything, it perfectly sums up my problems with the subsequent works released after OG. It's a good read o/

Final Fantasy VII’s Legacy Gets Everything About Final Fantasy VII Wrong


Pro Adventurer
Oeh I saw that, and saw that I was specifically banned by that person, I don't even know them 0.o'
So made a separate account just to get my vote in out of spite XD Rigging a poll by banning people who like Cloti is just stupid.

Yeah, I was banned and couldn't vote either.

Whatever, Cloti is still winning despite the rigging.

I can't lie that I am getting a little satisfaction out of some of those toxic, smug shippers getting their smiles turned upside down/


Pro Adventurer
That poll is the cursed thing I don't want to care about at all but just can't stop checking for some annoying reason.

@Graymouse love those! We're going to have to throw a party in here when we finally see the remake scene (in 10+ years).

Sorry for the change in topic but I just finished reading "The Kids are Alright" and I love the moment between Evan and Tifa where Evan is expressing concern for Tifa's safety (after finding her picture at Don Corneo's place) and Tifa just shrugs it off with "eh whatever, I've got Cloud".

Just made my night reading that part.

Edit: since there are so many original Faith members appearing, can I just ask what happened on the AC forums? I hear shit alluded to a lot on here but I've always been curious what happened? Unless answering is going to drag up some kind of major bad blood, in which case sorry for asking!


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the change in topic but I just finished reading "The Kids are Alright" and I love the moment between Evan and Tifa where Evan is expressing concern for Tifa's safety (after finding her picture at Don Corneo's place) and Tifa just shrugs it off with "eh whatever, I've got Cloud".
Can you tell me which chapter? It may be on a different page for me because I bought the hardcover version in Jp, but I think the chapters should all be the same.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
@odekopeko : Thanks for the welcome earlier. I didn't realise you were a newcomer. You seem to know so much about the series and all the related media.

@Graymouse : If I didn't know better, I would have thought that scene already actually happened. Whoa. :D

@Yumelinh : Sorry for confusing you with someone else! Thanks for posting that article. It perfectly captures the frustrations I've had with post OG material. The statement, "Final Fantasy VII is all coming-of-age means transcending those expectations and learning that who you are is better than anything you could pretend to be; that caring is better than pretending not to." sent shivers down my spine. It is exactly the message I got from the OG even when I played it as a teenager.

Sorry for the change in topic but I just finished reading "The Kids are Alright" and I love the moment between Evan and Tifa where Evan is expressing concern for Tifa's safety (after finding her picture at Don Corneo's place) and Tifa just shrugs it off with "eh whatever, I've got Cloud".
Haha, but I can also hear Britt Baron in my head sighing and saying, "ugh, I don't want to talk about it!".

since there are so many original Faith members appearing, can I just ask what happened on the AC forums?
At the risk of sounding like Tifa, I don't really recall. My memory of it is a bit fuzzy. ACF just disappeared one day. I assumed it was financial. Must take a lot of money to run a website. But Frosty and I have kept in touch using other platforms, along with some other old members as well.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
What do you think about this scene
Tifa try to kill sephiroth
Why cloud have this memories
This scene is from tifa POV or or zack POV


You look like you need a monkey
So many LTD veterans!

You know, the weirdest thing I heard from shippers in the other fandom is how they think Aerith can do the saving because she has Cetra powers that she can use. If this Aerith has knowledge of the OG, then their argument is, wouldn't she be able to do it? But that leaves me wondering. Even if she can, his head is full of Tifa. This is something he never wanted to share with anyone, it's intimate, and it's supposed to be be kept hidden. Aerith wasn't able to do this in the OG because (and this is just my headcanon) the only person who Cloud eventually allows to access his mind is Tifa because hello? She's the only one on his mind, and the reason he joined Soldier. The "wanting to be like Sephiroth" was motivated by his crush on Tifa. It just wouldn't make sense, and the whole "reunion motif" that you mentioned, what would happen to that? Cloud and Tifa need to have their "true reunion" for their story to come full fircle. We already got a hint of that when he gives her the reunion flower, says it's been five years, and she's like, Huh? Nah, Tifa. It's only Tifa.

Tifa's been in Cloud's focus since he was a child. He's basically put her in a position of high importance since he was little and she's the only one he trusts with his vulnerable, true self. IIRC even the Maiden novella, despite not being canon, took great pains to tell the reader that Cloud in the lifestream shut everyone out completely, including Aerith who kept trying to reach him. He only opened up when he sensed Tifa was close.

Additionally, Cloud didn't just need to recall something from his past; he also needed confirmation that what he recalled was genuine and not something that had been tampered with by his Jenova- & mako-infused state. Only Tifa, as someone who knew him from childhood, could give him that assurance. I think that even if Aerith's powers were able to call up a memory from Cloud's mind, he might still doubt its authenticity without Tifa to vouch for it.

As for koi_bito... I still see pink Moses whenever that word appears. (Seriously, though, I loved that gif.)


Pro Adventurer
@RhinoKart Thank you!

@JT77fp Coronavirus hit, then classes were cancelled. I have a lot of free time on my hands, which I know I should be doing more productive things with other than reading and researching all things FF7 related. I started with the Remake, and I'm currently playing the original. But yeah, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but the love triangle thing did speak to my otome heart. I got to this forum googling love triangle ff7 because I saw some ridiculous arguments on YouTube comments. :doh:

But I'm really glad to have met everyone here, and I really did fall in love with the game and its characters through the Remake. Truly.


Pro Adventurer
@odekopeko I found the forums almost the same way. That and the fact that my social circle was not at all interesting in talking about Final Fantasy 7. Most are still burnt out because of all the hype in '97. One of my friend got the entire game spoiled because he worked at EB games. Yes, EB games, back in the day. People wouldn't stop talking about FF7 and he got tired of it really quick. He has not interest in playing the Remake.

My other friends want to play it but don't want to play like we are doing now, in parts. He is going to wait until all the parts come out and play it all in the Definitive Edition. (You know SE will have one, once they all release all the parts. SE is not to leave money on the table)

So, I turned to the internet because I was busting at the seams to talk about the game, and one google search, and then I landed here. I finally found people that have the same passion as I do about this game.

What do you think about this scene
Tifa try to kill sephiroth
Why cloud have this memories
This scene is from tifa POV or or zack POV

However, if I remember right I think it was being in the reactor that was similar to the Nibelheim reactor. When Tifa said, "Shinra... I hate them all" lines. I believe that is what triggered the memory in Cloud.

It's from Cloud POV, remember he followed Tifa into the Nibelheim Reactor as a regular soldier. Tifa got tired of waiting for her father and Zack to come out, and Tifa somehow got past foot soldier Cloud and ran into the Nibelheim Reactor. Tifa, didn't notice him because she was dealing with the death of her father. Also, this places Cloud in position to come to Tifa's rescue when Sephiroth slices her down. Tifa, of course wouldn't know this until the Lifestream scenes that Cloud was there during that entire event.

Edited to add:
The real question is this, "Why doesn't Tifa have a scar across her chest, or stomach after being sliced by Sephiroth. I mean she was critically injured, there should be a scar. (Honestly I don't think that would detract away from Tifa's looks if there was) Although, we never seen Tifa topless in official artwork, so maybe there is a scar across her chest. She just wears her white top to cover it up.

Maybe I will commission @Cat on Mars to draw a picture of Tifa showing that.
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Pro Adventurer
I feel this so much @odekopeko. I'm a full time student who works part time for my school (which is of course completely closed at the moment), so I've just been sitting around twiddling my thumbs the last while. Remake showed up at just the right time to jump start my fangirling back into the FF7 world.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the welcome, all! @JT77fp It really does feel like the good old days again! (And your wife sounds lovely/has the patient of a saint, haha)

It's kinda funny how the AC/the anticipation for it was what brought me and so many other people into the fandom, but now looking back at without those rose-colored lenses, it really is such a disappointing piece of work.

@Yumelinh great article! Does a particularly good job of setting out what made the OG so special and why AC felt so shallow in comparison. (I actually remember quite liking CC and its characterizations, but it's been....over a decade since I've played that as well, hah!). This is a rant for another time, but I find AC more frustrating than anything because its squandered potential. 'After The End' sequels are always so great on paper, but AC's execution left so much to be desired. To be fair, there is only so much you can do in a feature-length film, but you could have easily cut out 10-15 minutes of mindless action scenes and spent that time to establish the Seventh Heaven family dynamic to actually understand what Cloud has lost and what he recovers by the end of the film. Shoving all the emotional development into a bunch of supplemental novellas and a DVD extra epilogue was certainly a choice.

Since the Compilation felt like it was the last word on these characters, I almost forgot about how good the characterizations were in the latter half of the OG. I feel like I drifted away from the fandom because I was in it more to be proven right than actually caring about the relationship. But again, the Remake has changed all that, and now I am deep in my Cloti feelings all the time.

@Shadowfox I very vaguely remember Pink Moses. I am just forever grateful we now live in a world where we no longer have to rely on the same 5 Japanese speakers on the entire Internet and Babelfish for translations

As to what happened to ACF, I think I had stopped being active in the fandom when it went kaput for good. I'm sure the reasons were actually financial in nature, but wasn't there also something about Summoner_Yuna "meeting" Sephiroth on the astral plane or am I totally making that up?


Pro Adventurer


Fire and Blood
For Tifa’s scar, isn’t it stated that she has it in her back? I think I read that recently, in her profile or something (should be here on the website).
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