Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Why not both ?

One instrumental version for the Lifestrem
One sung version for under the Highwind


tbh im just curious what type of sing it will be. I feel like something soft would work well.

Idk if they will have a 'Love song' twice though

Tifa singing to Cloud after he lays everything out in the open that he was never soldier and he didnt think he was good enough for her:whistle:


Pro Adventurer
icl it would be fucking hilarious if the next song is a Tifa Cloud duet and the Devs come out and say they're singing about each other whilst they confirmed NPTK was a song about everyone lmfao
Well... to be honest it's not really a joke. Unless they change the story, it was always going to come to this. It's the story. Cloud and Tifa love is canon. Always has been. Not our fault some forgot the game comes with 3 CD, not just one.


Pro Adventurer
yeh I know thats why I find it so funny. These CA's constantly try and push FF7 as this tragic love story between Aerith and Cloud but the literal irony of the whole thing is that the whole game is about Tifa and Clouds love for each other which ended up being the reason for Sephiroths defeat lmfao
Cloud with 3 dudes and one alien renting free in his broken mind in CD1 : "Yup that's true love right here."
Cloud healed from his doubts, regaining his true self in CD2 : "Yeah nope, he's delulu. Poor baby is waiting to die to join her love in the LS"

We can't win any argument with their way of thinking


Pro Adventurer
Please refrain to post anything LTD here, the posts here are meant to be only for CT+Cloud+Tifa. Don't forget there are members who multiship here too, so don't disrespect.
I thought it was the other way around, sorry !


Pro Adventurer
Hopefully, we get more stories from Nojima as we wait for the next part. Maybe another book like Traces of Two Pasts, although he’s likely to focus on other characters if he does.

definitely curious if the 2000 Gil book is going to be referenced a lot in the next game like TOTP was referenced in this one


Pro Adventurer
definitely curious if the 2000 Gil book is going to be referenced a lot in the next game like TOTP was referenced in this one
It was partially referenced. Cloud mentions that Claudia gave him 2000 Gil to Barret during the Salmon side quest in Junon. And Barret says “ah, so that’s why your starting price is 2000.”

But yeah, maybe some other parts of it will be mentioned later.


Pro Adventurer
It was partially referenced. Cloud mentions that Claudia gave him 2000 Gil to Barret during the Salmon side quest in Junon. And Barret says “ah, so that’s why your starting price is 2000.”

But yeah, maybe some other parts of it will be mentioned later.
I do find it interesting how they've changed the fact that Cloud and Tifa were not close when they were young because Cloud had a crush on her to Cloud and Tifa used to be very close as kids, before drifting apart because of Cloud, then the promise

I think I definitely prefer how they've done it now. But am curious if this is going to change anything in the Lifestream scene now


Pro Adventurer
I do find it interesting how they've changed the fact that Cloud and Tifa were not close when they were young because Cloud had a crush on her to Cloud and Tifa used to be very close as kids, before drifting apart because of Cloud, then the promise

I think I definitely prefer how they've done it now. But am curious if this is going to change anything in the Lifestream scene now
I don’t think it will change too much, other than they were close but drifted apart, but Cloud still wanted to be close to her. Perhaps it will play into his jealousy of Tifa making friends with other kids.


Pro Adventurer
I don’t think it will change too much, other than they were close but drifted apart, but Cloud still wanted to be close to her. Perhaps it will play into his jealousy of Tifa making friends with other kids.

yh I do like the fact it plays on the fact that Cloud wanted to be something else then he actually was, whilst Tifa was always just in love with his goofy ass from the start

I think it's powerful and helps mirror a lot of the stuff in the rest of the game. Glad they seem to be spelling out instead of hinting at it. Cause to me its critical tbh


How much longer do we wait before we don’t have to spoiler tag?

Not a huge issue but it has been over a month now after all.
I'm still on chapter 9, a lot of people haven't had a chance to finish yet.

You could start a new thread in the spoiler section so you can discuss without the spoiler tags though? Might be easier, I keep opening this thread hoping there'll be something I can engage with but not yet 😞


Pro Adventurer
I'm still on chapter 9, a lot of people haven't had a chance to finish yet.

You could start a new thread in the spoiler section so you can discuss without the spoiler tags though? Might be easier, I keep opening this thread hoping there'll be something I can engage with but not yet 😞
Oh it’s no worry. I was just wondering.

Spoiler tagging is not an issue for me.


Mr. Thou
Was digging around ACF on the Wayback Machine and found the original Faith. Thought some folk here might get a kick out of it. Feels like things have barely changed.

Almost 30k posts! For a forum that barely lasted a few years, that's impressive. Wonder what all the commotion was about. ;)

And of course there was Faith's neighbor / rival Devotion. (LOL at the random @Makoeyes987 sighting)

Seeing this reminds me though: @Tennyo, where you at? Looks like you peaced out a few years ago. Hopefully doing well out there.


Fire and Blood
Yes, same guy 😆
what this video doesn’t show you is that he was silent until Cloud was ready to fight Corneo, then reloaded and commented on each dialogue/frame lol 😂 he also thanked SE haha.
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Pro Adventurer
Yes, same guy 😆 what this video doesn’t show you is that he was silent until Cloud was ready to fight Corneo, then reloaded and commented on each dialogue/frame lol 😂 he also thanked SE haha.

it was so fucking funny

he was literally in silence for ages

half the viral clips of rebirth have come from this moment. The Devs definitely knew what they were doing


Pro Adventurer
it was so fucking funny

he was literally in silence for ages

half the viral clips of rebirth have come from this moment. The Devs definitely knew what they were doing
Let's be honest. It's a big moment in FF7 history.
Watching Cloud Strife kiss someone is a pretty big deal.

I would never have bet on it

My only wish now is to see it again in part 3. In the main quest.
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Let's be honest. It's a big moment in FF7 history. Watching Cloud Strife kiss someone is a pretty big deal.

I would never have bet on it

My only wish now is to see it again in part 3. In the main quest.
Guys. Spoilers. I knew that had happened because no one could keep their mouth shut but I'm sad it got ruined for me and so will others I imagine.
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