Farewell to an experiment...Teams


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
NO U :monster:

Take a joke, Nancy. You're taking me too seriously!


~The Other Side of Fear~
Not that time of the month.

Trust me people within a 100 feet radius would know if it was. :P

...I'll stop spamming now. >>'


I've said this in an elitist bastard's thread too (in some way), but I'll note some of my sentiments in here too.

From the beginning, it was said (and probably known, too) that the teams were an experiment which, as most of us have concluded by now, failed. With that in mind, I propose shutting down the teams as they are right now, move their topics to their respective sections, and call it a day, for now.

In a few months, if people are still interested, come up with a new proposal for teams. Write up an epic post on how the teams should be organized, what should and should not be public, how people get in and/or are kicked out, what is and isn't allowed in the teams, what the teams are and what they're not (note: they're not spam sections or main section copies, I'm nazi about that), etc. Then, we'll review and, if there's enough serious and positive replies to it, I guess we could give it another go.

No promises though - the above is imho, and doesn't represent occifial policy or the opinions of other staff unless they quote the above and go 'yeh i agree lol!!!!!1!'.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I've said this in an elitist bastard's thread too (in some way), but I'll note some of my sentiments in here too.

From the beginning, it was said (and probably known, too) that the teams were an experiment which, as most of us have concluded by now, failed. With that in mind, I propose shutting down the teams as they are right now, move their topics to their respective sections, and call it a day, for now.

In a few months, if people are still interested, come up with a new proposal for teams. Write up an epic post on how the teams should be organized, what should and should not be public, how people get in and/or are kicked out, what is and isn't allowed in the teams, what the teams are and what they're not (note: they're not spam sections or main section copies, I'm nazi about that), etc. Then, we'll review and, if there's enough serious and positive replies to it, I guess we could give it another go.

No promises though - the above is imho, and doesn't represent occifial policy or the opinions of other staff unless they quote the above and go 'yeh i agree lol!!!!!1!'.

yeh i agree lol!!!!!1!

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