Favorite FFVII Characters

Your favourite FF7 character?

  • Cloud Strife

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • Aerith Gainsborough

    Votes: 13 16.0%
  • Tifa Lockhart

    Votes: 18 22.2%
  • Yuffie Kisaragi

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Barret Wallace

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Vincent Valentine

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Cait Sith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cid Highwind

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.6%

  • Total voters


Double Growth
There is certainly an element of tragedy to Sephiroth, and he is certainly a 'fallen angel' in a sense. However, he is without question evil at this point, even before sequels. He went crazy in Nibelheim, sure, but by the time VII starts he is in full command of his faculties and he never expresses even a hint of regret for what happened in Nibelheim. Even from the standpoint of it being a waste of energy and inefficient.

Hojo and Lucrecia did indeed commit an unforgivable crime against Sephiroth, but with the possible exception of Nibelheim, he is fully responsible for all his actions.

As for the books, you should. The On the Way to Smile Cases of Barret, Tifa, and Shinra are definitely the best. We've got them all on our main site of course, and Barret and Tifa (and Lifestream, which is about 2 paragraphs), so far, are in audiobook form, Shinra and Yuffie are coming.
Don't mean to be patronizing if you knew this already, but in case you didn't. :monster:


Rookie Adventurer
There is certainly an element of tragedy to Sephiroth, and he is certainly a 'fallen angel' in a sense. However, he is without question evil at this point, even before sequels. He went crazy in Nibelheim, sure, but by the time VII starts he is in full command of his faculties and he never expresses even a hint of regret for what happened in Nibelheim. Even from the standpoint of it being a waste of energy and inefficient.

Hojo and Lucrecia did indeed commit an unforgivable crime against Sephiroth, but with the possible exception of Nibelheim, he is fully responsible for all his actions.

I just meant that his villainy isn't what I call "comically evil". Y'know, evil for evil's sake. Kefka springs to mind from FF VI. He was a douche, and obviously evil, and seemingly evil just because he liked being evil. He knew he was evil, and that seemed to amuse him. Just doesn't really feel like "authentic evil". The kind of evil where the bad guy really believes in what he's doing.

Sephiroth is an example of the confusion and weakness in us all. The fallen angel, who was so high and yet fell so low. Perhaps if he had people that loved him, he might have ended up more like Cloud; which I think bothers Cloud because they really are so much alike. It's not even just the mako-jacuzzi and Jenova cells; but also their personalities. There's a good reason, it seems to me, that they parallel each other. Perhaps things would have been different if Sephiroth wasn't effectively alone in the world when he had his breakdown in Nebelhiem.

I'm not saying he wasn't responsible for his actions. We all have our choices to make; and the major choices are usually as easy as they are clear (not at all). I don't believe he was 100% right in the head to have begun what he was doing. Victim? I do believe so. Innocent? Not so much. He crossed the Moral Event Horizon (google it if you've never heard the phrase) and shot the dog with Aeris (cementing him in most people's hearts as irredeemably evil).

Sometimes I wonder how much of Sephiroth's malice was his own, or through the influence of Jenova. Jenova's influence over Cloud was so great that he nearly killed Aeris himself. When you consider that Sephiroth had less to hold on to than Cloud, and was arguably just as broken as he was, would it be any surprise? For him to have such a personality shift? For him to believe so wholly that his cause was just and that he was saving the planet with his mother the last remaining Ancient (a complete fabrication)? For him to see humans as the evil ones?

It is this sort of thing that makes me find Sephiroth an interesting villain. Honestly, I'd love to discuss it at length. Cloud & Sephiroth have been two of my favorite characters since I got the game during it's American launch. I was actually a little disappointed with his portrayal in AC; but I've learned not to expect a whole lot from films when it comes to continuing or adapting other forms of media.

As for the books, you should. The On the Way to Smile Cases of Barret, Tifa, and Shinra are definitely the best. We've got them all on our main site of course, and Barret and Tifa (and Lifestream, which is about 2 paragraphs), so far, are in audiobook form, Shinra and Yuffie are coming.
Don't mean to be patronizing if you knew this already, but in case you didn't. :monster:
Thank you for the information. I thought you could get them from TLS, as I saw links to them on the main pages, but hadn't yet confirmed whether or not you could, as I was too busy reading a lot of the fascinating articles on the site (some of which mentioned the books). If anything, thank you for not hesitating to offer assistance even when it might seem patronizing. The effort to aid another is never a wasted effort. :)


Sephiroth, however, does not have a Tifa Lockheart to keep him grounded.
I dun think he's interested in a Tifa Lockhart :awesome:
Asexual Sephiroth ftw!

When you consider that Sephiroth had less to hold on to than Cloud, and was arguably just as broken as he was, would it be any surprise? For him to have such a personality shift? For him to believe so wholly that his cause was just and that he was saving the planet with his mother the last remaining Ancient (a complete fabrication)? For him to see humans as the evil ones?
Someone as narcissistic as Sephiroth and who has been alienated (or at the very least isolated) like him is, I would think, likely to see the rest of humanity as evil, or inferior. He's certainly not going to blame himself like Cloud.

Also, Sephiroth wasn't broken in the way that Cloud was. Sephiroth had many problems, but
a feeling of inferiority was never one of them, nor was a crippling fear of failure.

It is this sort of thing that makes me find Sephiroth an interesting villain. Honestly, I'd love to discuss it at length. Cloud & Sephiroth have been two of my favorite characters since I got the game during it's American launch.
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I just meant that his villainy isn't what I call "comically evil". Y'know, evil for evil's sake. Kefka springs to mind from FF VI. He was a douche, and obviously evil, and seemingly evil just because he liked being evil. He knew he was evil, and that seemed to amuse him. Just doesn't really feel like "authentic evil". The kind of evil where the bad guy really believes in what he's doing.

True. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Sephiroth is even concerned about being 'evil' at all, in fact, he even thinks of himself as a god with a righteous purpose. The pain and suffering of the people are just the results of his deeds-- but that was not his purpose. Apart from Cloud (whom he purposely torments because he wounded his pride and thwarted his plans), he didn't want people to suffer, he simply wanted them to die. And that is the reason why Sephiroth is a character I like-- he actually believes what he's doing is right.

As for this poll, my favorite is who else but Cloud himself, for almost the same reasons as the others have said. His character is too human and full of realizations-- in particular, one of the many things I like about him is the realization that his childhood dream of being famous and respected was not really what he wanted/needed in life, but the simple achievement of having a companion and holding on to those who love and trust him. Even his mopey self in AC is a realistic portrayal of how weak humans can get despite having a good support system. No matter how many people complain about his stupid decisions due to depression, I'd have to say SE was accurate on that one and that it has contributed to his development a lot.

My second fave is Tifa also for the same reasons why others like her. Her character is strong-willed and confident without being over-the-top. Hence I completely disagree with anyone saying that she is too clingy and focused on Cloud; I think that's a misinterpretation of her feelings for him. Conversely I think it is Cloud who is emotionally dependent on her that it won't even be a surprise if he completely loses himself (or might even want to die) should he ever lose her.


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I've generally lost my interest in FFVII for now, but I still voted here with only one character in mind:

Zack Fair. :monster:

I voted Other though, because his name wasn't on the list. :sadpanda:



Pro Adventurer
This was a hard choice. FFVII had a lot of really great characters, but I did end up voting for Cloud in the end, although both Tifa and Aerith come in tied for a really close second. Zack, even though he isn't included in the poll, is high enough to have seriously been in the running too. In the end though, Cloud is my favorite character within FFVII's canon.

I'd try to explain why, but others have stated most of what I would have said anyway and done so far better then I could ever hope to say it, so I'll leave it as is.:D

First Class Soldier

Lv. 1 Adventurer
I voted for Cloud, I know, I know, alot of people will get on me and say: "Well he's the main-character, that's the only reason you like him." When really I think Cloud is an awesome character, and a great main-character because he's done alot differently then normal main-characters. When I first played FF-7, it was a very chilling feeling to put on the shoes of Cloud Strife. For exampe: when you find out who the 'real' Cloud is when you fall into the Mako-pool w/Tifa.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
After deliberating between Yuffie and Tifa, I went for Yuffie.

Although Tifa was my favourite character when I first got into Final Fantasy, I think I always subconciously like Yuffie more. I just really admire her and I'd always wanted to be like her when I was younger. She's really outgoing and brash which was pretty much the opposite of me. But now that I am more outgoing (but definately not as brash!) I can really appricate that within Yuffie.

Also, I really admire the way she selfishly pursuits her dreams, so that (or at least I think) she can make her family and country strong and proud of her. Even if that dream is stealing a shitload of Materia. Because I have my own dreams I'm selfishly pursuring so I can make my family proud, it's nice to have that kind of echo of ambitions in a favourite character.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I like Cloud Strife I think more than most. It is mainly because I feel for him after all you go through with him as well as with the movie as well. He is deeply grieving the loss of Aerith and has never forgiven himself for that reason. He is well fleshed out and is the most cared for in the game in my view.

Zack comes close second because Cloud is to be honest a reflection of Zack as stated he is Zacks living legacy.


Dominique Destine
Titsa uhm, I mean Tifa. Because of her victory dance--I mean, monk skills.

Also her limit break. I will return to this thread and give a less perverted review when I've actually finished the game and analysed her character development properly. Cloud and Barret are close seconds, though. For me, Aeris was always sort of meh. Didn't stop me from crying like a baby when Sephiroth turned her into Ancient Shish Kebab.


Pro Adventurer
Why I Love Aerith Gainsborough

Not only is Aerith an extremely unique character because she is an Ancient and possesses special abilities, but she is also a very endearing character. Your sense of empathy grows for her as the story of Final Fantasy VII unfolds.

The opening scene of Final Fantasy VII shows Aerith looking at a mystical energy. She then proceeds to walk underneath a sign that reads ‘Loveless’. From that moment on I knew she was going to be a captivating and mysterious character who possessed a power far beyond anyone’s comprehension.

After the opening sequence, you randomly meet Aerith and have the option of buying a flower from her. When I first played the game I was completely intrigued by her and wondered: “Why do I keep seeing this flower lady?” — “Why is she so mysterious and beautiful?” — “What’s her story?”

…and when I finally heard her story, it lived up to everything I imagined, and more.

When you encounter her next she essentially saves your life. And I remember being so happy to see her again so I could find out more about her.

I particularly love that right when you formally meet her she is tending to her flowers — the only life that seems to grow in Midgar. At that very moment her character seemed so full of magic and positive energy — a ray of hope in a city full of despair. And her positivity never fades as the game progresses, even in the hardest of times.

As you get to know more about her she becomes an extremely complex and compelling character. You find out that her mother and father died when she was very young. And you also learn about the wonderful relationship she had with her adoptive mother, Elmyra. I love how Elmyra explained Aerith’s childhood and tells everyone about the magical abilities Aerith possesses. Truly one of my favorite scenes in the entire game.

The flashbacks of Aerith’s childhood was when I decided she was my favorite character in the game. For example…I loved when Elmyra explained how Aerith wasn’t sad anymore because she knew her mother had returned to the planet. Or when Aerith told Elmyra: “Please don’t cry…Someone dear to you has just died…His spirit was coming to see you, but he already returned to the planet” — and then it was revealed through a letter that Elmyra’s husband was killed. Such a sad yet beautiful moment.

Aerith always remained optimistic despite all the struggles she encountered during her short life. From having to deal with her parents deaths, to Shinra constantly chasing her, she always remained hopeful.

And yet…she had a predetermined destiny and responsibility by being the last remaining Ancient. She sacrificed herself to save everyone, and is the true hero of Final Fantasy VII in my eyes.

Her story has always been tragic, yet she never let it bring her spirits down. Aerith will always have a special place in my heart, and I’m truly grateful that such an amazing piece of music accompanies her character. I can always play her musical theme and remember what a wonderful and touching character she is…

“I’ll be going now. I’ll come back when it’s all over.” ~Aerith, her last words
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Celes Chere

(Oh and the 'Loveless' sign is a clear indication of the love between her and Cloud

Oh, this is something I find interesting. On the AC sign of Loveless it seems to be Aerith's picture! But on the DoC Loveless poster, the woman looks like Tifa. xD

She sacrificed herself to save everyone

I actually don't think Aerith meant to die that day. Tifa says that Aerith wanted to live more than anyone, but I will agree that it Aerith knew the risks. So in a way she did sacrifice her safety for the sake of the others. That's something I admire about other FF females too (like Yuna). I also want to say that Maiden is a really interesting work because it shows Aerith's thoughts after she dies and she expresses how much she wants to be living again. It's.... sad. But she realizes her duty towards the planet in the end and I think that's really empowering towards her character. That's why I really love MotP.

Also I agree with what you said about Aerith's theme! It always gets me emotional when I hear it no matter what version it is. Even when it's the brighter version of the song, I still feel that way. xD
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