Favorite FFVII Fanart


Ninja Potato
I'm posting my own shit in this thread again! My ego knows no bounds!
I drew this for a certain member of this forum, three guesses on who. I feel like cloud is a little too big compared to jessie, and his face bothers be a little, but overall I'm happy with it. And lest you think that I'm not also a Clessie at heart, here's a garbage drawing I did of them back in 2014:
God I used to suck (not that I don't now.)

Anyway, now that that's done I can get back to the Reeve and Cait Sith image for @Ghost X . I was already four pages deep into that epic, but I wanted to finish this piece first.

- Twitter source


Ninja Potato
So this is probably not the thread for this, but as far as I can tell we don't have a dedicated "fan video" thread, and I'm not about to start one.
We're all freaking out over that new trailer, but since today is the 23rd anniversary of FF7, I wanted to share this god forsaken atrocity I made back for the 20th anniversary:

if that ain't art, I don't know what is. I've been looking for an excue to show someone this thing for yeaaars
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