Favorite FFVII Fanart

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I was expecting that question lol
I'm with the first draft of the comic, I'm at the part when Jenova is molesting Sephiroth. It's gonna be a trip, I promise. :awesome:

My art thread is there for everybody to see. I don't let fetishes bleed into my commissions or my other works. It isn't diffcult at all, you only need to remember that fetish must be confined to porn and that's it.
It's called being professional.
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Pro Adventurer
Liking and disliking an artist's style is absolutely acceptable. Having some criticisms regarding the person's work is also ok, but I personally don't think it's right to criticize the art of someone who is not here to defend/explain themselves.

Not trying to be rude here or preaching anything really. Just my two cents :sweatsmile:
It's a matter of taste, though, isn't it? Some art I like and some I don't. The artist in question has a pretty big following, so clearly plenty of people love and relate to their work. But since it doesn't float my boat, I wouldn't be interested in knowing why they choose to portray Tifa thus. That's their business. Knowing the rationale behind it wouldn't make it more my cup of tea.

I just get kind of tired never being able to say that I don't like something that someone in the fandom produced. TBH, why would they even care if I liked it or not? Saying you don't care for someone's style of art isn't an attack on them personally. Picasso doesn't do it for everyone either.


Pro Adventurer
You must have a hard time in art museums :P
haha, not really :P And I'm actually work with art/creative direction, so I understand that criticism is something normal and something that you must be able to accept without taking it personally or else you're in for a terrible ride in this field.

That said, my concern was more about that fine line between criticism and being dismissive of someone's art just because it doesn't speak to you personally. Plus, that person is reachable (unlike most other artists like our fellow devs, lol) and posted their fanart in their personal account, never here. So, I feel a little bad to see their work being talked down without them being able to take any benefit from it.
I think that's one of the reasons artists discourage reposts of their work.
This artist has a very particular vision that just doesn't resonate with me.
In general, I don't enjoy fanart that portrays any of the characters as significantly different from what they are in canon. If they get changed up too much, they feel like different characters to me.


I've seen enough of that artist on tumblr to know that I don't care for their reasoning behind the design changes.

I don't think they're a bad artist, but I always figured that they were an SJW type trying to shoehorn thicc representation into everything since all their depictions are either stacked or overweight. Was this their reason?

That being said, it's their design choice, so I probably don't have the right to talk shit about it.


Ninja Potato
I don't think they're a bad artist, but I always figured that they were an SJW type trying to shoehorn thicc representation into everything since all their depictions are either stacked or overweight. Was this their reason?

That being said, it's their design choice, so I probably don't have the right to talk shit about it.

From what I understand, that's pretty much it. They got rid of Jessie's boob armor because it's sexist, the made Tifa swole because she's supposed to be strong, they made everyone w i d e because all of them looking like supermodels is unrealistic, they make Tifa and Zack ambiguously brown because the game lacks representation. It's all in an effort to make ff7 "less problematic" but I think doing that in the first place is pretty problematic all on it's own. Rather than embracing characters that actually have those traits they just apply them to something they already like, I pretty much see it as artistic black face tbh maybe that's going a bit far.

That said, that's just my opinion. They're free to do whatever they want.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I personally don't think it's right to criticize the art of someone who is not here to defend/explain themselves.
I take you've never overheard people talking shit about someone or gossiped about celebrities, then.

So, I feel a little bad to see their work being talked down without them being able to take any benefit from it.
I've been looking at this statement for minutes.
People have been critizing my work, in the most destructive and even offensive ways, since I was a teen.
What you said sounds totally alien to me, sorry.

I just get kind of tired never being able to say that I don't like something that someone in the fandom produced.
Same. That's why I wrote that post, I dislike the current trend of making fan art that makes characters totally unrecognizable. And I hate people taking fucking official art or fan art that doesn't belong to them and recoloring it on tumblr and twitter.
That shit actually violates copyright laws more than any fan art or fan fiction does, because altering existing works is explicitly covered under copyright laws.
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Pro Adventurer
I take you've never overheard people talking shit about someone or gossiped about celebrities, then.

That was pretty much @ForceStealer's point in their post and I explained in my next post why I don't think it's the same thing.

I've been looking at this statement for minutes.
People have been critizing my work, in the most destructive and even offensive ways, since I was a teen.
What you said sounds totally alien to me, sorry.

May I ask what was your interpretation of my statement? Because I was talking about this exact type of behavior in fandom in general. Being overly critical and offensive to someone else's art (even more so when it's fan work, as it tends to be created for personal reasons) isn't helpful or beneficial at all. In addition, there are many ways to be critical without being dismissive or offensive.

As I said in my first post, I don't want to preach anything here, I was just stating a personal opinion on this subject. It’s a behavior I’m sure I’ve done many times before, but I came to realize how much it ended hurting people's perceptions of their own talents without actually bringing anything good to the table. So, if I dislike an artist's style and I don't think I have any good criticism to say I simply ignore it and move on.


I don't even know this artist in question, so maybe you guys have other reasons to be calling out their art decisions and if it's this then I apologize for my first post, but I stand with everything I say about the subject in general. Again, I'm not saying I'm right here, so feel free to keep doing things your way if that's how you prefer.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
May I ask what was your interpretation of my statement?
My interpretation was that you aren't alllowed to state why don't you like someone's art, no matter how "nice" you are about it. I simply said I dislike fan art depicting Tifa as a brick shithouse, because as @LicoriceAllsorts said, Tifa doesn't look like that and I value accurate depictions as well. Also, what @Odysseus said about characters looking ambigulously brown for no reason.

If you think we're being harsh with our opinions, I want to know who do you work for and in which exact field beause it sounds peachy.

I came to realize how much it ended hurting people's perceptions of their own talents without actually bringing anything good to the table.
Art world is fucking brutal, and Professors roasted our works in Uni as part of the curriculum. In public.
Random nobodies roasted my fanarts when I put them online while random nobodies liked them. What's the problem? You can't please everybody.

So, if I dislike an artist's style and I don't think I have any good criticism to say I simply ignore it and move on.
Hmm. Looks like my interpretation was on point, then. You don't like negativity, that's fair. But don't expect everybody to act the same, I'm done pretending everything is awesome. That's an unrealistic expectation.

This mandatory happiness is making everybody depressed.
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I do respect your point of view, Yumelinh. And I would never go onto this artist's twitter or tumblr and offer my unsolicted opinion on their art. That would be a dick move. On those platforms I definitely follow the rule that if I can't say something nice, I don't say anything at all. However, when a work of art is posted here, it feels a bit different. It feels more as if someone who liked it is saying, "Hey, what do you think of this?" and I'm replying, "Actually, it doesn't do it for me, and here's why."


I think what gets me is the politicization of fandom - heavily altering character designs for the specific purpose of promoting obesity (a platform I disagree with - I think it’s just as harmful as making fun of people/making assumptions due to their weight). I feel like it would make more sense to either make their own story or focus on characters already designed that way. But again, it’s their art. All true art is transformative in some way.


No, that's hard work.

No, not in a billion years. They recolor characters but they barely make fanart with Barret, ask yourself why.

Well, this artist does do a fair amount of Barret art. But yeah, I agree that a lot of folks spend more time altering characters than drawing characters that already look a certain way.

And a lot of them tend to have that same generic art style that looks somewhere between anime and Disney (usually with random blushing and freckles), which I find jarring.
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