FF7 Headcanons and Discussion

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Crackpot theory time:
GILGAMESH is Cloud's father. One day, GILGAMESH found the Rift dragging him to the peaceful mountain town of Nibelheim, where he fell in love with a woman and married her, and they had a son, whom they named Cloud. They were a happy family for a few years until GILGAMESH found himself being dragged off by the Rift again, this time while his wife was watching. She had no idea what the hell had just happened, so she assumed that her husband had died, and so that's what she told Cloud.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Now I'm going to come up with ideas to explain away plot holes. Here's one:
The Turks can chose whether they want a blue or black suit, and can switch suit colors if they so wish. This explains why the Turks had blue suits in FFVII but black ones in Crisis Core.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

The SOLDIER uniform colors problem will probably be fixed if SE decides to remake FFVII, and they'll just give Cloud and Zack black uniforms, since that's what their uniform's colors were retconned to.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Also, SOLDIER 2nd classes can choose what shade of purple or red they want their uniform to be, and if you're a 1st class wearing a SOLDIER uniform is optional. Helmets are optional for all classes.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Barret is lying when he says the Corel mako reactor destruction to be an accident even though BC shows he knows it was terrorism because he doesn't want his friends to know how horrible the original AVALANCHE were.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Hojo's experiments on Nanaki cause him to forget about Dinne, and after he escapes, Bugenhagen tells the people of Cosmo Canyon not tell Nanaki of Dinne's existence because he thinks Nanaki will be motivated more if he thinks he's the last of his kind.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

There was an old Corel Prison that was shut down 7 years before the events of the original game, and a new Corel Prison (the one we see in the original game) was built 3 years before the original game, shortly after Corel was destroyed. This explains why the Legendary Turk episode of BC (which takes place 8 years before the original game) had Corel Prison in it when the original game said that the prison had been built 3 years before, shortly after Corel's destruction.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

The WEAPON in Banora's cave is Emerald Weapon. There is even evidence for this theory, namely that the WEAPON in Banora Cave reused the Emerald Weapon model from FFVII. Also, Jade WEAPON requires a less significant threat than the other weapons to be awakened. This explains why the destruction of Zirconiade made Jade weapon awaken but not any of the other ones.

Homura Akemi

Just a lurker now ;3
Black★Rock Shooter, Hatsune Miku, Rin, Rin Okumura, Zack Fair.
Matthew I suggest you put all you're idea's into a single post, instead of making 13 in a row :)

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Zack's parents couldn't remember Cissnei's face and never learned her name, explaining why they were wondering who Zack's girlfriend might be in the original game, even though Cissnei told them it was her in Crisis Core.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Matthew I suggest you put all you're idea's into a single post, instead of making 13 in a row :)

Good idea, now continuing:
-Shinra never noticed the Emerald WEAPON in Banora Cave while they were mining. This isn't unreasonable, since my first time through I never noticed it, and only noticed it my second time because I had already read about that easter egg and was looking for it.
-Hojo's experiment's on Vincent made him really dense, leaving him unable to connect the dots about Lucrecia's motivations for over 20 years, only to get it completely wrong when he "finally understands".
-Vincent's transformations can morph appearance over time, explaining why Galian Beast and Chaos look different in DoC.
-Hojo had a ponytail during the events of the jenova project shown in DoC, but during the rest of his time on that project he didn't.
-The house Lucrecia collapsed in in the original game WAS Shinra Mansion.
-Yuffie grabbed Vincent and teleported to Midgar after the final battle so they could help the citizens evacuate, but Yuffie didn't have the strength to bring anyone else along.
-Reeve's father died of a heart attack after deciding to woo his wife in the Honeybee Inn, explaining why he was absent during CoD.
-The Genesis reports were written by a bored Genesis fangirl who wanted to make him seem more interesting and mysterious.
-Reeve rushed his workers to fix the Shinra building, explaining why it's not broken in half in DoC.
-viewing the Zack's death scenes in the original game is non-canon, since they contradict with Crisis Core.
-the Turks conveniently placed all the sniper rifles around the Nibelheim outskirts because they wanted them to escape.
-Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth can retract and sprout their wings at will.
-Vincent's cell phone is indestructible


All of that was really interesting, I especially liked the part about Vincent's transformations. Thanks for sharing.

But you really should use the edit button dood.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Here's a head canon:
Don Corneo is a sadist who occasionally likes to torture his "chickies", and that's why there's a medieval torture camber in the basement of his mansion. The only other explanation I can think of is that Don Corneo's mansion was once a medieval castle and that torture chamber is a leftover from those days.
Evidence from the Wutai sidequest would support this idea. Nevertheless, I believe that the basement one of Corneo's best little earners. It is a special room which you can hire for special rates, and it comes with its own specially skilled professionals. He had it installed in his mansion rather that at the Honeybee for added discretion.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I see Inspire as an Ancient Ability akin to Astral projection, one that Reeve just got lucky enough to have appear in him. I also speculate he can let Cait Sith run while he does other things because of a latent case of MPD. Cait Sith itself is just a Robot body that Reeve possesses and operates.
Here's one Ryushikaze came up with on my Cait Sith Thread.


Pro Adventurer
Zack's parents couldn't remember Cissnei's face and never learned her name, explaining why they were wondering who Zack's girlfriend might be in the original game, even though Cissnei told them it was her in Crisis Core.

That or she was just feeding Zack a line because she IS a Turk :monster: More fun to tease him and say she got invited into the family than admit to avoiding Touch Mes while doing surveillance on them from the underbrush.


Pro Adventurer
Just noticed Cloud's, Tifa's and even Aerith's house in the slums are much bigger looking from the outside (and inside) than Zack's hut aren't they? EDIT: I know it lacks details but I think Cloud and his party just entered what the Fairs' consider as their living room/ dining room and they cook outside. There is a hidden toilet outside the main house like an extension (like in the provinces here.) Their rooms are upstairs but the stairs are never shown (or the the three of them sleep together, not really uncommon in poor families.) I kinda have a headcanon now that Zack was probably the poorest among the four of them (or as poor as Aerith) prior to making it to SOLDIER.

EDIT: Again, it seems that the bed in on the first floor too so they is actually no second floor. Most likely the house you see is already everything it is. I think cooking, bathing and toilet stuff (could be a booth or a house extension) are done outside the main house.

EDIT again: We can argue that country people like Zack don't need big houses but hey look at Tifa's house. It's twice bigger than Cloud's in Nibelheim and it's considered a backwater place like Gongaga (CC dialogue between Cloud and Zack.) My headcanon is that Tifa's family owns most of Nibelheim's lands (the plains before you enter the village.) Cloud's family must have owned some but not as much as Tifa. As for Aerith, it would make sense that Elmyra had a house because of her husband and when he died she lost a provider. So yeah, Aerith's house is bigger but financial situations are most likely tougher for them.

Comparison pics here: http://danseru-kun.tumblr.com/post/33274758435/ffvii-headcanon-zack-was-as-poor-as-aerith-cloud-was
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Heidegger was Rufus' godfather (or the Planet/Gaia's equivalent). This is why Rufus tolerates him so much despite so openly finding him a pain in the ass (and there's nothing to suggest they're actually related).


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I have my own headcannon concerning President Shinra that he was the Mayor Quimby of the Final Fantasy 7 universe and he has a ton more illegitmare children out there.

I have two other headcannons that he is Cloud's real father and the man Mrs.Strife married wasn't Cloud's father but he took her in because she was pregnant and down on her luck.Cloud was never told Mr.Strife wasn't his real father.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have similar headcanon, jazz. President Shinra was the de facto ruler of the world. Cloud's mom lived in a podunk, backwoods town. Really, the prez could have had any woman, and probably did.
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