FF7 Headcanons and Discussion


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I have similar headcanon, jazz. President Shinra was the de facto ruler of the world. Cloud's mom lived in a podunk, backwoods town. Really, the prez could have had any woman, and probably did.

Now that begs the question where was Mrs.Shinra and I wonder if she only married President Shinra for his power,status,and money.I think she only stayed married to him because of those three things.I do think she was kinda of frustrated with his infedility but let it slide because she couldn't do anything about it.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
There was an old Corel Prison that was shut down 7 years before the events of the original game, and a new Corel Prison (the one we see in the original game) was built 3 years before the original game, shortly after Corel was destroyed. This explains why the Legendary Turk episode of BC (which takes place 8 years before the original game) had Corel Prison in it when the original game said that the prison had been built 3 years before, shortly after Corel's destruction.

Corel Prison does not appear in the special episode. The only locations used are Costa del Sol, a factory in Wutai, Junon and Turks HQ

A headcanon of mine was that no forms of public transport except the ship appear in the game outside of Midgar because the party were actively avoiding exposure as fugitives of the Shinra.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion

At one time Shinra was thinking of breeding Aerith and Sephiroth together.It was mainly during Crisis Core if they were planning anything.However,after Sephiroth went insane they dropped that idea.


Pro Adventurer
My Zerith Headcanon in Original Game

After Gold Saucer date with Cloud, Aerith was no longer denial of Zack’s death. And when the party went back to Gongaga after the event at Temple of Ancient that Cloud was being collapsed, she had chance to met The Fairs once again and bravely talked to them about their son.

The talking then gave her courage to leave the inn to Forgotten Capital alone that she remembered Zack always gave her confidence to face the fear. Sky is not scary anymore, the fear now was facing incomparable opponent to her, Sephiroth. And the fear didn’t stand her way to protect Cloud and the rest. While walking, she sometimes looked at the sky because to her, it was like Zack’s eyes. She also remembered Zack’s promise to go with her to upper plate, the symbol of her fear. So with the sky, she felt that she didn’t walk alone eventhough none of her friends accompanying her journey.

Of course, she wanna live to could come back when it’s over, she believed Zack also thought it before he died. But she’s also aware that she might not make it and if it happened, she could felt more relax because she knew Zack was always by her side.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Sephiroth's sexuality is actually based on Jenova's concept of sexuality instead of normal human sexuality.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Speaking of the Gold Saucer dates, I like to think that all 4 of them happened. Barret's was first, which is why Cloud has no problem going with him, but after that he's just tired and wants his sleep, hence why the girls have to force him to go with them. I personally like to think the order was Barret, Aerith, Yuffie, Tifa, but any order is fine as long as Barret's is first.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I was thinking where exactly did Jenova come from and I was thinking that since Word Of God says that Final Fantasy 7 is the future of Final Fantasy 10 then maybe Jenova originally came from Spira and she was originally an aeon that became eventually a very powerful fiend.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Or she's the reason the people of Spira left the planet in the first place.

You know I always thought that Jenova had a few things in common with the fair folk.The fair folk is an old name for fairies and I mean the old school fairies that were most of the time evil.I was thinking that maybe Jenova was fairy type creature in addition to being a parastic planet hopping alien.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Learning that FFX and FFVII are in the same continuity certainly added some layers of speculation to Jenova's origins. While existence as an aeon seems unlikely as there are no more aeons or Yunalesca, there are remarkable similarities between Jenova and Sin (a large fiend pulled together with Gravity spells).

Both seem to have a thing for tentacles, both are associated with Time/Space magic (Jenova with Meteor, Sin with Gravity), both can metamorphose, both spawn off smaller creatures from dismembered portions of their bodies, both can affect memories (in Sin's case, this is due not so much to a deliberate thought, but to the gravity field around the creature constantly sucking up pyreflies -- even to the point of tugging on those within a person's body), and both eventually reunite with separated parts of their bodies (Jenova has her Reunion, while Sin is known to return to reclaim its Sinspawn).

Given that we know from FFIX and The Spirits Within that the Lifestreams of different worlds may be poisonous to one another as one seeks to convert the other, Jenova's influence -- and, thus, Sephiroth's -- on the Lifestream of VII's world may be in that same vein (e.g. turning the Cetra into monsters, corrupting the Lifestream, etc.). At any rate, it's not difficult to imagine that Jenova's existence began in a similar fashion to Sin's.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Learning that FFX and FFVII are in the same continuity certainly added some layers of speculation to Jenova's origins. While existence as an aeon seems unlikely as there are no more aeons or Yunalesca, there are remarkable similarities between Jenova and Sin (a large fiend pulled together with Gravity spells).

Both seem to have a thing for tentacles, both are associated with Time/Space magic (Jenova with Meteor, Sin with Gravity), both can metamorphose, both spawn off smaller creatures from dismembered portions of their bodies, both can affect memories (in Sin's case, this is due not so much to a deliberate thought, but to the gravity field around the creature constantly sucking up pyreflies -- even to the point of tugging on those within a person's body), and both eventually reunite with separated parts of their bodies (Jenova has her Reunion, while Sin is known to return to reclaim its Sinspawn).

Given that we know from FFIX and The Spirits Within that the Lifestreams of different worlds may be poisonous to one another as one seeks to convert the other, Jenova's influence -- and, thus, Sephiroth's -- on the Lifestream of VII's world may be in that same vein (e.g. turning the Cetra into monsters, corrupting the Lifestream, etc.). At any rate, it's not difficult to imagine that Jenova's existence began in a similar fashion to Sin's.

Then that could mean that Jenova was orginally human or whatever she was before she became what she is now.Though it would make sense if was human like in the first place then was turned into a Sin like creature for whatever reason.

I was thinking Jenova was originally a Spiran that was corrupted/experimented into being a Sin like creature from someone who wanted another creature like Sin.She as time goes on began to live on instinct and forgot that she was ever human in the first place.In other words she became like Yu Yevon.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Never noticed all the similarities between Sin and Jenova... as for the fact that different world's Lifestreams may be poisonous to one another... Geostigma anyone?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Never noticed all the similarities between Sin and Jenova... as for the fact that different world's Lifestreams may be poisonous to one another... Geostigma anyone?

This would even more reason why they should expand Jenova's backstory because she just seems like something that has always been talked about but never given any more material on.

But if she was originally a human forced to become a Sin like creature and then became a being that relied on mostly instinct then man thats a really dark beginning for her if you think about it.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Jenova came from Giygas's vagina:monster:

Ok,but if you think about it I believe Jenova is the much better villain in my opinion.It would be fun to see in her full humanoid form.

I actually think when she was in her humanoid form she was absolutely gorgeous and used her beauty to gain the trust of the Cetra until it was too late.

Kermitu Kleric Katie


Ok,but if you think about it I believe Jenova is the much better villain in my opinion.It would be fun to see in her full humanoid form.

I actually think when she was in her humanoid form she was absolutely gorgeous and used her beauty to gain the trust of the Cetra until it was too late.

That wasn't meant to be taken seriously. And as far as we know, Giygas doesn't have a vagina. We're not even sure if he has a penis. Hell, we're not even sure what gender Giygas is.

Wait a minute, the same could be said of Jenova...(just switch vagina and penis, and switch the word she with he, since people genertally refer to Jenova as female rather than male, even though it's technically genderless):monster:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
That wasn't meant to be taken seriously. And as far as we know, Giygas doesn't have a vagina. We're not even sure if he has a penis. Hell, we're not even sure what gender Giygas is.

Wait a minute, the same could be said of Jenova...(just switch vagina and penis, and switch the word she with he, since people genertally refer to Jenova as female rather than male, even though it's technically genderless):monster:

I think Sephiroth got all his good looks from Jenova and Lucrecia becuase Jenova defiantly took over Hojo's genes in the looks department.:lol:

Hey,it is possible since she was a shapeshifter she could look whatever she felt she wanted to look like.I can now see Jenova's humanoid form looking like a white haired version of Mystique.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I think Sephiroth got all his good looks from Jenova and Lucrecia becuase Jenova defiantly took over Hojo's genes in the looks department.:lol:

Hey,it is possible since she was a shapeshifter she could look whatever she felt she wanted to look like.I can now see Jenova's humanoid form looking like a white haired version of Mystique.
Sephy got his crazy genes from Hojo.

And Jenova already looks like a white haired Mystique with eye-nipples.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Sephy got his crazy genes from Hojo.

And Jenova already looks like a white haired Mystique with eye-nipples.

I mean her full humanoid form where she has arms legs and all her other body parts in the right place.I think when she was in her prime she had a humanoid form where she could approach the Cetra with and a full out monster form when she was fighting.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Isn't it outright stated by Iflana that when Jenova first made itself known to the Cetra, it took the form of their recently deceased female relatives to get close before it unleashed "the virus"?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Isn't it outright stated by Iflana that when Jenova first made itself known to the Cetra, it took the form of their recently deceased female relatives to get close before it unleashed "the virus"?

Oh,yeah Ifana did mention that but where did the white hair come from is a good question.I am thinking that maybe the white hair was the only trait that was strictly hers and she just took the forms of the dead female relatives.

You know at times Jenova also reminds me of the Other Mother from Coraline.She comes to you nicely until she lures you into her trap and she catches you.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Jenova made use of more than just the visage of females. This was the line in the Japanese and English versions of the game:

"It looked like... our... our dead mothers... and our dead brothers."

Whether it shapeshifted entirely or just projected illusions is unclear. Also rather irrelvant, as the job got done either way.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I think this provides even more interest that maybe Jenova is connected to Spira.Death in Spira works so differently on that planet that I think that Jenova being there would actually make sense.

I think that Jenova at this point had forgotten all about her past life in Spira because of the fact her human traits have withered away to nothing.She can only copy humanoid traits and actually have some sorta of brain functiong but she now operates on a blue and orange morality.


The Pixie King
Well, it says after that, "Showing them spectres of their past."

Then thats when it came.

So illusions, then approached as a friend
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