FF7 Headcanons and Discussion


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To explain Marlene's psychic sense of Aerith's presence,

sometimes I like to think Aeris is Marlene's real mother.
I did the calendar math with the timeline (Nibelheim mission, Corel razed) and it fits in perfectly.
Remember Aerith calls Zack when he arrives in Nibelheim. He says "Now's not the best time." Her response sounds a bit discouraged, and he doesn't call her back. To keep her pregnancy hidden from Elmyra and Tseng (who know she's an Ancient) she purposely gets in arguments and fights with Elmyra, for a believable reason to go live with her Aunties in Kalm. Her Aunties help her with an under-the-radar adoption that goes wrong and ends up as a wacky cross-continent adventure for the case worker, and the infant finally ends up in the welcoming arms of a greif-stricken Elaine who had suffered a late-term miscarry.

Just for fun.

I like it. It fits with my stupidly unlikely but entirely possible and utterly hilarious 'Denzel was conceived on the Water Tower and ADOPTED by parents in Midgar' snark.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I have a theory that is probably likely true but I believe that Sephiroth's silver hair comes from Jenova.We do know that Jenova had silver hair so injecting her cells into Sephiroth made him have it.Also Jenova's default humanoid form has silver hair but can change it when she shapeshifts.In a way Jenova is kinda of like Cloud Of Darkness but probably on a stronger level.


Just to share what I posted in the FFVII Fanart thread:


I love this one for sharing my headcanon of Cloud and Zack being naked in the tubes (shipper wishes aside :P )

Am I the only one who thinks it's rather silly that they weren't :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)


Pro Adventurer
I've been reading these over the last hour or so. (Uni work be damned)
I just wanted to say that they are all so good and I now have lots of new head canon for the complication. Thank you!

I want to offer one of my own, if that's okay.
For Cid Highwind.
His profile from what I remember said his birthplace was unknown.

I think he was born and grew up in Midgar. Where he received the ff7-equivalent of a PhD from ff7-equivalent of a prestigious university. He was then recruited to the ShinRa Space Program and the work for his thesis/dissertation was incorporated into the Rocket, therefore he was actually allowed to go into space too (not just his work).

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
That's similar to my backstories for Hojo and all the other scientist people. With all the technical jobs around, there has to be some type of college/grad school.


Pro Adventurer
* Compilation, Can't edit my post.

Schools/colleges/universities are probably one of things that aren't deemed important enough to add into the game but you assume they are there, I guess (kind of like bathrooms and hospitals). IIRC, there was only ONE hospital in the entire game and that was relevant to the story.

Oh, I have another one, Zangan was gone by the time Tifa woke up. She found out about AVALANCHE during her odd job of babysitting baby Marlene. Barret wasn't willing to recruit Tifa into AVALANCHE and she overheard how he wanted 7th Heaven as headquarters for AVALANCHE so she applied for the waitress job, which she got easily. However, he still wasn't convinced so she won the bar in a game of (possibly drunken) poker.

(In my head, she's excellent at poker, she's one of those players who smiles all the time no matter what hand she's holding.)


You'll be able to edit your posts after you make a certain number of posts - I think it's...5? Maybe? I can't remember. But you'll gain that ability, so welcome, and post lots! :)

Poe-Lantern said:
(In my head, she's excellent at poker, she's one of those players who smiles all the time no matter what hand she's holding.)

I love this.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
In my headcannon Jenova when she was in her prime acted a lot like a Faux Affably Evil Washuu.Washuu is a character from Tenchi Muyo who is not only revealed to be a scientist but a godess who created the universe.When she was functioning Jenova liked to playfully taunt people she faught against.


In my mind Sephiroth is so cold, intimidating and arrogant (and scary) that he's almost unapproachable. The only ones who have the guts to talk to him are his superiors, and even then they are uncomfortable with the idea. His colleagues only talk to him to address really important info. Otherwise they avoid any unnecessary small talks. Even Zack. (Also in my head Genesis and Angeal don't exist so this is easy to imagine. Maybe Angeal does but not as Sefiros' "bff <3" )

clearly gives off this vibe :monster: I think he's been described similarly before but idk, in CC in particular during his interactions I didn't feel it. He just sounds really boring and seri0s.

Also, Cloud's mom's name is 'Claudia', as mentioned in the 25th anniversary Ultimania (dunno if it's official since I think it's an early concept, but it's my headcanon now).

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Sephiroth being cold, intimidating and arrogant isn't a headcanon. It's a fact. The games 'n shit made it quite clear that this is what Sephy is like. And after the Nibelheim incident, he's all of those things but crazy too. Just sayin'.


I did just say that in my post. Just want to emphasize that I imagined him to be much more so than how he was presented in CC. He came off to me as flat and monotonous and not scary or intimidating in there, no me gusta.

Which I think can be attributed to the addition of his 'friends' *eyeroll* If I can redo CC's story I'd keep Angeal, but not as his friend. He's still Zack's mentor and a man of principles whom Zack looks up to, and he still dies feeling betrayed by Shinra, but maybe not as an experiment (because I'd like to keep Sephy's special snowflake status, yknow).

And you know too well how I'll deal with Genesis :monster:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Here's another Headcanon of mine:
No matter what, Sephy would've gone of the deep end, even had he not been experimented on. With Hojo as his father, I've always felt that Sephy had craziness in his genes.
To slightly change the topic - does anybody know of any evidence that proves Rufus was held in Junon while he was under house arrest during the events of Before Crisis? There's a widespread belief in the fandom that he was imprisoned in Junon, but I can't find any evidence to support this belief. The evidence in Before Crisis states that he was held in the secret room in the Turks' offices, which are clearly in Midgar - so presumably either in the Shinra Building itaself or in an annexe of some sort?
To slightly change the topic - does anybody know of any evidence that proves Rufus was held in Junon while he was under house arrest during the events of Before Crisis?
I know of no such event. What comes to mind is that Tseng was under medical care in Junon after he was saved by Cait Sith at the Temple of Ancients, as we are told in Case of Shinra. Maybe somebody mixed up the two events and characters.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I also imagine her voice being seductive and sultry to lure her prey in until its too late.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Don't know why, but after hearing Ultimecia's VA in Dissidia, I always imagined that Jenova's voice would be something like that.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I was thinking that Marina Sirtis the voice of Demona from Gargoyles would be an excellent fit for Jenova.


Jenova's voice? Medium pitch, echo-ey and eerie feminine. And literally inside my head, making it vibrate like the inside of my head is a vast empty room in which the sound has nowhere to go but to keep bouncing off the walls. I don't hear it with my ears, I hear it with my mind.
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