FF7 Headcanons and Discussion

Getting off topic. Uh, Sephiroth is good at chess. I dunno, I can see it. Strategy, thinking ahead, patience, all that jazz. And Nanaki too but he requires someone to move the pieces for him. Lame but there you go.

Just to be curmudgeonly, I'm going to disagree on this one even though I realise that headcanon is by its very nature not something open to argument.

I think Sephiroth has the potential to be good at chess but sees no point in it and is thus bored by it. It's a game for a game's sake. I agree that Nanaki is good at it. But Rufus is the best.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Another fun headcannon is the fact that maybe Sephiroth secretly had a big sweet tooth.I think he would have tried to hide it because it clashed with his tough guy image.

On another note maybe Sephiroth secretly kept something from his childhood that he got from Gast.I was thinking maybe a stuffed animal that was given as a present.


Pro Adventurer
Just to be curmudgeonly, I'm going to disagree on this one even though I realise that headcanon is by its very nature not something open to argument.

Well, what about discussion then? I mean, it would be kind of boring if the thread went like this:
Poster #1:"I think Tifa had a huge crush on Sephiroth pre-Nebelheim incident. Next!"
Poster #2:"Rude's natural hair colour is blue."

I don't mind if you disagree with me or have your own version, I would actually like to hear it.

That said, there's nothing wrong with going, "Shera leaves Cid for Vincent cuz its mah head canon. Kthnxbai." Or even Cid leaves Shera for Vincent according to parts of the fandom.

I think Sephiroth has the potential to be good at chess but sees no point in it and is thus bored by it. It's a game for a game's sake.

"A game of chess? Hmph. I do not have time for such trivial things."

I can imagine Nanaki nudging the pieces with his paw/ snout. Adorbs. :desu:

I would pay to see an animal move certain pieces, like the knight, since it moves in an L-shape. All the other pieces can be pushed in one direction with paws or whatever. How would an animal move a knight piece. Oh, don't mind my over-thinkers flag, it hoists itself up every now and again.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Remember that theory about Hojo originally being from Wutai.What if Masamune was originally a family sword that belonged to Hojo?I have a feeling also that he stole the sword away from his family after he left Wutai and/or was disiherited.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
My headcanon for the Masamune was always that the Cetra forged it during their war with Jenova, only to find none of them could actually use the damn thing. Then they nailed Jenova's "corpse" to the rock with it as part of the process of sealing it up. Only natural that when Sephiroth was born (having been produced from said "corpse" and its non-corpsey cells) and turned out to be all super-strong and warrior like they'd see if he could handle this huge ass sword they found when they unearthed the "Ancient" and such :monster:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Jenova is based on a succubus and has abilties that are like the creature itself.So,if Jenova is based on a succubus then that means Sephiroth is based on a incubus.


I have a.. less imaginative headcanon for the Masamune's origins :desu: I always thought of it as a sword specifically forged for Sephiroth only, designed to complement his skill, grace and technique in combat. That's why others can try to, but only he can use it effectively.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Jenova is based on a succubus and has abilties that are like the creature itself.So,if Jenova is based on a succubus then that means Sephiroth is based on a incubus.

I'm not seeing the "preternatural sexual predator" vibe in either Jenova or Sephiroth. Care to explain your reasoning? If you don't wanna go into it here, you know where to message me, I'm just really curious.


Pro Adventurer
Just to be curmudgeonly, I'm going to disagree on this one even though I realise that headcanon is by its very nature not something open to argument.

I think Sephiroth has the potential to be good at chess but sees no point in it and is thus bored by it. It's a game for a game's sake. I agree that Nanaki is good at it. But Rufus is the best.

My Headcanon: Reno can beat Rufus at chess and has done so. People take Reno for a dumb thug based on his mannerisms, but he's actually brilliant.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I think Jenova was originally a goddess of another planet who used to be named Juno until she was corrupted into the form she is now.Why Juno because Juno is the Roman name of the Greek goddess Hera,who was the goddess of marriage and was the patron of married women and mothers.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
My Headcanon: Reno can beat Rufus at chess and has done so. People take Reno for a dumb thug based on his mannerisms, but he's actually brilliant.

I could see this happening too, if only because Reno would probably take a chaotic approach (i.e. making it up as he goes along), fucking up at every turn Rufus's careful planning of thinking three to four moves ahead. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think Jenova was originally a goddess of another planet who used to be named Juno until she was corrupted into the form she is now.Why Juno because Juno is the Roman name of the Greek goddess Hera,who was the goddess of marriage and was the patron of married women and mothers.

Juno was also a total bitch. Don't believe me, read the Aeneid. I can totally see this.

My headcanon states that in a world where four year old children are left alone in charge of bars, fifteen year olds are considered for recruitment into SOLDIER, ten year olds become Turks, and Reeve Tuesti, one of the good guys, is taking kids as young as Denzel into the army, there is no minimum drinking age, no minimum age for joining the army, no minimum driving age, no age of consent - and no democracy, either.

No wonder so many characters have so many issues especially in a messed up society like that.I have a feeling that Shinra abolished all those minimum age laws when they got into power.It would explain how they can get away with minor endangerment.

I feel like this is a world with no social benefits programs and no regulation. As a result, there aren’t restrictions on child labor and I doubt there are any child protection agencies or government organizations that keep track of children. It’s a world where you could pick up a random orphan at a train station and no one would question the “adoption”. There probably aren’t birth certificates, mandatory schooling or required vaccinations, and who knows what records there are for average people.

As far as laws exist they exist to protect people and property (stealing, killing etc are probably illegal), but there aren’t “regulations” so nothing prohibits harmful activities like child labor. I’d bet the Shinra Orphanages are little more than workhouses and complete mess in terms of records because no one keeps track of children. There are probably plenty of children who grow up on the streets or are just abandoned by parents who can’t afford to feed them.

Now the question is whether or not Shinra abolished laws and programs designed to protect children or whether they’d had a chance to be established in the first place. In our own history the rights of the child are a fairly modern/progressive concept. I know in child labor laws in America were instituted in the 20th Century, and that in Ancient Rome children were treated as the property of the father, including the right to kill a child.

My head canon is Shinra came to power in the midst or shortly after a “capitalist” “anti-regulation/freedom” revolution that did away with social programs and regulations that cost money, in favor of letting unfettered competition among companies grow the economy in the belief that everyone would benefit from profits at the top. That regulation would impede progress, and that survival of the fittest would result in an over all fit society.

However, I do think there are some age restrictions when it comes to inheritance. Since Rufus Shinra is 18 when he’s appointed to the board, I think you have to be 18 to inherit shares in a company and hold a board position at Shinra. (This is younger than 21, the English Common law age of inheritance).

There is probably a body of inheritance law, trust and estates. I’m not sure what the laws governing marriage would be but as marriage can impact inheritance there would probably be something…

There probably isn’t any tax law because rather than taxes Shinra provides services in exchange for the fees it gets in its rate. No government “stealing wages”, you pay for what you get, which includes the cost of the army, etc. So when Shinra needs money for expenditures rates and surcharges go up.

Since there are no taxes to pay for local governments, cities must apply to Shinra for grants to pay for government and that impacts local rates. Cities that existed before Shinra came to power/hadn’t yet benefited from Shinra (no electricity yet) probably had their own individual governments and set up.

Cosmo Canyon is an independent commune that is self sufficient and socialist.


Pro Adventurer
But you get to kill in chess!

Then again, the way my best friend and I usually play chess is by playing a game over the course of several days while doing other things. We have a chess board set up on the table in the billiards room and when we happen to pass it we move a piece and then go about of day and if we come back later and our opponent has moved we move again. We keep track of whose turn it is by turning a BC Rufus Shinra ornament Cherry made me so that it faces whosoever turn it is to move. Sometimes we leave sticky notes that say "check" or "checkmate".

I've never played Bridge, although I have heard of it (mostly in the context of a game old ladies play and take very seriously, not that you're old of course). I'd like to learn at some point.

Anyway, as I've said I think part of the reason I see Reno as a chess player is because my best friend and Reno cosplayer plays. In high school he was on the chess team, and the football team. (I love the contradictions there).

Which leads me to this question: Do real people influence your head canons about FFVII characters? I don't base my versions of the characters on my friends entirely ( honestly, my best friend reminds me more of Licorice's version of Reno than mine) but sometimes I'll use things my friends have said for dialogue. I also think by understanding real people you can get perspective on fictional characters.

I do let other fictional characters inspire me, and I like to include references to musical theater in my fanfic. My Reno is inspired by Gavroche.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Chess is just a game. Being good at chess is not a mark of intelligence, it's a mark of being good at chess.

Nothing against chess players, I play chess myself, but there's much more importance attached to it than there needs to be, it's just another stereotype, like people who play sports are dumb.

Regarding age limits, etc, Shinra is a power company, not a government. It doesn't have to do any of that, except within itself. There might be a minimum age for joining Shinra itself but the rest of the world can do what it wants.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^Although they are currently the only source of viable electric power in their world and they also control R&D and security. But yeah, they aren't the ones in charge of the individual cities, the cities have just all agreed to use their power.


Pro Adventurer
Chess is just a game. Being good at chess is not a mark of intelligence, it's a mark of being good at chess.

Nothing against chess players, I play chess myself, but there's much more importance attached to it than there needs to be, it's just another stereotype, like people who play sports are dumb.

I'm so glad to have you in this conversation. You make really great points. Obviously, being good at any one thing isn't a mark of intelligence. I'm terrible at math but I'm great at analysis of written works or legal matters. So while I would be a very dumb scientist (I could never get through the requirements of sa science degree), I think I'm a pretty intelligent lawyer.

I think when conceiving intelligence you can almost think of it like a DnD metaphor. How many points does your character have in what skills, I'm a charisma build and don't have a lot of points in physical skills, but whether I'm "strong" or "smart" depends on what we're measuring.

However, because chess is stereotypically associated with intelligence, almost symbolically associated with intelligence, I like to use that because I don't think people would see Reno as someone who would be able to do something associated with "smart" people.

In fiction, I think it's ok to play with tropes even if they aren't necessarily true.

Regarding age limits, etc, Shinra is a power company, not a government. It doesn't have to do any of that, except within itself. There might be a minimum age for joining Shinra itself but the rest of the world can do what it wants.

I think how much government exists is another head canon thing. As I mentioned, my head canon is that a lot of governmental functions have been privatized or simply don't exist. I view the world as small to non-existant government with Shinra as defacto leaders.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I could see this happening too, if only because Reno would probably take a chaotic approach (i.e. making it up as he goes along), fucking up at every turn Rufus's careful planning of thinking three to four moves ahead. :monster:

So wait... Reno is Kirk?

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Yeah, being good at chess isn't a sign of intelligence, nor is being intelligent a sign of being good at chess. I would know, I'm one of those kids who's a genius at pretty much every subject in school, and I suck at chess(I'm excellent at checkers though).
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