FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

I'll try to remember and ask somebody to translate the Japanese version of Vincent's line. Maybe that can make some sense out of it.

So, see? The dialogue didn't change much,
It changed enough to matter! :monster:

"You bow-legged ol' man!"
"Give her a lickin' "...I'm not even gonna comment on that dialogue option...
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
How could Gangstah Vincent have seen Yuffie before??

I always figured that maybe he knew or had seen (spied on, perhaps, as a Turk) Yuffie's mother, and that's why she seems familiar. But that's nothing but crack-theory. :monster:

Will be interested to see if the Japanese version makes any more sense.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Huston, Texas is the city where the mission control for NASA is. It's what is referred to in the line "Huston, we have a problem."


Pro Adventurer
“Do whatever you want...
Is that what you want to hear?”
“Well, I can't let you do it.
Because, if you die on me,
I'm gonna have nightmares.”

You know, I was going through all of the script up until Cloud falls in the Lifestream once, and that line really jumped out at me unexpectedly. I started thinking about how Zack is already dead and part of Cloud's breakdown is due to that, and wonder what kind of dreams Cloud was already having then. Maybe he blocked it out completely, but I imagine the memory of hearing gunshots through a drugged state and being unable to move could make for some pretty bizarre nightmares.
GlitterBerri translated Vincent's line.

"She has a mysterious weapon...
I remember seeing it somewhere before."

It is a definitive statement; he doesn't "feel" that he's seen it, he is sure that he's seen it.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well remembering the weapon and remembering Yuffie are two different things. In the Eng version he says, "I've seen her somewhere before." as opposed to it. Interesting about her weapon though.

I was thinking about was Yac said about Yuffie's mother. But Vincent's been asleep for 30 years. 30 years ago, Yuffie's parents were probably just kids. Maybe teenagers. So idk.

Her dad seems older than he probably is. I mean Yuffie is 15 (right?). So you figure even if her dad was 40 when she was born, that would make him 55. Well, 55 - 30 = 25. So maybe they weren't kids
Well remembering the weapon and remembering Yuffie are two different things. In the Eng version he says, "I've seen her somewhere before." as opposed to it. Interesting about her weapon though.
That's the thing; the English line is another case of bad translation. Vincent doesn't remember Yuffie, he only remembers the weapon she uses.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well there's no chance of him being involved during the Wutai War, because that starts LONG after he's KO'd in his box.

I can only assume that it's something from his travels as a Turk that we'll probably never specifically know about. It might be that, because he was a Turk while the company was still ShinRa Works, that, since they were a Weapons Manufacturer, it's conceivable that he'd remember something like a unique weapon from Wutai.

X :neo:


Forgotten Memory
1: After Cloud gets Mako illness and is stuck in the wheelchair in the nice quiet town if you watch his "Retard" actions carefully it makes him look like he is attempting to give himself a blowjob.

2: Children in the general "Walk about towns" mode have the same size feet as the adults. Since when do 10 year old kids have feet the size of Micheal Jorden...

3: Even if you do not get Yuffie or Vincent in some versions of the game in the action scene where Cloud kills Sephiroth and you come back to the Life Stream Yuffie and Vincent are there. Which were cut out from other games to show the scene IF or WHEN you unlock them into your party.

4: Some GameShark codes to include Sephiroth as a party member bugged the game and made every character in your party Sephiroth when you attempt to move in between rows.

5: In a copy of the game I have, when Jessie and Briggs die from trying to save Areith from Shinra. Appear in the next scene crying in each other's arms to which they oth say "I would have died to save her. We are so sorry." Ironic how in the versions most other people play they literally do die to try to save her.

6: There is a hidden scene in the PC version of the game that shows an advertisement for the new bike model Shin-ra makes (Also it is the same one you steal to start ehe bike mini game)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well, it was just impossible for him to have known 15-year old Yuffie if he's been in a coffin for 30 years, so I figured it was a mistranslation or oversight. (I know he wakes up to help Avalanche in BC, but it doesn't count)

As for the weapon, it's still a strange thing for him to say. It suggests that the weapon is a hand-me-down, but it's never addressed. I'm sure it never will be either because I don't think it's a significant point.

3: Even if you do not get Yuffie or Vincent in some versions of the game in the action scene where Cloud kills Sephiroth and you come back to the Life Stream Yuffie and Vincent are there. Which were cut out from other games to show the scene IF or WHEN you unlock them into your party.

What do you mean by this?

5: In a copy of the game I have, when Jessie and Briggs die from trying to save Areith from Shinra. Appear in the next scene crying in each other's arms to which they oth say "I would have died to save her. We are so sorry." Ironic how in the versions most other people play they literally do die to try to save her.

What game is this now?


Forgotten Memory
3: Even if you do not get Yuffie or Vincent in some versions of the game in the action scene where Cloud kills Sephiroth and you come back to the Life Stream Yuffie and Vincent are there. Which were cut out from other games to show the scene IF or WHEN you unlock them into your party.

Well in Final Fantasy VII Yuffie and Vincent are optional characters to unlock into your party. And after you kill Sephiroth for the last final time to which according to most Final Fantasy players you can not do anything but use Omnislash the game enters a cut scene like the intro where the characters are in proportion. And you appear back in the life stream and the camera goes to the side to show all the characters but Yuffie and Vincent standing/sitting there.

In some versions of the game the disc reads if you have Yuffie and Vincent available to add into your party and depending if you have one of them or both it plays an alternative video showing the character you have available or both (If requirements are met).

As for the Jessie and Brigs scene it is either in one of the emulation rom's I have of the game or on my PC version. I'll ahve to dig about the attic to find the game and the computer with the emulation rom's on it.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
In some versions of the game the disc reads if you have Yuffie and Vincent available to add into your party and depending if you have one of them or both it plays an alternative video showing the character you have available or both (If requirements are met).

Is this on the PC version? Cause as far as I was aware, they were never in the final scene. I didn't think they had that kind of technology (either that or awareness) to do that back then. Which is why Yuffie & Vincent were in Midgar at the beginning of DoC.
It would appear that Aizaka is trolling us.
"In some versions?" There are no differences between the various versions of the game in regards to how Vincent and Yuffie are treated.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I considered that too, lol. Well...I was trying to be nice to give her a chance to explain. It seemed she was confused :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Her dad seems older than he probably is. I mean Yuffie is 15 (right?). So you figure even if her dad was 40 when she was born, that would make him 55. Well, 55 - 30 = 25. So maybe they weren't kids

^ Precisely how I always thought of it (parents being older). Even if they were younger, in their teens, it's would still be reasonable for Yuffie to look very similar to how her mother looked when she was a teenager.

Anyways, moot point, since it was all a mistranslation. I'm inclined towards the 'weapon was a hand-me-down' theory , and that Vincent saw it before he went for his snoozefest.

Oo, maybe he saw it in the hands of Godo or Yuffie's mom. So crack theory that Vincent knew her parents is still not implausible. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Vincent is everyone's father, lol. This will upset the Yuffentine shippers.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Vincent is everyone's father, lol. This will upset the Yuffentine shippers.

Only the sane ones with moral standards (like me. The very thought of Vincent being related to Yuffie makes me want to sob). Others will just find a way around it - or straight through it. After all, this is a fandom full of HojoxSephiroth and KadajxYazooxLoz, not to mention the YuffiexNanaki/Cait Sith porns and brain-bleachingly horrifying uses of materia; like one fic where some dude uses a Manipulate materia on Tifa, turning her into a prostitute and she eventually ends up abandoned on the side of a road pregnant with octuplets.

No, I am not making that up. Unfortunately.

Anyways, I remember reading somewhere that Vincent recognizes Yuffie's weapon because of Cissnei. Which...makes no sense, unless Cissnei looks really, really good for her age. They never met, did they?
Anyways, I remember reading somewhere that Vincent recognizes Yuffie's weapon because of Cissnei. Which...makes no sense, unless Cissnei looks really, really good for her age. They never met, did they?

I thought it was common knowledge that the Turks are all pretty much non-aging immortals :monster:
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