FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

I bet a lot of Materia are shipped out from the reactors for military and medical purposes and that someone simply dropped the Restore Materia there.
The Cover Materia appears because of Aerith's holy influence on the environment.
A Chocobo puked up the Ramuh Materia. :awesome:

I'm of course pulling these explanations from nowhere. There is no reason to try and make sense of this...but I will do so anyway!

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
What is so attractive about the Materia btw? Is it the smell of it? Does it contain the crystallized thoughts of their dead bird ancestors?

They're fucking shiny, not to mention pretty colours. If I was a bird I'd collect them too.


Pro Adventurer
Or finding the Restore materia in the mako reactor. Isn't that the opposite of how it's supposed to work?

Is it? There's the small plot point in Gongaga with Scarlet coming to check out the ruined reactor in hopes of finding huge materia. (And you find another materia there, iirc.) I just figured reactors factored into the manufacturing process somehow. Like, as it's taking all that Lifestream in, the pressure kind of...mashes strains of knowledge together that weren't in contact before? And they're compatible so they click with each other, combine and then condense into the solidified materia. Those solidified materia are then filtered out of the system for use as the rest of the lifestream continues on to become mako. (Considering they're solids and denser than the Lifestream it'd be easy enough.)

There's probably a more technical way to say it but I bet it would involve chemistry terms. I forgot all mine. But yeah, finding materia in reactors didn't seem that weird to me.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It was more the finding the materia on a random catwalk in the reactor I was referring to. If it was found in a pod with a bunch of other materia I would get it. But randomly...


Pro Adventurer
I was going to say "but if you found it with other materia it'd turn into a question of 'why don't the characters take the other materia'."

And then I realized that they have a materia specifically for luring chocobos, and now I have to wonder if there are materia that are just plain useless in their specific function. Like, say:

Received "Break Wind" materia!
Cloud: ...Wind-based attack?
Cloud: *tries in battle*
Cloud: *adds another item to his list of Things He Will Never Live Down*

More seriously, I do get what you're saying about it being found on the catwalk. I just figured that could be excused as being dropped during an inspection or something.

Alex Strife

Finding materia there is just as random as finding a sword in the middle of Mt.Nibelheim. It's a freaking RPG, so it's obvious we'd find items scattered around! :D

Yesterday, I found a scene in FFVII that is actually a perfectly normal scene!...only I have never seen it before! Please tell me if any of you've seen this one because I sure haven't up until now.

If you enter the place in the Forgotten City that shows the Ancients' version of television (a water projection screen, huh, I wonder if it comes in HD?) on disc 2 after Cloud has rejoined your party but before asking for Bugenhagen's help in stopping Meteor then a scene will occur.
While Cloud is talking you can hear the cries of the Lifestream.

“It's similar.”
&#8220;I didn't notice it the last time I came.&#8221; <--only spoken if you entered the field before Cloud leaves your party.
&#8220;This place&#8230;is similar to the inside
of the Lifestream.&#8221;
&#8220;&#8230;All the different noise.&#8221;
&#8220;&#8230;The noise doesn't go through your ears
but directly into your head.&#8221;
&#8220;It seems to mean something&#8230;
but I can't quite get it.
I hate not knowing what it is.&#8221;
&#8220;That's what this is similar to.&#8221;

(2nd party member)
&#8220;Now that you mention it&#8230;&#8221;

(3rd party member)
&#8220;My head feels like it's gettin' crushed!&#8221;

&#8220;So Aeris came here&#8218;too&#8230;
She stood in this exact spot&#8230;&#8221;
Aeris didn't have to come here.&#8221;
&#8220;She was able to find out all the
information here.&#8221;
&#8220;What Aeris needed was that
altar&#8230;and only that.&#8221;
What were you planning to do?&#8221;
&#8220;What&#8230;are we supposed to do?&#8221;

I have known about the script for this scene for almost 2 years but I always assumed it was an unused scene!
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Fire and Blood
For those who are interested in the cutscene from earlier, there are more information here but in French.

He explains that this video is not a fake and that he used a program he made himself, named Makou Reactor, and that allows to edit the FFVII scripts during the "screen phases" (everything not during fights, menus and map). He also used the program "Loveless" to edit text, because in French too, we suffer horrid translations XD He used texts from the retranslation project "Néo-Midgar" and translations from the japanese of "The Face of the Moon".

The breakdown, scene by scene [translation from the link, and when I write 'I', it's just a direct translation of course, I haz nothing to do with it]:

# Bar "7th Heaven" - Basement:

1. At the beginning of the video: he put it there for context, because we all know this scene: first mission is finished, and Cloud and barret clash, then go upstairs to have his money.

2. At the end of the video: it's a scene that some know under the name of "materia" and which is accessible through the debug room, but until then, no one could show what was before. He didn't have to do anything to unblock this scene, it naturally follows the first one.

# Bar "7th Heaven" - Ground Floor:

1. With Barret: Normally in the game, Tifa will talk to you and will remind you the famous promise. Except that this is the summarized version of everything that you see in the video. There is another way that allow you to advance less in the game and see all the cut scenes that follow. To unblock the alternate scene where there is only Barret who comes to pay Cloud, I won't hide the fact that I had to fiddle a bit with the scripts, but what you see haas been written as it is, I just had to face some mixing with the original scene. Hence the bug when we take the money.

2. With Tifa: After listening Tifa in the slum, Cloud comes back in the bar where Tifa is watching TV and asks him if he finally wants to participate to the second mission. For this scene, the only thing I had to modify was... the TV! There was a tiny bug in the decor's animation, that prevented Tifa to switch on the TV!

# Slum:

1. With Tifa: All I did to not see the scene where Tifa storytells the Nibelheim's scene and promise in the bar allowed me to automatically unblock this scene. So, I didn't touch anything, except the texts...

2. With Johnny: When he gets out of the slum, Johnny comes to see Cloud; his speech has been badly translated, and I didn't manage to make it more comprehensible. In any case, he's not happy that Cloud leaves Tifa.

3. Johnny's house: All the dialogues normally don't appear in game, but they do here because of the variables that have the correct adjustment.

# Nibelheim:

1. Starry night: I did a modification: at the end of the scene, instead of going to the 7th Heaven screen, he forced it to return to the slum screen.

2. The truck: Maybe you already saw this scene, it's accessible through the debug room. Now you know when it was supposed to happen.

# WhiteBG:
This particular screen has been erased from the international version of FFVII. I had to go take it in the Japanese version, and I recorded through emulator (not to much of a choice when we fiddle with the scripts). Activate the annotations to see the dialogues in French!

That's about it, he ends his speech thanking the guys who worked with him :)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good

Yesterday, I found a scene in FFVII that is actually a perfectly normal scene!...only I have never seen it before! Please tell me if any of you've seen this one because I sure haven't up until now.

If you enter the place in the Forgotten City that shows the Ancients' version of television (a water projection screen, huh, I wonder if it comes in HD?) on disc 2 after Cloud has rejoined your party but before asking for Bugenhagen's help in stopping Meteor then a scene will occur.
While Cloud is talking you can hear the cries of the Lifestream.

Holy shit. I never knew about this before.

Thanks, dude. For real.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Well there's no chance of him being involved during the Wutai War, because that starts LONG after he's KO'd in his box.

I can only assume that it's something from his travels as a Turk that we'll probably never specifically know about. It might be that, because he was a Turk while the company was still ShinRa Works, that, since they were a Weapons Manufacturer, it's conceivable that he'd remember something like a unique weapon from Wutai.

X :neo:

I'm way late for this and someone else might have already said this, but big ass shurikens are not terribly uncommon. Cissnei, for one, uses one that is quite similar to Yuffie's. So yeah, Vincent has probably seen similar weapons just from his time in the Turks.


Double Growth
Why is it called "Ultimate scene?" That is pretty cool though, Johnny and his friends are some creepers. I wonder why they changed it - apart from the fact that they don't, in fact, fight any SOLDIER :monster:

In terms of general wtf-ery, why does Cid fight? How and when did he learn how to use a spear? The rest of the team has an explanation for their skills. Cloud has a miltary background, Tifa trained under a martial arts master, Barret has a gun strapped to his arm, Aerith is a girl living in the slums and is also a Cetra, Red comes from a warrior tribe, Yuffie is a ninja, Vincent was trained by the Turks, and Cait Sith is a bit of a unique case. But it always struck me as a bit random that this former Shinra pilot just whips out a spear and starts fighting with the best of them.
This isn't unusual for RPGs, of course, but considering the rest of the cast was given a reason, I thought it odd.


Wahaha, that's pretty interesting to see my translated text in context. I'll be going back to fix a few things for sure... that video demonstrates the danger of using gender pronouns for a language that has no contextual clues about the sex of the speaker. x_x Oh well, you can see why the official translation for FF7 was so sketchy... that's why games need editors/proof-readers, folks!


Pro Adventurer
But it always struck me as a bit random that this former Shinra pilot just whips out a spear and starts fighting with the best of them.
This isn't unusual for RPGs, of course, but considering the rest of the cast was given a reason, I thought it odd.

Yeah, he is a bit random with that. I'm wondering if he has any history in the Wutai war? I could see him learning combat skills for that--if he got downed in enemy territory and needed to fight or whatever. Nothing's alluded to, though, and in that case it'd still make more sense for him to have something, say, like the pistols Sazh carried. (Unless the combat skills were, uh, picked up while actually behind enemy lines, along with the spear itself, but something like that probably would have earned mention.)

RPGs, man.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
On the subject of Cid and his spear: People wouldn't sit the @#%$ down and drink their GOD DAMN TEA so he learned how to stab shit with a spear to enforce his hospitality. :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Hm... the origins of the summons, how it feels to be in the Lifestream, why did SE have to cut all those juicy world-building details out? At least they didn't cut it out of the actual programing or else we wouldn't be able to find it.

Random stuff: 'Corneo' is Italian for 'horny'

On the cargo ship, the background music is called "It's hard standing on two feet, isn't it". If you talk to Nanaki enough times he says: "It's pretty hard standing on two feet..."
how it feels to be in the Lifestream, why did SE have to cut all those juicy world-building details out?
The scene that I mentioned for the Forgotten City is not cut. Like I said, it's a perfectly normal scene. It's very easy to miss though as I never bothered before to visit that part of the city on disc 2 before talking to Bugenhagen.

Though considering the scene's obscurity it might as well be called cut, which maybe is what you meant to say. I agree that they should have included more details to help build the world.
For example, how does it *feel* to use Materia? I don't recall this ever being mentioned.
Ok, this is a rather strange discovery. :huh:

Remember this field?

It is called NVMKIN23. I was curious if this field had any walkmesh, so I looked at it using Meteor...

...What? It uses the exact same walkmesh as the 67th floor in Shinra HQ! Except there are no field models or exit/entrance lines added.

Hmm. Add to the fact that the fields for the 67th floor contains unused script where Cloud says,
&#8220;&#8230;&#8230;A monster.&#8221;
I speculate that our dear Reactor monster once belonged in Shinra HQ.

Edit: Though admittedly Cloud's unused line *might* be a reference to Jenova.
Unfortunately Meteor crashes when I try to open BLIN67_4, the field that shows Jenova in Shinra HQ, so I can't view the walkmesh for that one.

Second edit: It is worth noting that the field camera perspective is exactly the same as in BLIN67_3, this field:
So it's not the same camera perspective as the overhead view of the 67th floor.
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A qhimm member, Tsetra, has presented an alternate explanation for the presence of the walkmesh:

"That monster thing might not necessarily have been a change. I mean, all scenes need a field file. That scene still has to take place on a field file."

This is important because technically the walkmesh from Shinra HQ could have been just copy-pasted into NVMKIN23 at random, having nothing to do with the continuity of the reactor monster scene.

Personally I still deem it likely that the reactor monster was intended for Shinra HQ, because I would otherwise expect the developers to copy-paste a walkmesh from another one of the Nibelheim Reactor fields rather than to randomly scroll down to BLIN67_3. But in the process of speculating about the development of FFVII we need to consider all possibilities.
A very SERIOUS dent has been put in my conclusion that the reactor monster once belonged in the Shinra HQ.
I remembered that aside from the reactor monster and Jenova, the photo of Zack, Tifa and Sephiroth is another case of a field that you only see but never roam.

The walkmesh for that photo (called NIVL_E3) is ALSO that of BLIN67_3.

This increases the odds that these walkmeshes were copy-pasted without any regard to continuity in the scenes at all. They were simply added because the field required a walkmesh.


Fiat Lux
Myst6re just uploaded an English version of the "Ultimate Scene" video.

Well, you can see why they cut that scene. It's pretty sloppy and reveals too much, too soon.

And I often need reminding how awesome Barret's Theme is! :awesome:
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