FFVII Iceberg


Ninja Potato
Hey kids, I know I'm late to the meme, but I thought it could be fun to make an FF7 Iceberg list like the famous Super Mario 64 one. I know people here know quite a bit about deep FF7 lore, in game and out, so I figured it could be a group project. This is mostly based on the original game, stuff from the compilation could fill a list all on its own. Here's what I made so far:
I know there's a ton of stuff I'm forgetting, especially dumb fan rumors for the bottom, so help would be appreciated.
Final Final version of the image maybe
FF7 Iceberg.png
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Ninja Potato
I don’t understand how this meme works but it looks like fun :)
Okay basically, the iceberg serves as a scale of "common knowledge" to "obscure knowledge" to made up bullshit what THEY don't want you to know. So the stuff at the top is things most people would know about FF7, and as you get lower the more niche the knowledge becomes. Like, most people know the infamous "This guy are sick" line, but they might not know about the debug room, or that Rude won't attack Tifa in battle, or that FF7 is Square's secret team up with Al Gore to spread environmentalist propaganda.


Ninja Potato
I might be misremembering, but I think this was a key component to the Ben Lansing Aeris revival rumour?

I can't seem to find the whole story online though (The FF7 Citadel links seem to be broken).

Also - Cheese Weapon
Researching this led me to the best page ever
And I do think I remember 99 tissues being linked to some Aerith revival rumor. Fuck it, it can go on the iceberg, More shit the merrier.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Mako, you're good at this. Gimme MOAR

As you wish :monster:

The Knights of the Round are the Cetrans who originally defeated and sealed Jenova in the Northern Crater.

The name of the planet is Gaea, and the Gaean Cliffs prove this.

The FFVII characters in Kingdom Hearts are from the FFVII world, and Cloud is searching for Aerith because she reincarnated there. This was believed for brief moment until actually playing the game and dialogue proved otherwise. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Most of what I can think of comes from the compilation especially the remake and since a lot of remake theories are yet to be verified, it might be a bit tricky to factor that in...

I know there’s some debate (mainly shipping-related) on whether Cloud has Zack’s memories or whether or not Cloud’s feelings for Aerith are influenced by Zack somehow, but I’m not sure where that would fit on the iceberg

or that FF7 is Square's secret team up with Al Gore to spread environmentalist propaganda.
...is this actually a thing people believe...?


Ninja Potato
...is this actually a thing people believe...?
No I made that up to be goofy. The original SM64 iceberg has "Super Mario 64 is Freemason initiation" on it so I was trying to think of a comparable bit of nonsense.
I know there’s some debate (mainly shipping-related) on whether Cloud has Zack’s memories or whether or not Cloud’s feelings for Aerith are influenced by Zack somehow, but I’m not sure where that would fit on the iceberg
I stuck LTD at the top as a catchall for shipping stuff.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You forgot Vincent was Originally Sephiroth, and Sephiroth was originally Tifa's Brother (to go along with Tia and Aerith were one character) way at the bottom below the iceberg.

Also, is that a picture of "Hojo" from FF7 House?


Ninja Potato
You forgot Vincent was Originally Sephiroth, and Sephiroth was originally Tifa's Brother (to go along with Tia and Aerith were one character) way at the bottom below the iceberg.
I should probably mention Sephiroth being Vincent, but I think that mentioning the Tifa one is a little redundant.
Also, is that a picture of "Hojo" from FF7 House?
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Junon gas chamber once had an H.R. Giger-esque design. Square hired Kusanagi to design the FF7 backgrounds and in the book "Kusanagi IV" you can see some of their drawings for FF7, FF8 and FF9. On page 21 you can see a heavily different version of the Junon gas room. The alternate version of the rocket cockpit is pretty neat too.

Transcription and DeepL translations of Sue Kusanagi's commentary from page 21.

上:ジュノン ガス室 イベン

Above: Junon Gas Chamber
A much modified version is used for the game screen,
as it did not fit the purpose of the event.
This is an example of overkill. (Sue)

右:ロケット村 ロケットのコッ
クピット 発注時点で使用する

Right: Rocket Town Rocket Cockpit
It was a delicate situation to use this location at the time of ordering,
and in the end it was not used for the game screen.
This is a valuable unpublished work. (Sue)

Final version of the gas chamber, "junbin5":
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