SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 17 Spoiler Discussion

Knights of the Round

Pro Adventurer
“Follow the Yellow Flowers”

I’m staring at the mural and there are a lot of random yellow flowers in it. I can’t seem to get a high res screen shot. Does anyone have the ability to get a good screen capture beyond the PS4 share method?View attachment 5550
The yellow flowers lead from the Forgotten City on the right of the mural to Holy at the center of the mural. At least that’s what it looks like to me.

And is that Phoenix at the top or Bahamut? On first glance I thought it was Bahamut and was trying to tie in with the..
ch. 18 boss sequence where you see Bahamut appear.

Maybe it is Phoenix, though. That would probably make more sense given what it stands for, which is life.

I love that they’re throwing stuff like this in there. Give me depth, give me signs and secrets. Ch. 17 was incredible.
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Knights of the Round

Pro Adventurer
My God... Is THAT what "Follow the Yellow Flowers" mean?!

Forgotten City to... what's apparently, could be Holy?

.... Well fuck... That's.. Interesting.
Yeah, there are plenty of flowers in the mural, but if you look closely her signature flower leads from the crustacean area on the right of the mural to the center, which appears to be a representation of Holy.

I really loved this attention to detail.

Several other things can be made out as well, like the Temple of the Ancients in the upper left.

This gives magic to her character, imagining her as a child drawing these things alone in her room, and then having them play out in real life as an adult.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
What I notice about the mural, now that I'm watching a screenshot, is that it seems to have been painted by both Ifalna and Aerith. Notice that the lower part is childish scribbles, and they get more elaborate the higher they go, until you get to the winged rainbow horse, which is what many a eight-year-old girl tends to gravitate towards. The upper part, however, seems to be taken out from Cetra folklore, with those human figures which look like historical/mythological figures, the summons (I see Phoenix, Bahamut, Leviathan and what looks like Fenrir, maybe?).

But in the upper left part what I see is Bugenhagen's observatory, not the Temple, which should resemble a ziggurat. Maybe that's what it means "follow the yellow flowers", go see Bugenhagen?
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Pro Adventurer
View attachment 5655View attachment 5655
Who dis in the top left? Because I'm pretty sure one of them is toting a ninja star. There's also a beastie that looks like Red on the right. Are they Ancients or some kind of rep for which characters made the final team for the rest of the game? If so, where's Vincent and Cid? Or is this just another group of people who happen to look similar to the team and further proof of some kind of circling fate they're all trapped in a la Spira style?

Also you can't see because of the angle, but there's 2 red stars in this. One on the top right about to hit the planet, with Aerith's signature flower in the centre and one red star on the lower right beside a large red flower, meaning it's on the ground. I think that's the original meteor that brought Jenova and the central image is hinting that the OG storyline with Aerith needing to die and take control of the lifestream is still gonna carry over.

Unless it's all a red herring
My guess was the 5 in the top left were her drawings of Cetra. Or they could even be the human forms of WEAPON. Weren't there 5 of them in the OG? Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Ultimate, and Sapphire


Pro Adventurer
What I notice about the mural, now that I'm watching a screenshot, is that it seems to have been painted by both Ifalna and Aerith. Notice that the lower part is childish scribbles, and they get more elaborate the higher they go, until you get to the winged rainbow horse, which is what many a eight-year-old girl tends to gravitate towards. The upper part, however, seems to be taken out from Cetra folklore, with those human figures which look like historical/mythological figures, the summons (I see Phoenix, Bahamut, Leviathan and what looks like Fenrir, maybe?).

But in the upper left part what I see is Bugenhagen's observatory, not the Temple, which should resemble a ziggurat. Maybe that's what it means "follow the yellow flowers", go see Bugenhagen?

Yeah, Originally I thought that was Cetra on the left, but it could also be WEAPON. I didn't think about the building on the left being Bugenhagen's laboratory, which could make sense. I still think it's the Temple of the Ancient's though. I noticed the little charicature drawings of Aerith and her mom. Definitely makes sense that Ifalna would've done stuff on there as well. Especially the more intricate work. I think the yellow flower in the center of the circle is meant to be Aerith. We already know that Leviathan is a central deity, so my guess is that bahamut is another one, with phoenix being the main one. Then we see what looks like the lifestream surrounding the whole thing.


I've been thinking - this Tifa is pretty different from OG Tifa. I can't picture her yelling at Barret for manhandling President Shinra in the original. There are numerous instances in this game where this Tifa shows considerably less rage toward Shinra, which is more overshadowed by her natural tentative tendencies this time around.


Kaiju Member
I think part of it is to give Tifa more distinctiveness as a character in the Remake and especially the Midgar section (as in the OG Tifa had less character spotlight during that section of the game compared to Aerith and Barret). Also since the consequences of eco-terrorism and city destruction are given more gravity and close examination in the Remake, I could see the developers wanting to show a greater diversity of perspective from the Avalanche side/motivations.


I've been thinking - this Tifa is pretty different from OG Tifa. I can't picture her yelling at Barret for manhandling President Shinra in the original. There are numerous instances in this game where this Tifa shows considerably less rage toward Shinra, which is more overshadowed by her natural tentative tendencies this time around.

Of all the steps off the familiar path the Remake has taken, this one seems the most easily rectified though. Tifa will likely be more familiar when they are doing less eco terrorism and more hunting the man that actually, personally murdered her father.


Kaiju Member
Just started this chapter this evening! Grinded a little with Aerith at the beginning before entering the Drum to get her to level 49 and master all of her Weapon skills. It’s interesting she doesn’t seem to get her own equivalent to the “Focused” attack the other three get for increasing the Stagger bar. Guess that goes to show how much of a support and buffing fighter she is.

Hoping to be able to finish the game by the end of tomorrow.


Pro Adventurer
Idk if it's a connection or not, but Aerith's 3 bracelets are the same colors as the 3 summons (Leviathan, Phoenix, and maybe Bahamut) on the mural at the beginning of the chapter. In this picture, the bottom one looks more silver, but in the game it definitely looks blue. Throughout the game, the camera sort of zeroed in on them a few times. Maybe it was just me though


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