SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
The creators have already said this is a remake, and what we got in the game was just that. Its a retelling of their original story.
Fans that never played the OG, do not need to play it to understand what is going on. You only think they do, because you assume this is a sequel


Pro Adventurer
Creators are Liars!!! They created some good old fashion lie's

I'm dont think any needs to do anything. But I think the official guides or future released evidence will say the games are linked. Then prove what some people are not ready to accept right now.

So unless they they decide to over write out the original game events or until they definitively say all flash forward & flash back events are also
complete alternative vantage points not relating to the OG CC AC or any of the Novellia & all those works are to be considered erroneous for this new build up. Then in not assuming, I'm accepting what they showed me
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Save your valediction (she/her)
Y’all are defining Remake in whatever way suits your argument without actually using the dictionary definition. I think using the word “Remake” is actually not at all helping and should be taboo’d from the discourse, because you’re not listening to each other.

Is this an updated version of the original story, like Baz Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet? No.
Is this a sequel that continues the story of the original by starting from the beginning with some time travel shenanigans thrown in, like the Dark Tower movie? Yes.
Can you enjoy this without having played the original? Of course.
Can you be pissed that Square pulled a cheap bait and switch? Of course.


Kaiju Member
I'm assuming they are in the same cannon... Like sephiroth is somehow connecting with his advent children knowledge and so does Aerith. They clearly both are aware of in-universe events that already happened. Even the cloud sees flashes of Aerith's death. Not two cannon's in my opinion just one.

The real question now is how are they able to see things from the OG game and Advent children in precise exact implicating renditions, if the events from one story do not coexist in the same universe of occurrence.

But if we are using marvel references. Then yes I would say that Captain America in the endgame that went to the past to live with his wife looped back in time sequel to him being asleep for years. And was not a write over of his life with the avengers.
And as Kratos said the theory that Sephiroth and Aerith are somehow their post-AC selves traveling back in time is currently a baseless theory and with very little evidence to it.
Until stated otherwise, no one is doing a repeat time travel like Captain America in Endgame.
Y’all are defining Remake in whatever way suits your argument without actually using the dictionary definition. I think using the word “Remake” is actually not at all helping and should be taboo’d from the discourse, because you’re not listening to each other.

Is this an updated version of the original story, like Baz Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet? No.
Is this a sequel that continues the story of the original by starting from the beginning with some time travel shenanigans thrown in, like the Dark Tower movie? Yes.
Can you enjoy this without having played the original? Of course.
Can you be pissed that Square pulled a cheap bait and switch? Of course.
Except many people are arguing this is not a sequel that is continuing the OG like the Dark Tower movie. Many people are in fact saying this is very much a case of the Baz Lurhman Romeo + Juliet movie (but with fate-ghosts added instead of a drag queen prince and guns for swords). And thus are arguing it is inaccurate to call this a sequel.


Pro Adventurer
make (something) again or differently.

im using it in the way I'm reading it from the dictionary.

SE is making ff7 again, differently. Which is what they have said was happening since 2016.

if I am wrong, that's fine. I'm only going off of what SE has said in their interviews


Pro Adventurer
I do not have the how, but I have what the gave me.

I dont know if it is a alternate uni. I dont know if it is time travel. I dont know if it is spirit astro-projection. I Dont know if it's a memory of the lifstream. But I know they showed the awareness of both sephiroth & Aerith. Furthermore Cloud & the wispers. Marlene even wondering if she knew aerith before. Aerith know what direction 7th he ran was without being told. Red having knowledge after touching aerith.


Pro Adventurer
make (something) again or differently.

im using it in the way I'm reading it from the dictionary.

SE is making ff7 again, differently. Which is what they have said was happening since 2016.

if I am wrong, that's fine. I'm only going off of what SE has said in their interviews

A truth can be a lie when you use semantics

They knew what they where doing... They knew what they implied... They knew what not to say for calculated reason. They knew they hit the switch
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Pro Adventurer
"But I think the official guides or future released evidence will say the games are linked. Then prove what some people are not ready to accept right now."

That could very well be true. But it could also be proved that you are wrong. There is not enough evidence to say one way or the other right now.


Pro Adventurer
I agree that they knew what they were doing with that ending. They want what's to come next to be a new experience for all of us, but still follow the same main story points from the OG and compilation. Until we see otherwise, I will go by what I've seen and read


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
We don't know the specific nature of the temporal fuckery at work here. People are taking speculation as fact when the established facts are quite scarce.

Is it confirmed Sephiroth is from the future? No.

Is it confirmed Aerith is from the future? No.

All we know, is that Sephiroth, and to an extent Aerith, have precognitive knowledge. How they've gained that knowledge is a mystery. There are numerous ways that could happen that does not involve literal time travel taking place after a subsequent story, so making the assumption this somehow is fact and it's all a sequel, is erroneous.

It could be a repeated time loop of FFVII's events, precognitive knowledge bestowed from the Lifestream, astrology, tarot reading or anything in-between. Saying it's a sequel because some people know stuff and newly revealed entities have come from the future of the planet.. Doesn't make it a sequel.

Hell, Nomura could really tighten his trollin' belt and make it to where those future visions outside of the final battle were merely visual cues for the audience that don't even exist in-narrative. Like he did with Birth By Sleep and having Terra supposedly see visions of Riku's future when he did the rite of keyblade succession on him. Everyone thought Terra carried pre-cognition until Nomura said "Jay-Kay!" in the subsequently released Ultimania.

Don't leap to conclusions especially after a purposefully ambiguous conclusion.


Pro Adventurer
"But I think the official guides or future released evidence will say the games are linked. Then prove what some people are not ready to accept right now."

That could very well be true. But it could also be proved that you are wrong. There is not enough evidence to say one way or the other right now.

I already said they showed near one for one recreations of flash forwards and flash backs that are cut scenes from story that are past completed works... Implying heavily that the full know story those past works are definitive occurrences withing the remake uni some how.

Edit* and to what makes what saying that they could be tolling us and later say those visions have no correlation, well that would be more likely if they did not go to painstaking effort to make the scenery the same as it was in past works. If they wanted to do that then they could just make new all new flashback/forward scenery. Else I for one will take as they not just trolling but lying to me again. And yeah that's a possibility
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Kaiju Member
I Dont have the how but I have what the gave me.i Dont know if it is a alternate universe. I Dont know if it is time travel. I Dont know if it is a strop projection. I Dont know if it's a memory of the lifstream. But I know they showed the awareness of both sephiroth and and Aerith. Cloud and the wispers. Marlene even wondering if she knew aerith before. Aerith know what direction 7th he ran was without being told. Red having knowledge after touching aerith
Marlene never wondered if she knew Aerith before, that’s a presumption from Marlene’s weird reaction to Aerith that can mean all sorts of things.
And Sephiroth and Aerith having some kind of vaguely defined awareness of the future (we’re not even clear at this point what exactly that is and how much of any of it they even understand) doesn’t make the narrative of the Remake a sequel to the OG/AC.
So much is left unexplained on purpose, because this is the first installment. And people are free to feel that such additions make this first installment poor quality/not good, but declaring that the developers lied is far different matter and unsubstantiated.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I already said they showed near one for one recreations of flash forwards and flash backs that are cut scenes from story that are past completed works... Implying heavily that the full know story those past works are definitive occurrences withing the remake uni some how.

Or it could simply be an allusion.

None of that confirms a "sequel."

Are you not aware of the hundreds of adaptions that reference past or future works within their IP even when they're technically reboots, or Remakes? You have a theory. That doesn't confirm it's a sequel.


Pro Adventurer
Okay, you know what I'm talking about. Though Marlene wondered a heavily implied something :/ for reason the implies heavy something which made Aerith a hush her for a Big Implied something reason


Pro Adventurer
I already said they showed near one for one recreations of flash forwards and flash backs that are cut scenes from story that are past completed works... Implying heavily that the full know story those past works are definitive occurrences withing the remake uni some how.
They showed visions of what their futures are in the context of this game. Not of what we know from the ending of the OG and what's in AC.


Pro Adventurer
It was not only in context of the game though. That's not hard to asses. I'f that the case then throw the entire story of Zack out the window. Because we Dont know it. We only know some spikey black hair guy is with cloud and then you gotta say we have no knowledge that he died before
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None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
A truth can be a lie when you use semantics

They knew what they where doing... They knew what they implied... They knew what not to say for calculated reason. They knew they hit the switch
and they knew the fans had in mind a faithful adaptation of the original with modern technology, when they begged for a Remake.

but then Nomura became the director, and we got FFVII adapted with KH "magic"...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Here's another possibility.

Marlene could have wanted to ask Aerith if she has candy. They could pull a Rise of Skywalker and make the interrupted question entirely meaningless. :monster:

Basing conclusions on assumptions is like building a skyscraper on sand. Just super saiyan'....

If it is a allusion then I'ma feel like square is going through great effort to lead me on... And ill take that as leing to me

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