SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 2 Spoiler Discussion

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So Cloud tells Seph that he "killed him with his own hands" but in the OG Calm flashback, he didn't know what happened or even how he could have survived the encounter given how strong Seph was. That was one of my favorite revelations in the OG and I'm kind of sad they just pulled the trigger on that point so soon.
That makes two of us, friend. =(


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud could easily be holding the delusion that he fought Sephiroth blade-to-blade and summarily defeated him.

Then when he sees that he wasn't even in Nibelheim, it comes crashing down.

I don't see this ruining that part of the revelation, if anything, it'll be even more surprising for Cloud when he discovers that he technically was right. :monster:

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I also was a bit surprised with that but, on second thought, I think that this can still work well with the Nibelheim Flashback, if it's played the same way.

When we reach its climax, we'll see Cloud and Sephiroth about to face each other, only for the screen to turn white.

In story terms, This will probably make Cloud doubt his own memories even more. And, at the same time, will leave newer players in doubt about what really happens until the truth is revealed


I also was a bit surprised with that but, on second thought, I think that this can still work well with the Nibelheim Flashback, if it's played the same way.

When we reach its climax, we'll see Cloud and Sephiroth about to face each other, only for the screen to turn white.

In story terms, This will probably make Cloud doubt his own memories even more. And, at the same time, will leave newer players in doubt about what really happens until the truth is revealed

Why would it turn white when Cloud remembers killing him? The flashback is just Cloud telling the group what happened, no different then when Cloud in this game tells Sephiroth what happened.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Why would it turn white when Cloud remembers killing him? The flashback is just Cloud telling the group what happened, no different then when Cloud in this game tells Sephiroth what happened.

I was reffering to the moment in the Kalm Flashback when the screen turns white before Cloud and Sephiroth allegedly faced each other.

After that, Cloud says that he doesn't remember what happened next.

If that is maintained in this new depiction, then Cloud's claim of having killed Sephiroth would be questioned by himself and the others. Which, in turn, would play exactly how it played in the OG, with Cloud doubting his memories until the Mideel event where his mind is restored.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Yes, but in that scene in Chapter 2, Cloud says he killed Sephiroth in a way that would led someone to believe that he remembers clearly doing so.

My point is that, if the Klam Flashback would play the same way then, by the end of it, Cloud would reach to the conclusion that he really didn't remember killing Sephiroth, which would align with the fact that his mind and his memories are all in shambles at that point.
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I was reffering to the moment in the Kalm Flashback when the screen turns white before Cloud and Sephiroth allegedly faced each other.

After that, Cloud says that he doesn't remember what happened next.

That's what I'm referring to as well. We see a flashback, in reality Cloud is just sitting on a bed talking in present time. They aren't doing anything special to recreate the memory like Sephiroth does at the crater or what Tifa sees in the Lifestream sequence.

Nothing should be different between him saying he killed Sephiroth in Midgar and him saying he killed Sephiroth in Kalm.

If that is maintained in this new depiction, then Cloud's claim of having killed Sephiroth would be questioned by himself and the others. Which, in turn, would play exactly how it played in the OG, with Cloud doubting his memories until the Mideel event where his mind is restored.

Then we'd never know what the memories are that he had in Midgar and lost upon leaving it.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I think it makes even more sense. He did kill him, so the memory is there, therefore no reason for that memory to not be warped into something that would fit his idea of a hero, and it explains why he is so cocky. He killed the most powerful man in the world, ofc he doesnt give shit to anyone.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I mean, it could be as simple as Cloud saying to himself "Ok, I fought Sephiroth. I don't remember what happened, but given the circumstances Sephiroth would not have let me live, and the newspapers and such all report Sephiroth dying around the same time I fought him, so logically I must have killed him."


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I know this is probably tongue-in-cheek, but they do allow other changes, so clearly there are things they (or Sephiroth, since he certainly seems to be behind their fuckery on more than one occasions) care more about than others.
Yeah, I noticed that, too. I just don't know why they'd make a point of showing that Jessie saw the flower without at least having her say something about it, even if you couldn't give it to her. They could've done a sort of non-choice like what they did when getting the flower in the first place - basically, whatever you choose, Cloud ends up keeping the flower. You could've had him try to give to her or not, with the outcome being the same but her reaction different. Obviously she'd have been happy if you tried, though with the non-choice approach, there'd have to have been some reason she couldn't take it (allergic reaction, maybe?).

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Okay, got two chapters in and felt compelled to report in.

Chapter 1 is basically a shot for shot remake of the opening mission, although I imagine Jairus was pleased that all of Jessie's dialogue is basically flirting.

Favourite line is definitely 'Aw, choosing me over a reactor? That's sweet, but I'll wait my turn. Go blow her mind.' Genuinely funny.

It's okay, well performed and well rendered and such. Not keen on the idea of the Prez deliberately over exploding the reactor, that doesn't make sense. If you have that much foreknowledge and control, why not just actually stop the attack? But I'll see how it plays out. I've got to be careful not to mix up preferences and criticisms, or 'this is a change, therefore it's bad'

Burned through a lot of potions against the Scorpion, because I forgot that I had cure materia, but managed not to die. I haven't got the hang of the battle system yet, I'm a lot more prone to evade than guard.

Set the timer for 30 mins, because I factored in getting lost on the way out, but made it out with 23:47 left on the timer.

Okay, the disaster zone was a good idea. A good variety of opinions throughout.
Reserving judgement of Sephy's early cameo, and those ghost things seem interesting. Think it's something they have to do, as you can't rely on the same twists when people know the story.

Tried to flee the soldiers on the streets of Midgar, but couldn't find where to go until I slaughtered them all. I always prefer small difficult encounters than large swarms of enemies, so not altogether keen on this.

Did Cloud kill the guy that recognised him/the Buster Sword? Yikes.

Hm, carrying that gigantic sword in a crowded train car seems like it would be dangerous.

The most interesting part so far is Barret. He's kind of Snow-ish, trying to shoulder all the burdens of his subordinates, weathering his own shock in the name of the greater good.

I'm not really having any particular emotional responses, but it's a well made game so far.
I'm pretty sure that was just one of those test build-for-demonstration-and-debugging-purposes kind of things. I mean, you can see the Summon command there too, but there's no way they intended to give us summons that early.

Ironically, you can break the intended curve by just accessing the Chocobo Chick/Cactuar pre-order DLC summons from the menu as soon as you get into the game proper, IIRC. At the very least, you can start accessing them in Chap. 2 - I distinctly recall a playthrough where the streamer accessed the Cactuar and used it during the final fight/Huntsman battle at the end of the chapter, long before you're introduced to them proper.

I don't think they tested that integration at all. It's the same deal as Mass Effect 3, where you could get a bunch of broken DLC weapons/armors at the beginning of the game just based on what you had installed at that point - it's one of the few cases where I preferred a... less-ethical version of the game, as it moved all of the DLC weapons to a vendor onboard the Citadel, and it cost a fair chunk of money to access/upgrade any of them, even though you could still get them early.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Ironically, you can break the intended curve by just accessing the Chocobo Chick/Cactuar pre-order DLC summons from the menu as soon as you get into the game proper, IIRC. At the very least, you can start accessing them in Chap. 2 - I distinctly recall a playthrough where the streamer accessed the Cactuar and used it during the final fight/Huntsman battle at the end of the chapter, long before you're introduced to them proper.

Huh! I didn't realize this. I was pretty sure it said that you'd have access to the DLC after you get your first summon (Ifrit) and I either took them at their word or couldn't find a way to test it.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
I might as well revisit the entire string of chapters while I'm going through my PS5 playthrough...
Again, quite pleased with the graphical upgrade. Although, I have to be careful about some of my comments, because since I played FFVII remake on the PS4, I purchased my first pair of glasses and that alone seems to have improved the visuals quite a bit :mon:
The updated lighting is really noticeable in this chapter. First, the fog effects are really improving the atmosphere in the streets of sector 8. Second, the lighting inside the train cars is noticeably different, with a much more even diffuse light. I remember some NPC's hair was rendered funny in the original PS4 release, and that has been corrected. Maybe I should post some pics.
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FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20210610143924.jpg
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astray ay-ay-ay
After being one year late to the party and after 12h-long installation (glory to mobile internet as the only accessible solution, lol), I'm finally through Chapter 2 and gosh, I can't get over how beautiful this game is.

I love the way the controller vibrates every time Cloud freaks out. Recurring vibrations during that glitchy walk through the flames added to the overall feeling of anxiety just brilliantly.

The Cycle of Souls is one of the most captivating tracks in the entire soundtrack. "Tragedy" is the only word that comes to mind with this music playing in the background while you walk among the debris and see people absolutely devastated.

In spite of that, I'm in the same boat as @Shademp as I would have preferred to see either non-repetitive NPCs, or at least their clothes could have had different colours. But sheesh, we want too much from this game indeed. At least, when you see Aerith, she looks so unique compared to the rest of the crowd that she grabs your attention immediately, and seeing her for the first time all blurry in the distance just hits different.

I found it amusing how Sephiroth told Cloud very coldly and directly that he was too weak to save anyone. It's the exact same idea that Cloud suffers from in AC and the exact same idea that Zack suffers from in CC. For those players who are unfamiliar with the Compilation this could be just another intimidating line, but we do know...

Oh, and Sector 8 plaza screams for a Crisis Core remake :'(
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