SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 7 Spoiler Discussion


Kaiju Member
It’s just a particularly common fan casting I have heard/observed over the years, on the forums here and other social media platforms. Perhaps part of it was due to his role as Master Eraqus in KH so people think he could do well in the mentor role I guess.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The entire framing of the Airbuster fight was phenomenal. They made that thing into a looming, ominous threat of a warmech which perfectly captured the stakes that Shinra had raised with their propaganda execution scheme. "Bread and circus"..lol so on the nose, it was perfect.

Gotta say I love the way they made Heidegger and Shinra actual legit asshole villains than they were before. The Underplate dungeon was incredibly well done. So well design. Long, but not too long. Difficult, but not maddeningly so. It looked awesome, along with the Reactor.

Like, certain chapters just really knock it out the park for me so far. Chapter 2, Chapter 6, and now this one. Like, these chapters completely justify the logic in splitting up this game into parts. They justify it. This was fucking incredibly fun and in-depth. Nothing even remotely close to filler.


Ninja Potato
Finally, after all these years, we get to find out what's behind that unopenable door in the core of the reactor! And making the Airbuster fight this big TV propaganda spectacle was not at all what I was expecting, but I love it! Also did I catch one of the enemies calling the party "grounders?" Do Shinra really have a derogatory term for people under the plate? Buncha assholes, lol.
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Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Chapter 7 impressions!

... And yet another amazing chapters. Awesome how it keeps delivering!
- My friend (who had not played the OG) on Heidegger: "He seems like a very pleasant man." Btw, did I need to say that John Di Maggio's performance is awesome (as always)?
- As other folks have mentioned: clever allusions to the Wutai war, and how to manipulate the media to rally the people. Such a Berlusconian approach!
- The lead up to the Air Buster fight was very interesting. It's like you can create your own boss-fight, as though you'd come to a pizza place where you have the option to "Build-your-own".
"Hi! Can I get an Air Buster, with one AI programming core, two M units, one Bomber shell and tomato sauce, please? No purple onion, thanks."
- In anticipation to the boss fight, I had linked the Elemental materia to thunder. Also spammed Thundara on the boss. Worked a treat!
- After the fight, I really liked how Barret pulled Tifa out of the place, shouldering her like a sack of potatoes.



Me listening to this like:


The soundtrack is firing on all cylinders


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I liked this chapter, sliding down the pipe was fun, and seeing Cloud and Barret's friendship begin to develop was a real treat. Airbuster was a bit of a challenge but Cloud came through with a Cross Slash at the end and took it out. I'm liking Tifa's fighting style and using those combos, too. I was a bit confused about something, though. Why were Jessie and Wedge in the underplate with Biggs on the broadcast? Weren't they back in Seventh Heaven with Marlene?

Girl Named Captain

Lv. 25 Adventurer
The airbuster fight and subsequent Cloud falling scene left my hands shaking! Granted, that may have been because I turned it up painfully loud in my headphones to rock out to the boss theme harder, but still. Most intense moment of the game by far for me so far. All of Ch. 5-6-7 seems like such a fantastic build-up to this moment when things don't go the way AVALANCHE plans and they lose somebody.

That said, what's up with the M unit removal rewards being so bleh? I just got common items, and removing AI cores allowed me to sell them for enough money to buy those same items from the vending machine in the next room anyway. I liked the 'choose how you weaken the boss' game, but that was pretty underwhelming. Was I missing something there?


Pro Adventurer
- The lead up to the Air Buster fight was very interesting. It's like you can create your own boss-fight, as though you'd come to a pizza place where you have the option to "Build-your-own".
"Hi! Can I get an Air Buster, with one AI programming core, two M units, one Bomber shell and tomato sauce, please? No purple onion, thanks."
Technically Midgar is a pizza place :monster:
- After the fight, I really liked how Barret pulled Tifa out of the place, shouldering her like a sack of potatoes.
I'm really liking Barret both in story segments and in gameplay. I realized halfway through the Airbuster fight that both Cloud and Tifa would have been KO'd twice over if not for me randomly using Lifesaver to get my proficiency up at the start. That move is amazing and really lets you go ham with your strong-but-spongy characters like Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
Air Buster was rough. It took me two tries, but a good part of that was probably because I keep forgetting I have the more powerful version of spells. Like @Mayo Master , though, I had Elemental linked with Thunder (on Tifa), so that helped a lot.

I found Cloud's fall to be a bit...sudden, I guess? I expected them to build up the tension surrounding it a bit more. Instead it's EXPLOSION! FALL! GET OUT OF HERE GUYS AAAAAAH *mental space time*


I loved the Airbuster fight. My expectations were to be KO'd, but I don't think that I did (got my ass kicked like 3 times back in the train tunnel by the flamethrower assholes though). By the time the fight happened I was really comfortable with the team (I love using Barret).

The slide and the button press snapped me back to the OG. It was a sudden "Oh wait. Back up. This is really the reactor." Not letting me forget I'm really playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake.

I'm kinda curious what threat Wutai really poses to Shinra, though, and what benefit a war would bring them in exchange for a large chunk of their assets (unless they sell arms to the other side, I guess). In the OG they were essentially an entire nation reduced to an amusement park. However, President Shinra always seemed like he almost wanted to wreck his toy (Midgar) and just get on with Neo-Midgar, which I always thought was insane and stupid, but President Shinra be like that sometimes.
They have introduced a subtle change to the whole issue of who knows what about The Lifestream/mako.

In the OG, there was never any real suggestion that people as a whole, or Shinra in particular, knew what mako was. The whole idea of the Lifestream was widely presented as some kind of traditional religious belief or fairy tale that nobody took seriously any more. The only people who still embraced the idea were eco-warriors and Planet Life hippies from Cosmo Canyon, and their beliefs put them squarely on the lunatic fringe. Shinra seemed to be aware that they were sucking the life out of the planet but felt confident they could solve that problem once they had found The Promised Land (which, of course, turned out to be an illusion, as it always has been).

In the Remake, President Shinra is crystal clear that "everybody knows what the mako really is" and that they just don't care enough to compromise their comfortable, electricity-fuelled lifestyles.

I think this change reflects a change that has taken place in our own world over the last twenty years. Back in 1997, a lot of people hadn't heard of global warming or didn't think it was a serious problem. We were confident that science would find a way to solve our problems.

In 2020, we all know that global warming poses a major threat to our long-term existence, which we can, at best, with tremendous sacrifice, mitigate, but we choose to bury our heads in the sand because we don't want to make those sacrifices.


AI Researcher
Edit: Oh hey!

So yeah... unless we hear otherwise, I'm thinking it's Jenova Cells messing with things.
the japanese line was iirc 劣化による自己崩壊, and the use of the word 劣化 immediately made me think of crisis core. unlike i'm misremembering that's what they used to refer to what happens to genesis, etc. in cc.

i'm posting in this thread even though i haven't finished the chapter because airbuster kicked my ass lol. i am going to try to get everyone one level up and try with the reraise accessory and failing that just turn it down to easy for this fight. also i thought dumping the m units would gets me some good items and i ended up with... ethers and hi potions. i kind of wish i had done more big bombers or ai cores.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
They have introduced a subtle change to the whole issue of who knows what about The Lifestream/mako.

In the OG, there was never any real suggestion that people as a whole, or Shinra in particular, knew what mako was. The whole idea of the Lifestream was widely presented as some kind of traditional religious belief or fairy tale that nobody took seriously any more. The only people who still embraced the idea were eco-warriors and Planet Life hippies from Cosmo Canyon, and their beliefs put them squarely on the lunatic fringe. Shinra seemed to be aware that they were sucking the life out of the planet but felt confident they could solve that problem once they had found The Promised Land (which, of course, turned out to be an illusion, as it always has been).

In the Remake, President Shinra is crystal clear that "everybody knows what the mako really is" and that they just don't care enough to compromise their comfortable, electricity-fuelled lifestyles.

I think this change reflects a change that has taken place in our own world over the last twenty years. Back in 1997, a lot of people hadn't heard of global warming or didn't think it was a serious problem. We were confident that science would find a way to solve our problems.

In 2020, we all know that global warming poses a major threat to our long-term existence, which we can, at best, with tremendous sacrifice, mitigate, but we choose to bury our heads in the sand because we don't want to make those sacrifices.
That's a really nice observation.
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