Is Jules a transvestite or transgendered? What pronouns do they use for themselves, or what pronouns are their friends using for them?
Before we continue, let’s acknowledge that we’re scrutinizing a fictional character (who does not have real feelings) for the purposes of advancing our understanding of trans issues, and that scrutinizing a real person in this way is n o t o k a y
What do official sources (not wikis) refer to Jules as? I’ve only ever heard them referenced as a “he” which suggests they are a male-identifying, male-part-having, makeup-wearing man. Much like Beautiful Bro from 1997 Wall Market.
Edit to address the gay remark: Jules’ sexual orientation is never brought up or referenced, and they don’t treat anyone with special preference or visible attraction, contrasted with Andre who definitely likes Cloud. I’m curious as to what seemed coded gay to you?