FFVII re-release for PS4


AI Researcher
i'm happy the last of us got an upgrade because i never got around to buying the original and now i won't feel bad (ditto tomb raider although i played that when it was free on psplus)

but this isn't even going to be like that. it's not even going to be like type-0 hd where all the textures and lighting get done up from the looks of it. skipping through the trailer i honestly couldn't tell what was meant to have been upgraded.

Are we forgetting the V and VI iOS ports which are actually downgrades
yes, we are actively trying to


Literally the character models are high-res versions of their original selves and the text is also upgraded in the 2012 re-release, those are the only visual upgrades. The backgrounds still look like utter shit and the game still controls like Tetris.

The caveat with the PC version is of course the horrible MIDI music (now fixed), 15 FPS battles (actual 15 FPS, including controller inputs so sometimes it doesn't register if you're trying to move quickly) and input dialogue like "Push [ASSIST]!" which makes you go "Huh? ..... oh im dead i see".

Things I want them to do:

- Analogue support
- Flitered backgrounds
- Sort the battles out
- Black bar removal/ proper widescreen support (not stretched)
- Restoration of PS button commands to avoid confusion
- PS Music

Realistically the best I'm hoping for is PS Music, but I feel like even that is hoping for too much because I wrote an article on here back when the PC re-release was originally announced and I said "surely they won't release the terrible MIDI music". I was wrong.


Pro Adventurer
Uh, this thread reminds me. Are all the stuff I purchased from PSN for the PS3. All the old Final Fantasy games ect, playable if I got a PS4? I presumed they would but this news has my doubting.
I did google it but it doesn't say what I want.

Serah Farron

I think I'm the only one not bothered by it and actually looking forward to it. Then again I've bought every single re-release of IV (except for mobile) and will continue to do so as it's one of my favorites. :monster:

But seriously, I don't want them to remake VII so this is perfect. Old graphics + PS4 + possible trophies? Even if it's the same Steam achievements--I'm sold already. I'm a sucker for achievements and it'd be nice to have VII ones on my PSN.

Tbh I hope eventually they'll port all FF over to PS4 (but for older ones do the same as they're doing with VII--keep it the same but just add trophies). As for XII, give us international and I'm good.

Idk man, the idea of VII being remade doesn't sit well with me, I've never been behind that idea. They'd probably end up changing a lot of stuff. Not to mention they'd probably end up adding all the dumb shit from the spinoffs--no thanks. Although I'd totally be okay with the addition of the Turks from BC but other than that, NOPE.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I don't want a remake either, but I find Square's consistently out-of-touch comments and palm-to-forehead-inducing blunders around the topic to be morbidly fascinating.


Pro Adventurer
Ah, the good old Square. To celebrate their new Installment to the FF7 compilation, it's time to do a compilation of my own. If I recall, it's been a bit over 3 years since I first registered to Lifestream.net forums, so this post is my 3th Anniversary post!
Relive the classic FF7 -remake thread! Get your hopes up... (...Don't let Square-enix)! I guarantee you, it took me a similar amount of effort to warm up and compile this masterpiece (plate of old shit) as it did the two summer trainees working in SE to port FF7 to PS4. Without further ado, here it is!

"Which would you prefer: Remake or Reboot of FF7?"

Reboot, Remake, just fucking make something. The OG is since a long time ruined by this half-assed compilation, which people can nevertheless like, so why not cash the fans for some more money. I have no expectations for the quality of SE games. It just makes me so sad.

"If SE started a kickstarter campain for an FF7 remake, how much would you be willing to donate and what rewards would you like them to offer?"

a big slap on the face of everyone in SE, that's what I'd donate.
I'm never going to buy that never-gonna-happen remake, humans should learn from their mistakes.

"Square-Enix will be releasing some new games this year at the East Pax in Boston, MA April 11-13 2014.

Unconfirmed sources claim there is a scheduled event for FF7 Fans at the Pax-East. It is said that Square will actually be asking it's fans for stories they have made. It seems a possible Final Fantasy 7 remake will be coming out sometime near its 20th year anniversary in 2017"

Nice, congrats. The remake is basically good as confirmed now :monster:

"Final Fantasy 7 turns 17 today, share your memories here"

That tech-demo is now almost 10 years old...
I'm speechless and a fool for believing in it.

"Someone named Verendus claims an FFVII remake is happening."

"we already took nearly ten years to make the trilogy of Final Fantasy 13 games, ending with Lightning Returns. I think that a high-definition FF7 would be definitely comparable to that scale, an even bigger project maybe. It would probably take a lot longer than ten years, even if we ever do it." Kitase

You're stupid. You're really fucking stupid. Even the moon'd tire of waitin' around for your ass!

Over and out.


Uh, this thread reminds me. Are all the stuff I purchased from PSN for the PS3. All the old Final Fantasy games ect, playable if I got a PS4? I presumed they would but this news has my doubting.
I did google it but it doesn't say what I want.

No. Most old games aren't compatible (yet) with the PS4. In the case where a game has been released again on the PS4 (such as with Flower, The Unfinished Swan, other PSN games etc) they become free if you've purchased the older version. Other PSN games become available as time goes by, but the vast majority of those that have been released are remasters.

So for example, I own FFIX from the PSN and I've got it on my PS3, PSP and Vita. It's not playable on the PS4. With PS devices it's usually just a matter of time until these things are implemented to allow you to redownload (the Vita didn't have PS support for the first few months) however it's very likely they're trying to move toward Playstation Now for older games, so I'm not sure how they're going to implement playing older games you already own from PSN later (they might not).


AI Researcher
No. Most old games aren't compatible (yet) with the PS4. In the case where a game has been released again on the PS4 (such as with Flower, The Unfinished Swan, other PSN games etc) they become free if you've purchased the older version.
does that work backwards too? (buy the ps4 version and get the ps3 one too, like the cross-buys)


Yeah it does, but be warned that the library of cross-platform games is small right now.


AI Researcher
i don't have the money for a ps4 right now anyways, so getting ps3 ones and hoping for an upgrade will do :awesome:

i'm sure i asked this question before but i don't do remembering so good now


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Call me a trophy whore, but I'll only get this for the trophies. :monster:


3x3 Eyes
They must be reading all the comments ripping this apart right? Is it too much to hope that they are - at the very least - doing that?


Pro Adventurer
Well, it's going to be FF7 20th anniversary soon. I really really hope they release a remake at this point.

Keep on hoping :sickmonster:

At this point I think the safest and fastest way for the fans to receive the remake is to unite the fans and boycott the shit out of SE, until it either goes bankrupt or has to sell the rights of the remake and the FF franchise as a whole to some other company that actually gives a shit about their fan-base. Uniting the fans would take a shit-load of time and effort? Sure, I'm not even sure if that would be possible, but since when have the fans started to wait for the remake? 2006, 2007? We could have achieved so much more with this time. The fact is, I've been waiting for the remake as much as every other person, maybe even more, but I can't tolerate the way SE is treating everyone. They appear to be completely clueless, arrogant and plain disrespectful - each being an attribute I doubt SE really affords to have. Some die-hard fans have probably realised this also by now. For these reasons I have forced myself to be gradually less and less interested in the FF -franchise, eventhough I notice I can never completely erase my earnest wish for the remake. But the latest events show me once again, god knows for the how manieth time, that the only real option a fan such as myself has, is to stop caring. Final Fantasy is dead - R.I.P. I shall put my last hopes for the fortunate event, that FF -franchise will be resurrected by some other company.

P.S. There are more people who still live in the fairyland. :sickmonster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't want a remake enough to boycott SE. On the other hand I don't like their games enough to buy them either so I am effectively boycotting them for reasons entirely unrelated to the (lack of) remake.


AI Researcher
i am not fussed about having a remake either way, but having another slightly polished rerelease is just kind of annoying. use your time on something new instead


Pretty sure this will have analog support. I'd bet it'll be mapped to the D-Pad's 8 directions though. :monster:

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
They could make use of the touchpad (if the PS4 controller still has it, it's never talked about anymore) for menu interaction or something, with a setting to have the menu always open on the touchpad, or an alternate setting to access the menu the old fashioned way.


They could make use of the touchpad (if the PS4 controller still has it, it's never talked about anymore) for menu interaction or something, with a setting to have the menu always open on the touchpad, or an alternate setting to access the menu the old fashioned way.

Most PS4 games actually use the touchpad in one way or another (or at least, mine do) but I can't see them using the touchpad for anything. The PS4 touchpad doesn't have a screen btw.


Consumed By Darkness
For me the touchpad is generally used for map navigation, I can see it being used just to bring up the world maps as pressing it in is sort of like pressing select these days.
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