According to where those lights and the ShinRa HQ are pointing, its most likely sector 4 actually. Sector 5 would show sector 6 somewhere, and that's incomplete, and sector 1 is behind ShinRa HQ tower.
I said either or, but I think 4 is completely unworkable.
Seven is the second one from the left. The one you can clearly read the kanji on.
That would mean that the furtherest left reactor, the one next to 7, is either 8, or 6.
If it's 6, then this would have to be sector 5, because I'm pretty sure the position of the camera and the angle completely rules out there being another reactor in between what would ostensibly be behind the camera, and the leftmost reactor.
However, the Japanese kanji for 8, is 八, and if you look closely at the high definition of the picture I posted you can see the topmost part of the kanji looking very much like that.
6 would be 六 btw, which I don't think it looks like.
(Never mind this. Went back and checked. Every street in the trailer is one way. The street here is a two-ways)
The street on the right looks very similar to the street Cloud runs down in game-play trailer, which is definitely sector 1.
As for your picture -
Notice that the building you picked out lacks the extended high-way from the trailer.
And the place you peg as the park area from the first trailer lacks the pillars, and the glass/steel skyscrapers in the back-ground.
This might be indicative of what Nomura said he was dissatisfied with in the original trailer, or they could be things they put into the reveal trailer to make it more ambiguous to increase the impact of the Remake font at the end of it.