FFVII Remake E3 Demo Impressions


I love love love the gameplay demo of the Guard Scorpion. Both the dialogue and the combat looked very smooth and natural, and it seems to me that the game will be an immersive experience. But I have to admit, I AM dissappointed that they didn't run with the "Attack while the tail's up, Cloud!" typo in the original and incorporate it into the sarcastic banter. :P


Sharp Shinra Shill
I love love love the gameplay demo of the Guard Scorpion. Both the dialogue and the combat looked very smooth and natural, and it seems to me that the game will be an immersive experience. But I have to admit, I AM dissappointed that they didn't run with the "Attack while the tail's up, Cloud!" typo in the original and incorporate it into the sarcastic banter. :P

Look forward to a Trophy with the quote.


Pro Adventurer
Not sure what the source on this is, but something over on ResetEra has posted a gif of Cloud's stance changes:

Punisher Mode is the one-handed trailing attack, whilst Operator Mode is a full two-handed standing your ground assault.
I'm think it's the other way around? The first hit is Operator Mode (hence square is just "Attack") and then the flurry of blows after that is Punisher Mode (since square is now "Strong Attack"). In both cases, the triangle button tells you what mode you can switch into.


3x3 Eyes
Oops, yeah I wrote that the wrong way round, lol.

It's also quite interesting that the Command Menu has the Mode highlighted constantly, as if you need to hold down the button whilst in the stance. This is not unlike the continually depressed graphic when you hold down the attack button in order to attack with Barret. This could potentially mean that you need to hold triangle, in order to maintain Cloud's more powerful stance, whilst also using square to attack.

There's a lot that is unclear though, so this could very well not be the case. It could even just be a demo aspect used to highlight the mode for presentation purposes only (since stances were only shown off behind closed door so far).


Yazzavedth Zayann
It's similar to Barret's Overcharge where the button appears normal while charging and then switches to the active blue style when Overcharge becomes available. Then, the Player can press triangle to execute Overcharge (happens once during the Scorpion Sentinel battle).

That being said, triangle appears in that blue style for Cloud because of its toggle nature. Holding down triangle while hitting square would be a usability nightmare xD

Also, Cloud automatically exits Punisher Mode when dodging. It's therefore only a temporary stance/mode. And according to people who have played the demo, you take more damage from spells and ranged attacks (which presumably also end Punisher Mode).

I also noticed that the last hit in the Punisher Mode combo (hit #7) has a long animation which cannot be canceled. the full combo therefore deals massive damage but the risk of getting hit is high.


3x3 Eyes
Max was absolutely right when he said it was difficult to completely explain the mechanics fully unless you get your hands on it. It's certainly not on RDR 2's insane contextual button use, but a lot of people seem to be in agreement that it's only being hands-on that you get a real good feel for the arrangement.

I really do hope that they release the demo slice to the public.


Alex T
I’ve combed through footage of the Guard Scorpi- I mean Scorpion Sentinel fight and am disappointed to find that objects between the camera and character do not become transparent to aid visibility. This is something commonplace in action games. I remember it plaguing XV as bushes and trees would constantly block your view in combat.

(Sorry for the terrible quality. Bad internet where I am.)




Yazzavedth Zayann
That's probably because it's not a solid object (the railing).
There's one very short segment during the stage gameplay demo where a box becomes translucent. It's barely noticeable, though.
Whole FFVII showcase - 8:01
Gameplay Demo only - 2 frames before 3:15


Pro Adventurer
Don't remind me of the FFXV bushes... they were the true final boss of this game.
they actually have some new footage aswell:
Where? I just saw in this video trailers and what was shown on SE conference.

Also, is it just me, or are SE's official videos/screenshots weirdly oversaturated?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Slowing down combat, or making fights scripted, or turn-based or anything like that gives my hands time to react to things in advance ends up being a lot easier to deal with. I have more fun planning how to defeat bosses efficiently then carrying that plan out. But when the plan doesn't work becuase I can't push buttons fast enough, etc. I stop having fun.

That's EXACTLY the point of the ATB Mechanic in FFVIIR. You can press the X Button at literally any point in time to enter the sort of bullet time, and plan your attacks, and go back to the regular combat speed. You're literally never going to be held up by your speed and ability to hit button presses in time to be able to execute the combat. Sure there are advantages that you can get with the general attack/block/dodge mechanics, but the majority of all of the combat-level execution is still all coming from ATB interactions. The whole point of the combat is that you can pause, analyze, and execute actions at literally any moment you choose.

Additionally, this just got released:

X :neo:


Double Growth
I'm not trying to tell you how you should feel about anything, but I feel like "push lots of buttons in a short span of time in the right order" sounds like all my XIV rotations... Astrologian, though fun, very quickly overwhelms me with the number of simultaneous things I have to be watching and pressing. This sounds like you just press square over and over to attack before using ATB charges...


Alex T
Maybe I’m misunderstanding your understanding of VIIR’s battle system @Obsidian Fire , but it does function like Transistor in that you activate Tactical Mode, select a skill, select a target, then Cloud will do that skill against that target. Though you can’t stack skills like Transistor. You don’t exit Tactical Mode to do the skill you planned (though you can with shortcuts).


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't think you get what I have a hard time doing.Stopping and planning things in the middle of combat doesn't mean anything when I still have to go back to regular combat speed to execute that plan. It is executing the plan in real time that I have problems with.

There's no point in pausing the game to plan when the system of "pause-plan-unpause-execute plan" takes way longer then just mashing buttons haphazardly and praying you fill the ATB bar. At that point... you might as well just program the "pause-plan-unpause-execute plan" loop into the game which is what the traditional ATB gauge already was in a lot of ways. It's become very obvious that SE doesn't want that kind of thing to be part of the normal ways the game should be experienced, so they've now made it optional and inefficient to do as far as time is concerned.

A good example of a game that does that kind of split well is Transistor. While the game can totally be played in real-time action, there is a planing phase that pauses combat. Only... it does a whole lot more then that. You can execute a large range of attacks in planning phase that your character will then execute automatically once you exit planning phase. To counterbalance that, planning phase is on a cool-down and while it is on cool-down, you can't do your normal actions unless you've augmented them for that specifically.

Everything you are telling me makes it seem like there is a planning phase with no way for the character/game to automatically execute the plan afterwards. At least so long as the character is doing normal attacks and not ATB attacks. And it's the non-ATB part of combat that matches all my frustrations with Action Games to a T.

...But that's literally not how the combat works at all.

When you're going into Tactical Mode, you select the ATB actions and target(s) that you want to execute them on, and then it triggers those to happen. The entire mechanic is giving you the ability to "Pause - Plan - Execute Plan" at literally any time that you want.

Like... what I would want is an option for normal attacks and combos to not influence how fast the ATB fills. That way I wouldn't have the nagging fact that I'm playing unoptimally playing in the back of my mind all the time. Normal attacks do damage? Sure. Blocking help with Limit Break generation? Fine. At least if it was set-up like this I would only have to worry about blocking and not both blocking and attacking. Linking the ATB fill rate to how fast and good I am at pressing the right buttons? That is what I have the most issues with and is the thing I'm honestly dreading to have to deal with. Faster ATB fill rate means more actions. But to get faster ATB rate, I have to push more buttons in a short span of time in the right order. Which has been my least favorite game mechanic since I found out video games existed.

Faster ATB Gauge for attacking is literally just, "Hold down the Square button to make the ATB Bar charge faster" because it's incentivizing you to engage with the realistic combat, rather than just standing around blocking & waiting for ATB actions to come up. If they don't incentivize combat, then taking the realtime combat actions has no benefit to just dodging and blocking. Given that Square is the ONLY attack button, it's got literally nothing to do with how good you are at "pressing the right buttons" whatsoever.

Keep in mind, the other 1-2 characters in the party who are AI controlled are executing the basic attack, block, dodge mechanics all the time. That's why they're explicitly not meant to be overly complicated – they're meant to feel that it's satisfying to control and fight with each of the different characters. That's also why the mechanic that wasn't in the demo yet is that each character has a stance change with Triangle that changes what their attack patterns are like in some way to add in some more engaging interactions into the basics of the real-time dodging, blocking, attacking mechanics, but it doesn't fundamental change the core of the ATB-based gameplay.

This is also why all of the ATB actions are PLAYER-CONTROLLED. The AI does basic combat actions, but anything specific is up to you. Managing all of that in real-time is challenging to keep up with as you swap between various characters and fight, so triggering the Tactical Mode really quickly at any point by pressing X is to allow you to plan out specific sets of ATB actions, set them up easily and super quickly one after the other in very short windows of game-time, and then return to the realtime standard combat interactions.

You can see all of this happening in 2:10 - 2:27 of the gameplay demo:

  • 2:10 - 2:12 – Tactical Mode: Selects Barret's Spells to cast Cure on Cloud
  • 2:13 - 2:15 – Swap to Cloud, Cure Spell reaches Cloud (in real time)
  • 2:16 - 2:17 – Tactical Mode: Cloud uses Braver Ability on the Sweeper
  • 2:18 - 2:19 – Braver Ability animation starts
  • 2:20 - 2:25 – Tactical Mode: Selects Barret's Focused Shot, Swaps to Barret, Selects the Sweeper as the target
  • 2:26 - 2:27 – Focus Shot Ability animation charges (as it cuts to a different shot to explain stagger mechanics)
That's 11 seconds in Tactical Mode, and 5 seconds of watching animations in realtime, so that it's long enough for the audience to understand what's happening. Essentially this clip is showing that you could execute the Cure Spell from Barret, Braver from Cloud, and Focused Shot from Barret in what's under 2 seconds of game time if you're using Tactical Mode.

If you're one of the people who's really good at pushing a lot of buttons together in a short time in the right order, you can set up shortcuts to the ATB actions to do that without using Tactical Mode to have something closer to the same level of efficiency, but that's a completely optional configuration for how to play the game, and is about the only time when that type of thing is even remotely hinted at as a way of playing, because it's solely introduced to engage the players that LIKE that kind of mechanical combat rhythm, while removing it from everyone who doesn't.

Additionally, the enemy Staggering mechanic is there, so that it gives you a reason to focus on different opportunities for the timing of your ATB actions. If an enemy is staggered, you can get extra damage on it with anything that you do, so going into Tactical Mode, setting all of the ATB attacks and chaining those attacks together at once against a staggered target gives a reason to incentivize focus on combat and enemy states over optimizing the exact triggering of the ATB bars the split second they become available.

There's a reason I don't play Triple A game titles. And "push lots of buttons in a short span of time in the right order" is the main reason. It just looks like I'm adding the modern Final Fantasy games to that list as well now. Sad, but oh well. Most people like action games and I don't blame SE for following modern gaming trends. I'm just not giving them money for a game where it looks like the bulk of the content will frustrate me more then anything else.

I hope you guys like the new combat system.

Literally ZERO part of what's been revealed about the Remake's combat system is designed to make you "push lots of buttons in a short span of time in the right order" in any way whatsoever, and in fact literally everything about Tactical Mode is designed to do precisely the exact opposite of that very thing.



Save your valediction (she/her)
@Obsidian Fire you don’t have to unpause to execute, they’ll do the attack in slow-mo if you stay in Tactical Mode. You exit Tactical Mode to speed up the battle animations, but you can execute in slow-mo.

So you can select and execute all your party members’ actions, then exit tactical mode and sit back and watch them execute simultaneous maneuvers, then you just mash the square button for three seconds to get your ATB up, enter tactical mode again, and repeat.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Stop involving me in this conversation.

After thinking about it, I simply don't like FFVIIR's combat for emotional and/or preferential reasons instead of rational ones. And trying to pare it down into rational reasons for why I feel that way isn't helping. I simply don't like the look and feel of the combat system in all its revealed modes and how I felt about the combat was always going to be the deciding factor of if I was going to buy the game when it came out on PC or not.

There's no point in me discussing this further with people. I don't want my emotional reaction to the combat system to be the thing we are all discussing here.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I wasn't trying to discuss your emotional reaction at all, and sorry if it came across that way. It's totally up to you on how to feel about something man, but I don't want you or anyone else reading the thread to dislike things based on fundamentally misunderstanding the gameplay mechanics that were shown at E3.

Especially since the thread is still new and is about peoples' impressions from trying the gameplay demo, I wanted to clarify that the types of things that the demo had in it and how they're show to've worked, and make it clear that the specific mechanics you disliked weren't a part of what that demo showed and what the people who played it were responding to.

X :neo:
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