That makes sense.
I was under the impression that the Whisper's job was to ensure that events unfolded exactly as they had done before, and since Cloud was falling exactly as he had done before, their presence was unnecessary.
However, if the Whispers are, instead, shepherding a sequence of events that has been planned by the Planet but has not occured before (i.e., there's no time loop or time travel) then it's odd that they aren't present at every point where it's just conceivable that Cloud (or some other crucial person) might make a different (that is, wrong) choice.
For instance, why aren't they around to ensure that Cloud decides to rescue Tifa from Corneo's? Is it because Aerith is there to do that?
Why are they never present at all the many other times when Cloud faces possible death? Why don't they save him when Hell House or Motorball or Rufus or a Tonberry wipes him out? I think this is what I mean when I say the Whispers are used in a manner that is inconsistent, both within the narrative and within the gameplay. Of course, I can suspend my disbelief like anyone else, and actually the Whispers don't even bother me that much any more. Probably they are as well executed as it is possible for them to be, given the exigencies of the medium.
It also begs the question of when and why the Planet first started generating these Whispers. Are Shinra and Sephiroth part of its plan? And if so, what is the purpose of this plan? (One assumes the purpose isn't self-harm). This is why I liked the suggestion I stumbled across on tumblr, namely that the Planet allowed Shinra and Sephiroth to exist because this was the way it planned to rid itself of Jenova one and for all.
A risky strategy, to be sure.
I was under the impression that the Whisper's job was to ensure that events unfolded exactly as they had done before, and since Cloud was falling exactly as he had done before, their presence was unnecessary.
However, if the Whispers are, instead, shepherding a sequence of events that has been planned by the Planet but has not occured before (i.e., there's no time loop or time travel) then it's odd that they aren't present at every point where it's just conceivable that Cloud (or some other crucial person) might make a different (that is, wrong) choice.
For instance, why aren't they around to ensure that Cloud decides to rescue Tifa from Corneo's? Is it because Aerith is there to do that?
Why are they never present at all the many other times when Cloud faces possible death? Why don't they save him when Hell House or Motorball or Rufus or a Tonberry wipes him out? I think this is what I mean when I say the Whispers are used in a manner that is inconsistent, both within the narrative and within the gameplay. Of course, I can suspend my disbelief like anyone else, and actually the Whispers don't even bother me that much any more. Probably they are as well executed as it is possible for them to be, given the exigencies of the medium.
It also begs the question of when and why the Planet first started generating these Whispers. Are Shinra and Sephiroth part of its plan? And if so, what is the purpose of this plan? (One assumes the purpose isn't self-harm). This is why I liked the suggestion I stumbled across on tumblr, namely that the Planet allowed Shinra and Sephiroth to exist because this was the way it planned to rid itself of Jenova one and for all.
A risky strategy, to be sure.