SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Just something I thought of, but it would be epic - in a funny and ironic way - if, when/if Jessie returns in Part 2, Cloud were to have a "Psych!" moment of his own toward her, though of course he'd probably say it in a much more serious, deadpan way than she does. But I think it would be funny to see her be on the receiving end of it for once.


Ninja Potato
Brain thoughts I'm having now that I got back to the Shinra building in hard mode:

This might not be something that stuck out to most people, but as someone who has spent probably an unhealthy amount of time running around Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core with the maps from the original game open on my laptop next to me to compare and contrast, I noticed this. The compilation on the whole was actually much more slavishly dedicated to accurately recreating the pre-rendered backgrounds of the original than the remake is. I would need to make like, a full comparison video to give you a really clear idea of just how close they are, but still:


comparison 1.JPG
Despite being in ruins, the layout is nearly 1 to 1. All of the stands for vehicles and whatever else are still there (though the stuff is missing) and even the entrance to the shop was modeled. Hell, the big glass Shinra sign is even broken in the same spot Aerith rammed the truck though it in the original escape scene, though admittedly not AS broken.
comparison 2.JPG
Meanwhile the remake doesn't even have that sign, replacing it with an LCD screen. They also moved the reception area to a big desk in the center rather than two desks by the doors, though Crisis Core had something similar.


Like, I'm not saying their lack of dedication to the original is a bad thing, the old maps do not suit the sort of game the remake is, I just think its funny that the REMAKE didn't remake these areas quite like the compilation did. Its interesting to my obsessive mind. I could probably write a whole article about these comparisons that nobody would find interesting but me lol.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The reason they went so hard in recreating the OG's layout in Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus is because those were the most accurate and efficient means of capturing the look of the pre-rendered backgrounds and environments of FFVII.

Due to the limitation of hardware, color palette, and the amount of what you can include on screen, they had to go for spatial fidelity instead of capturing the implied three-dimensional flare and depth that was conveyed by the pre-rendered background of the OG.

The Remake is able to vastly expand beyond what was conveyed in the static background images of FFVII by capturing the same artistic, colorful aesthetic and then going further with it than a PS2 or PSP ever could. So that's why they could take more creative liberty with the layout yet have it feel more like FFVII, despite the previous other games staying true to the spatial layout yet being mostly empty space.


Ninja Potato
Like I said, I know why the remake is a lot more different than the other entries were, I just think its interesting to compare. The remake isn't without its near 1 to 1 maps either, a LOT of places in Wall Market are nearly identical, especially Don Corneo's mansion. It just goes to show that the compilation will always be an extension of the original game, whether it remains canon to the Remake or not.


People on ResetEra kept mentioning this video, and I finally got around to watching it. I don't think the Remake is going in the direction the creator of the video is mentioning, but it's neat to hear a different perspective.

I kind of wish there was a theory thread where I can dump stuff like this there instead of the Open Spoiler Discussion Thread. ^^
I would definitely put myself into the sequel camp, partly because it is more interesting to me and partly because it makes more sense both narratively and logically.

Assuming that's the case, my biggest curiosities are why all of these little things iterated or nearly iterated differently, presumably without the influence of Sephiroth. Either butterfly effect or they are taking a non deterministic stance on probability. I think it’s the latter because of how in spite of these Whispers, it still comes up repeatedly that the future is not set in stone. That the simple act of replaying the past, even unchanged, results in divergence. I like this idea, because it’s not as conventional than other approaches. After the Whispers are created, they only interfere with events that they sense have a strong causal weight.

It’s possible that the Planet is just clinging to the most familiar path without forethought - the events of the OG - and that the more divergent, the more uncomfortable it becomes. It’s still debatable how sentient the Planet actually is. I am leaning toward Sephiroth, tapping into a Lavos-like power latent in Jenova, being the orchestrator of the time travel, resulting in a reflexive response by the planet to generate the arbiters. If Sephiroth was not responsible for the time travel, then it is reasonable to assume that the Whispers have always existed in this continuity, because it could have just rewinded the first calamity and tried to whisk it away. I honestly wouldn’t want them to go in this direction because it’s too cliche and messier. I like the conditionality.

I also wonder how far it or Sephiroth went back, considering how the Zack event was altered. Or perhaps the act of any time travel at all caused them to permeate the entirety of the new timeline (until the party killed them presumably).

Although its level of sentience is hotly debatable (I’m actually not sure if I want them to disambiguate this - I kinda like the mystery, it’s like real life) I do not believe the Planet is intended to be omnipotent. Deities in Japanese storytelling are generally not. Omnipotence is a Judeo-Christian thing. And even there it doesn’t really pan out because of free will.

Crazy to think that the team is not just fighting against Shinra and Sephiroth, but apparently even the Planet itself. And also the fact that the creators seem to have been toying with the timeloop idea since AC, per Rufus’ speech.

I'm going to throw out a Big Brain Theory here - most, if not all, of the main characters have been reincarnated in the new "alt-timeline" of the Remake. It would explain a lot of things, especially the visions characters have of past events they were in/directly involved in or their otherwise-unexplained knowledge of things they logically shouldn't know.

I'm betting that there was some reason/explanation that's going to be revealed for all this -- that there was some cataclysmic, post-AC event that caused the planet/Lifestream/Aerith to basically throw up their hands and say, "Fuck it, this reality isn't getting any better, so let's just throw their collective consciousness into a new world/reality and hope it turns out better this time." I'd also wager that this Sephiroth is a reincarnation/alternate version who somehow has access to the Lifestream already.

After all, the game doesn't appear to start changing drastically until the end of the bombing mission. For all the ceremony of Zack's apparent changed fate, there's nothing that's all that different from the circumstances leading up to his death in the OG, with the exception of whether or not he can see the Whispers (he definitely felt the explosion, though). The whole game feels like it's one long case of the Planet/Whispers/whomever thinking they had a good idea, then freaking out more and more as Sephiroth (vision or not) keeps interceding and events start going awry.


Ninja Potato
Was Cloud's mom ever named "Claudia" anywhere outside of the remake? I'm having this Mandela effect esque moment right now where I swear it said that on her original concept art, but all the images I find now just say "cloud's mom." The reason this is weirding me out is because I called her "Claudia" in the file names of my ff7 mod like three or four years ago, and I know I got that name from somewhere.
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