post in the Chapter 12 thread really summed up my sense of hopelessness for this project, coupled with my conversations with another friend who loved the game but is scared that the Whisper subplot will alter Aeris's death. I told her basically that it was too late. The moment is already
about the Whispers. If she lives, it's because we defeated Destiny. If she dies, it means the Whispers won, even after being defeated. Her death scene cannot be divorced from them. It's too late.
In fact, the whole story is now all about the Whispers. Even if we never see them again, and they are never brought up again, THEY WIN whenever something from the OG happens the way it happened in the OG. Fate and Pre-destiny have sapped the senselessness from the violence in the story. They've put every event in every additional game into one of two categories: pro-Whisper or anti-Whisper. Sephiroth is defeated? Guess he couldn't defy Destiny. Tifa escapes the gas chamber? Destiny. Someone betrays us?* Destiny. Something surprising happens? We defeated Destiny.
I don't care if, when Cloud sees the materia falling in the water, he remembers the vision that the Whispers showed him and the drama of the scene becomes all about how he "failed to stop Destiny" (although that's the kind of cheezy schlock I expect from this writing team). I don't care if the characters forget about the Whispers entirely. The writers can't wash their hands of the Whispers, having exhausted their usefulness in the first game. It's already too late. The Remake's story is now about them.
It is really too bad, because I know continuing with the Remake will irreparably damage my interest in the narrative, even in the context of the OG, a novelization, comic, or other adaptation. But such is my interest in the narrative that I'm not sure I'm going to be able to help myself. My only recourse at this point is to grieve the bad fanfic and hold it at arm's length.
*don't know what the OG spoiler policy is in this thread, but Aeris's death is famous enough that I don't think it counts.