- Rishi
I finished this chapter after a long session today. I am tired and have a lot of thoughts that I dont know how to Express just now.
A lot of what's said in this thread pretty much sum a lot of what I feel. I thought maybe it was just my level of exhaustion, but I definitely didnt... feel the way I should be feeling.
A lot of Tets' points on the first page highlight why. I think this remake in general has a lot of odd directorial choices. In some ways, the direction is hyper focusing on a lot of detailed things that they can do, rather than what maybe best for a scene. What I mean by that is, I sometimes feel like I am way up in the characters faces more than I really need to be. Kind of like the film version of the Les Miserables musical (which, funnily enough, is a film Nomura is reportedly a fan of
). I get that we can do a lot of fancy stuff with facial animations, but I could do with a few more wide shots and maybe less cutting around in some places.
I know I've complained about the wraith things before, but they honestly take me way out of every sequence they are part of. For example, the way they were circling Wedge, seemingly in attempt to prevent him from escaping - it makes it feel like there's this aspect of fatalism that wasn't present in the original. I think the reason FF7 is so beloved is because, even though it's not a polished game by any means, its narrative is very strong in its themes. Adding this meta-element where a future-knowing force seems to be ensuring things are happening as they are supposed to... It changes things on a thematic level. IMO, this thematic change weakens impact of the violence that occurs in Sector 7. Having a supernatural force guiding the story adds a sense of inevitability, which I feel is at odds with the desperation of trying to stop it. In turn, that then dominoes into the event losing part of its feeling of senselessness, and the idea that this occurred as a direct result of AVALANCHE's mistakes.
I am tired and that's all I got for now. To end on a positive note, I am very grateful for the remakes treatment of Jessie/Biggs/Wedge. Also Aerith and Marlene's relationship. Thank you for fleshing out this entire cast so faithfully, while still making it feel fresh. I think the remake is killing it in that department.
A lot of what's said in this thread pretty much sum a lot of what I feel. I thought maybe it was just my level of exhaustion, but I definitely didnt... feel the way I should be feeling.
A lot of Tets' points on the first page highlight why. I think this remake in general has a lot of odd directorial choices. In some ways, the direction is hyper focusing on a lot of detailed things that they can do, rather than what maybe best for a scene. What I mean by that is, I sometimes feel like I am way up in the characters faces more than I really need to be. Kind of like the film version of the Les Miserables musical (which, funnily enough, is a film Nomura is reportedly a fan of

I know I've complained about the wraith things before, but they honestly take me way out of every sequence they are part of. For example, the way they were circling Wedge, seemingly in attempt to prevent him from escaping - it makes it feel like there's this aspect of fatalism that wasn't present in the original. I think the reason FF7 is so beloved is because, even though it's not a polished game by any means, its narrative is very strong in its themes. Adding this meta-element where a future-knowing force seems to be ensuring things are happening as they are supposed to... It changes things on a thematic level. IMO, this thematic change weakens impact of the violence that occurs in Sector 7. Having a supernatural force guiding the story adds a sense of inevitability, which I feel is at odds with the desperation of trying to stop it. In turn, that then dominoes into the event losing part of its feeling of senselessness, and the idea that this occurred as a direct result of AVALANCHE's mistakes.
I am tired and that's all I got for now. To end on a positive note, I am very grateful for the remakes treatment of Jessie/Biggs/Wedge. Also Aerith and Marlene's relationship. Thank you for fleshing out this entire cast so faithfully, while still making it feel fresh. I think the remake is killing it in that department.
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