SPOILERS FFVII Remake Sequel/ DLC Leaks Discussion


Kaiju Member
Staff like @fancy and @The Twilight Mexican can apparently verify in the sense that person who posted the info comes from a legit data-mining community, but whether or not their interpretation/reporting of the data that they allegedly found is accurate is another matter entirely.

Then there's also the fact how "buried" data doesn't always equal a guarantee of what is in the finished product, like with the OG's unused text series this site has methodically covered, or how the Demo leak build had some different stuff than the release build, no darkness element is one I can easily remember.


Pro Adventurer
Does anyone have the script from the demo leaks? I swear I've seen the "Zack? What is this?" line before in one of those leaks.

Is it possible that what was found is unused dialogue from this game that they ultimately decided to go a different direction with? I could easily see that flashback to the CC last stand originally involving our party viewing and commenting on the scene, only for the devs to deciding they didn't want to do that after all.


Pro Adventurer
Maybe Zack would fill in for Cloud when he has Mako poisoning? But that doesn’t really feel right, cause then you still have the “Cloud role” being filled. That portion was supposed to make you not take him for granted. If Zack swoops in like a substitute teacher, that would be lost.

I also have big doubts on these leaks, though. The evidence for veracity in the pre-release leaks were much stronger. I do believe the person behind them is legitimately in the datamine scene, but datamined material is not above being misinterpreted. Especially when left in incomplete portions.


I can't read Japanese, so I have to rely on machine translation.
1st Tweet: "Saved after finishing Chapter 2 HARD. As it is, on the PS4 menu screen, download the forgotten trial version of the 7R theme, and when you return to the game ... What a "download content added" message, and the DLC menu is added to SYSTEM (continued)"

2nd Tweet: (continued from 1st Tweet)"When I selected it for trial, the selection screen of DLC with all empty slots appeared and it freezed as it is, so when I quit the game and restarted, the DLC menu disappeared … Is it inevitable that DLC will be added soon? ?"

3rd Tweet: "Is this a similar phenomenon? Some people are considering that there is no notation such as the first part in the package version because it will be continued in DLC."

4th Tweet: "I see, there is also a consideration that the sequel will be continued in DLC at the May rain ceremony!
Is it better than having to wait for years? Thank you very much"

5th Tweet: "I will receive the purchase privilege such as Carbuncle from there, but I hope it will be added by other DLC!"

Then there is this Tweet:
"It freezes when I press SYSTEM DLC"

Machine translation is weird as usual, but it looks like there might be plans for DLC. Whatever that DLC is will probably be determined in the future.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Quick non-machine summary, I'm sorry if it's shit:monster:

While downloading the Demo's PS4 theme*, Remake's DLC selection screen with empty slots and a "new downloadable content" message appeared, but restarting the game caused the DLC Menu to disappear.

Now to be fair, there's the U.S. Butterfinger and U.K. DLC campaign happening (...that Japan doesn't have, I think?) so maybe the empty slots means Japan would be getting those Bangles and the Mako Crystal, too? Even on my end it seems like there's 3-4 empty slots (since we don't have the Carbuncle Summon)....But maybe those would be for costume DLC?? ...Wearable Wall Market dresses like the PS4 "hackers" are doing?:cloudball:

*The picture in Pizzachu's signature


So far I know the following (pinch of salt):

- Leaked dialogue of Zack re-uniting with Cloud & Co
- List of enemy names and bosses (most bosses from the OG)
- There seems to be a function in the VIIR launcher indicating other "parts" will launch from it, called "CC", "Part 2" and "Part 3". This may just refer to DLC.
- Crisis Core music is present in the files

There's more but people are being cryptic. More info will definitely start to flow from other places.

I had received the dialogue files of the full game, and there is nothing about Zack re-uniting with Cloud & Co.

This "leak" was already looking inaccurate after we saw info from the Ultimania, but now I think we can fully assume that this person either had misinformation or was, sadly, lying.


Double Growth
That person looked suspsicious anyway. I think they at some point claimed someone was part of their hacker group or whatever but that person was on our Discord as well and was like "i don't know him"

Very fishy

Maximum fish
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