SPOILERS FFVII Remake Sequel/ DLC Leaks Discussion


Pro Adventurer
I’m only a few hours into CC, but both of them seem pretty fine so far - they help humanize Sephiroth a bit. The etchings on the Buster Sword are the same as Crisis Core’s, so there seems to be some acknowledgement of it in Remake already.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I would actually like a CC DLC with the Remake's visuals and specially combat. I really cant stand freaking MODULATING PHASE every 30 secs. But I suppose it would be heavily changed? I mean, Cloud's mystery is still meant to be a mystery if Part 1 matters. Wouldnt a faithful CC Remake kinda just screw that up?

If that is remotely true. After all, still havent seen any confirmation or ruckus about this.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I mean, those are smaller changes more likely to be deliberate for storyline purposes. Cloud killing Sephiroth is like a simplification, and Meteor being summoned (again) is gonna be like a "s*it we screwed up, in the end he won" moment. They are still very much treating Cloud's backstory to be a crucial part of the overall plot, and CC kinda screws that up.


Fire and Blood
Not only would it spoil that, but also the Lifestream scene which is very important for both Cloud and Tifa. And it spoils also stuff for when Sephiroth controls Cloud. And what happens then, does Zack save Aerith, since Cloud can't? There are so many questions right there with Zack being alive AND meeting the party.


Pro Adventurer
I think Ody's idea of having Laguna style sequences would be a good way to integrate CC into part 2. They could be the flashbacks of Zack, but expanded on a little bit. That way we can see other CC characters. The flashbacks could be playable.

@Odysseus I have faith the SE could do a better job of writing them for the remake. Maybe its just because I really want them too


Kaiju Member
I believe the CC stuff in the alleged leaks are described as its own separate slot from the "Part 2" and "Part 3", so the CC stuff wouldn't necessarily even be part the next Remake installment itself, but perhaps is like its own thing like the Character DLC Episodes in FFXV?


Pro Adventurer
I believe the CC stuff in the alleged leaks are described as its own separate slot from the "Part 2" and "Part 3", so the CC stuff wouldn't necessarily even be part the next Remake installment itself, but perhaps is like its own thing like the Character DLC Episodes in FFXV?
I wouldnt want to have to buy DLC, but I might have to bite the bullet on that one.


Pro Adventurer
So has anyone released any concrete evidence that this stuff is real? I'm definitely remaining skeptical until there's something tangible to look at; when the demo was datamined, people almost immediately started ripping and uploading images, music, and text files.

That said, I was actually talking with my friend the other night, after he beat the game, about what exactly that Zack and Cloud alternate timeline thing could be, if that's what it is. And an "Episode Zack" occured to me -- essentially a parallel storyline that remixes the Midgar section of the game -- since they've already built Midgar. CC, not for Crisis Core, but for... Chronal Collision? Continuity Change?

That said, while I think redoing Crisis Core at this point, at least, would probably be a lot more difficult, once they've produced all the assets required for the main game, there's no reason not to just go for it and remake more stuff, or keep making new stuff set in the universe in general. FFVII, almost uniquely amongst the various Final Fantasy titles, stands out as a setting that really does warrant continued expansion.


Crisis Core is a fairly long game, so I'm wondering if it would be a recap on the events that had happened as opposed to an actual remake/episode/whatever itself... or it could be something else altogether with the name of Crisis Core. Eh, whatever, I'm happy as long as I get to see Angeal and Genesis (hopefully with updated visuals instead of them solely in the PSP game). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alex T
This reminds me of a similar situation with Devil May Cry 5. Around release, there were rumors of a "Ladies' Night" DLC being uncovered through datamining. Timely considering many fans were disappointed at how two characters, Trish and Lady, were sidelined throughout DMC5's story. It's now known the DLC was fabricated. However, the lie persists. Even now I see people demand on Twitter that the Ladies' Night DLC be announced.

Furthermore, there are claims in this thread that dialogue was found of Zack reuniting with the party. Text is relatively easy to copy/paste or transcribe. So where is this dialogue? Why aren't we discussing its contents? Seems suspicious to me. There's definitely some parts of this datamine that are fabricated as well.

However, I enjoy speculating and will assume the datamine is completely true for a moment. I think FF7R's next-gen release will be advertised as a "platform" of sorts for all future FF7 titles. Meaning you'll be able to buy/play all the titles from one launcher. I don't think future titles will be developed around or brought to the PS4. The reason we're seeing references to future titles in the PS4 version is because FF7R was clearly developed with forward-compatibility in mind for next-generation devices. The code in question is residue of that, not a confirmation that future titles will come to PS4.

Though, like all things with FF7R, we'll just have to wait and see!


Kept you waiting, huh?
If there's something about Zack filling in for Cloud if he falls/injured, that almost sounds like a battle mechanic. Like, CC related. Further related to that note, maybe "Zack talking to the Party" is super rough code not like, our FF7 Party, but Sephiroth/Cloud/(Aerith(???), something along those lines? At least, that was my initial assumption.

Buuut I'm already strapped into Mr. Nomura's and Co's Wild Ride, so whatever gameplay or DLC we actually get in the future, I'd be down with! (Edit: I just want Amano outfits or Wall Market dresses for costume DLC, beyond that, the game can do whatever it wants lol.)


I'd really like to see the dialogue. Is there an easy to search for something in Discord? lol

Channel's been nuked

Off the top of my head I just remember some generic lines a la "Zack? What is this?" - Cloud
and some exchange between Cloud and Sephiroth going something like "I am not of this time" "Then from where?" "blahblah somewhere you couldn't comprehend blabla cryptic nonsense"

Like I said, there wasn't even much posted in the first place.

And apparently Zack is a guest party member at one point and then temporarily becomes party leader when Cloud is injured or something

I don't know, this all still feels very bullshit fanfic to me :monster:
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