FFVII Remake's Director: What even is life



And nothing I've said conflicts with this. What's your point?

I clearly referenced a trend that's specific to my experience with FF as a franchise versus that of UE games.

I also said that FF games have bugs. Indeed most speed-runs of FFVII for instance, are based on abusing in-game bugs.

If you're going to nit-pick my posts (this is your second time btw) at least try to stick to what I actually said, not what I haven't said nor implied.


While there´s no open world game that has used UE4 (that I´m aware of) as of now, the engine itself is capable of making open world games and has tools to make open world games. Whether they end up being buggy or not is up to the programmers & devs of the game itself, not the engine.

Again, nothing I've said conflicts with this.
The fact of the matter though, is that there is a good chance the engine is not optimized for this, meaning that it will take more work to make it work, and to make it work well.

Of course programmers and devs are the constant in the equation for making games - there is such a thing as the development process being effected by ease of use, and experience in relation to engines and the development of games though.

If you don't understand that, and you can't reply in a way that suggest basic reading comprehension I suggest you go away now.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Guys, can you both cool your boots please? Consider this a friendly reminder.


Who made you a mod @hian?

Non-one, which is why I said "suggest". But please, by all means, keep on reaching.

Octo :
Usually, I'll try to be fair and respectful within reason to those I debate with, however this individual has strawmanned me three times in a row now while not contributing anything else of substance to the thread.
If me telling him to take a hike warrants a warning, I'll gladly take it with a smile.


Eyes of the Lord
How exactly did I strawman you? How exactly did I not contributed in any substancial way to this thread?

What's exactly wrong with my last 3 replies? (Other than the 3rd one probably sounding provocative)


Pro Adventurer
Hian, you honestly could've just said nothing under the sun could convince you to change your opinions and left it at that without getting all holier than thou about the whole thing and basically saying my opinion is invalid because it sounds too much like something you don't believe in and therefore isn't worth responding to, which seems like a rather fallacious argument. Maybe if you explained why you don't agree with that way of thinking since responding to everything else you said apparently meant nothing, we actually would've gotten somewhere. After all, you can't just dismiss something purely because you don't agree. It's pretty clear any further debate with you would be a waste of time. Just try to be nicer about expressing your opinions in the future alright? I've brought that up with you before.


Hian, you honestly could've just said nothing under the sun could convince you to change your opinions and left it at that without getting all holier than thou about the whole thing and basically saying my opinion is invalid because it sounds too much like something you don't believe in and therefore isn't worth responding to, which seems like a rather fallacious argument. Maybe if you explained why you don't agree with that way of thinking since responding to everything else you said apparently meant nothing, we actually would've gotten somewhere. After all, you can't just dismiss something purely because you don't agree. It's pretty clear any further debate with you would be a waste of time. Just try to be nicer about expressing your opinions in the future alright? I've brought that up with you before.

A.) I didn't say your opinion is invalid - I said I'm not inclined to accept it when you don't argue your presuppositions. For all I know your argument might hold perfect water, but you've so far to provide me the actual argument - only the assertions that would follow from its conclusion.
B.) I am not saying nothing under the sun can change my mind - I'm saying your way of arguing right now won't, and you've given me nothing to suspect that's going to change.
C.) As for it being worth responding to - did you even read my post? I said I already wrote out a full reply and that you can have it if you want to. That's still the case, but instead of saying "Okay hian let's have this conversation" and moving forward in a format that won't clog up this thread you accuse me of being "holier than though" and not being nice.

To that I'll give you the same challenge I gave the last person, possibly you, who made that claim - find me a concrete example of me being mean to you and I'll think about changing my attitude. As it is, you seem to be conflating "mean" with being disagreement not wrapped in pillows.
As it is, I also framed my reason for wanting to cut this exchange short for the sake of saving YOUR time, as well as mine.
Take that into consideration will you before you run off on the assumption that I'm just being mean and dismissive.

Also, there's no fallacy in me not wanting to re-engage in a debate I've done dozens of times before because you give me the impression that you're only going to say things I'm already familiar with. It' not a fallacy because it's not an argument. I'm not saying you're wrong - I am simply saying I am not sure I can spend the time to stick around and find out.

Starling, I have nothing against you personally, and I respect your opinion and your intellect. End of story. I am not saying this disagreement means I think you're dumb and ignorant or anything to that effect. Quite the contrary, I hold your opinions on this forum, along with the likes of Twilight, Forcestealer, Octo, and Lex in high regards. On this though, I don't see us agreeing and I don't feel compelled to try to change your mind, and I would understand if you weren't particularly interested in changing mine either.

However, given your lengthy reply I didn't just want to roll over as if I agreed by omission, and I also wanted to inform you that I had an actual reply for you should you want it, whilst giving you an impression of what that reply would entail so you would have a better idea of whether or not you could be bothered to continue the exchange. Again, that offer still stands.
Perhaps, in having clarified that, you can now try to afford my posts with a slightly higher degree of charity?
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok, anything not pertaining to the topic either take it to PM to resolve it or just move on. The latter option is probably best.

Next post continuing this is getting a warning.


That Man
I think Lucielid brought up something that's significant.

Square Enix built an "engine" specifically to help facilitate how FFXV is going to be built. That's only "setting the stage" to what they have planned though.

Writing, Directing, and Designing are all facets to these works they make.

Not only that but there's "Outsourcing" and grabbing talent from other companies to help out. That costs buttloads of Yen-Dollars just to make it happen.

And the fact they're pulling strings in Hollywood is no small feat either.

They say "too many cooks spoil the broth", but in this case they're trying to make something new beyond their old formula, so let's at least give them the benefit of the doubt.

I played the Platinum Demo, and I can say for certain they have something with good potential on their hands (Tres can vouch for my taste in videogames, if that tells you anything).

Let's just hope they don't sit on their laurels for works AFTER Final Fantasy XV!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I may not quite share your optimism here -- but yeah, in my observations (for 10+ years), your predictions about games that would be great always proved true.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I also said that FF games have bugs.

Hian, there's no game in existance that doesn't have any kinds of bugs or errors. FF aren't the only games that have problems.

All games always had kinds of errors and such through the years despite the upgrades of technology. Same thing with animation and movies.
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