Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Waiting for something
Only other place you may be able to pick them up is chamber of awakening 5* but the drops are random and rare but that's the only other place I can think of.


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Never mind, forgot to check the Sieghard event crystal cave quests. Still 10 of the buggers to get. My salvation!


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Well, I need some to awaken KP for the moogle, and after that I'm looking at awakening either Firion, Beryl or Wilhelm.

I mean, I have loads of people I'd like to awaken eventually, but not for a while yet. Garnet and Kefka (because I like them) and Soleil (seems potentially useful).
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"Clear Lapis" Guaranteed 5* ticket — Fryevia

"Kicked the shit outta Bahamut" 10% 5* ticket — Bran



Waiting for something
Fryevia is awesome, congrats on her her 7* form is amazing she's hybrid so you'll need to build both her attack and mag stat and if you're able to enhance her Frost Flower blitz ability it chains with the DR family, as a 6* I'd recommend to use her a dual wield unit, as a 7* however she's built a DH unit

Bran have him but he's never been used.

Sorry was also going to say Firion is versatile as a 'killer's unit' but only as a finisher and he lacks behind in dps but he carries a huge array of innate killer passives so still a decent unit for someone who was released in the beginning of the game as a 3* only.

I'd recommend Wilhelm I think I've said it before but he's a brilliant tank to have even at 6* and yes he lacks AOE covers until 7* but he counters A LOT and mitigates A LOT of damage on himself I've seen people use him in trials because he can be built for counters and 100% provoke builds.
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Oh, really? That's my bad then, I assumed she was crap. Sweet! I'm going to keep dumping lapis on the GL banner then, hopefully I can get another one or three. Haven't really seen her in the companion list, only Aurora Fryevias, so I just assumed she wasn't great.

As for Firion, it is indeed the vast array of killers at his disposal that interest me. I was hoping to make use of him for a trial or two. Wilhelm's on the list too... I might prioritise him actually.

I spent the night blasting through the story (from Gronoa to end of chapter 1 in four hours because insomnia), all easy, pretty much just pressed Repeat over and over. But then, doing the pre-Bahamut explorations required a little more focus. I mean, it was straightforward, my team is strong enough to take a beating, but a tank would have been quite helpful for the pre-emptive strikes. Would have saved me time and MP from healing up after that shit.

And I was crazy, I did all the explorations in one sweep because I blew my tent in the first area. I didn't really know what I was doing lol. Fortunately my team is pretty self-sufficient when it comes to HP and MP. But yeah, tank would be good, and I'm definitely going to need one for the trials that you can't just OTKO with buff + break + killers + ridiculous element chains.

Edit: just noticed why no one ever equips Bahamut to their leader units — cool stats but he has literally no skills (yet).


Waiting for something
Yeah Bahamut's great until you start getting the 3* espers then their stats even siren's are better.

A.Fryevia is a little stronger than her ice version but she chains with her and unlocks moves if both are in the same team plus, she is getting a release to the rest of us soon though.

Until Hyoh I was using Fryevia for a long time, I would recommend you build her mag stat over the atk stat even though with are used for hybrid damage mag is better. She can sometimes bit be suitable for certain things but she's still fab.

So I just cleared, Marlboro, Ice Bird and Stag trials in one go felt good to get rid of content thats been sitting there for ages with me.


Waiting for something
Thanks I will say they are quite dated trials however the stag took forever it's got insanely high HP and def but lower spr, and once it got under 30% HP it kept using AOE death on the team so I kept reraising Fina and blasting it with holy for like 20 turns because the minute I reraised someone else it would just take them down again so white magic dual casting reraise and holy combo was the way to go, Fina's SPR is that high that holy was doing around 1.5mil damage a turn so that helped with the occasional limit burst from her to help push it along.

Marlboro is just taking down the smaller ones before you kill the big one so they don't go berserk on your butt.

The icebird is fine but heavily RNGd to possibly annihilate your team and it gets a pre-emptive strike so I think I got lucky, once you get past that though the thing goes down instantly with fire it is literally kill it with fire material.


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Yeah, I have looked at those trials, but I'm focusing on the story so I can summon for the time being — i.e. I don't have the in-game energy to spare on failed attempts, haha.

I know there's the training dummy and I'll sit down and math out whether I can actually pull off a victory against some of the more extreme stuff at some point, but for now I'm just going to chill.

So far I'm up to the Machina of Destruction, and I really want to clear that for the Aigaion arm and the mastery materia, both of which would be very nice on 2B.

Just summoned another Reberta. I've seen some crazy shit performed with her on Youtube and she can chain with Seph's Octaslash, so I think I'll finally bench Ellesperis for the time being and build this dragoon. I won't lie, was hoping for a Fryevia or Beryl, but you have to work with what you get. Still have the last step on the GL banner to go.

Edit: summoned Malphasie... I mean I love her design but now I need to do another step summon.

Also got Fang... who is criminally limited to 5 stars.
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Forgot to mention something I found to be rather awesome.

So I just randomly picked someone's Yuna yesterday to see what she was like, and I'm going through her abilities...

...and I see Energy Ray

and I'm like "oh,

"oh no they didn't

"no way did they—"


It even eats the esper gauge rather than MP.


Waiting for something
I know it's class right?, I have Yuna and I have Eiko for summon missions while Eiko has a better array of white magic, I prefer Yuna for above reasons :D

Also damn dude your party is kick ass


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This game has taken me by surprise, I must say.

Thanks! They've still got some way to go yet, and it's just my standard "curbstomp the peasants" party for story mode. I still need a ton of TMRs and trial gear to optimise everyone, and nobody chains with anyone else perfectly, it's always a bit off. It works well in the Arena too, but the Arena AI is so daft almost any party would work.

I do plan to replace Ellesperis even in this party because I'm not her biggest fan, but she is built, fairly useful when used cautiously, and I'm undecided on who will take her place. So for now she stays.

Right now, my biggest problem is resisting the temptation to whale for Lulu, as I have been since her banner dropped. Looking at them side by side, Barbariccia is the better mage under most circumstances, and I already have her 7*.

but there's a problem: Lulu is very comfortably in my top 5 favourite FF characters of all time (and not for cosmetic reasons cited by many).

Terra's in that top 5 as well — but I have her and Celes. True, Trance Terra is like, the best mage in the game, but I can live without her.
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Waiting for something
Barbarricia is absolutely the better option, Lulu is decent thought and hey if you like the units for the nostalgia etc then go for it, I went all out for Beatrix in the FFIX banner because I always loved her in the game and I will be going mental for CG Cecil when he gets released.


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Beatrix is awesome, I'd throw some lapis her way as well. I have Garnet and Zidane, which makes me happy.

Still can't believe Celes and Fang are five star locked, while mafia-Basil-Brush armed with a pair of chakrams has a six star awakening potential.

Also, just noticed I could have been chaining more effectively if I had been using Seph's The Heavens Wept with Ellesperis's Demon/Human Killer, capping with 2B. I didn't realise Heavens Wept was in DR family. Fryevia would still be better than Ellesperis, as you said, but I think I'm going to replace Ellesperis with Beryl, since he can also DR chain and serve as a magic tank. Replace Seph if I pull another Fryevia (like that'll happen).

But then Beryl can Octaslash chain, as can Reberta and obviously Sephiroth himself...

But then again, I pulled a Malphasie earlier, and I see that she can DR chain and simultaneously imperil wind and dark, or chain with Tornado...

I shall have to do some arithmetic.
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Waiting for something
KH version of Cloud is getting released with Sora for the KH collab. I'm.....disappointed with this i'd rather it was Riku, or Roxas or anybody but one of the numerous FF characters we have already in the game. I know licensing rights blah blah blah, but I was honestly hoping it would have just been KH only characters on the banner.
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Waiting for something
Yeah I mean I'm still excited for the banner and I will be putting A LOT into it, but I wish they'd put more into the 5* KH characters I mean it'll be a bit shit if say Riku does end up in the banner but only as a 4* or 3* over Cloud who was in it for like 5 mins in the first installment Riku would deserve better treatment than that!

Axel would have been cool imagine DW chainer probably all Fire based nos that would have been cool although because it looks like they're doing KH1 it doesn't look like he'll get a look in.
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Waiting for something
I honestly want to cry for you because her and Barb are tornado chaining buddies, Xmas event coming up shortly you should hopefully be able to grab some there also check the less difficult levels of some of the trials. I think some of them have material drops (unless you've got them already)


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Thank you hahaha. I know, I couldn't have asked for a better pull. Insane luck.

I've had a look through the trials, nothing of use there unfortunately. Thanks though, it was a good idea to look there.

Edit: right, she's awoken. Just need her TMR because hers is one of the only fist weapons with a decent magic stat boost on it.

oh wait, she can dual wield
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"Kill [x] with an esper" quests can fuck off.

It is all but impossible to drag a trial boss down to 2% of its HP for the esper to kill it without either losing the party or getting there with an empty esper gauge. And then, when the stars and planets align, your fucking party counters and kills the motherfucker.


Waiting for something
Do you have any summoners in your party? Or have you pulled Garnet she's awesome for summoning missions at 6* if you don't have any other summoners.

Although I hate those missions myself though.
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